Be Nirvana

>be Nirvana
>critically acclaimed psychedelic and baroque pop group
>create songs with gorgeous melodies, intricate instrumentation and pioneering production
>establish a strong cult following
>compose the first concept album in history
>predict trends in music 20 years ahed of time
>on top of the world
>early 1990s; dreary alternative rock sludge on the rise
>greasy, unintelligent yanks with your name release an album called "Nevermind" in 1991
>life is never the same
>band name is now unofficially "Nirvana UK"
>even though you were first by three whole decades

Their fault for naming their band some faux-indian hippy bullcrap.

Have you listened to their music? Any other name would have been dishonest.

Woah! Kurt's hijacked this thread too! Post healthy Kurts.




1. Not the first concept album
2. They weren't on top of the world, they broke up a few years later in fact
4. Didn't predict trends 20 years ahead 9f time
5. They sued the grunge Nirvana and reached a settlement

>searches psychedelic pop on rym once

it's not that good

It's better than Van Dyke Parks, The Beach Boys, The Zombies, Animal Collective and Love combined.

listening to rainbow chaser right now and this is actually pretty bad

lol 99% of the people who have heard of this band only know them because they share their name with the other band

post your favorite

Lol have you even attained nirvana? Who are you to say if its appropriate or not

Nirvana UK

pff, imagine being Isis

nothing personnel kid

post your favorite song of them...


Could someone post a zippy/mega of their stuff?

Isn't the first concept album made frank sinatras In the wee small hours

well that's just wrong