Can someone please explain to me the appeal of Pearl Jam?
With Nirvana the appeal is obvious whether you like em or not, and Alison Chains/ Soundgarden put out some great stuff too, but I just don't get why anyone likes or even cares about PJ at all.
I'm thinking maybe it's just a Seinfeld thing where it probably seemed cool if you were an American in the early 90s but it just doesn't hold up to our more refined tastes today?
Whats not to like about "Ten" I bought in when it was first released and it was good "Grunge"
Jacob Bailey
Pearl Jam is for girls.
Jack Gray
>Seinfeld >doesn't hold up
Tyler Parker
Pearl Jam is pretty bad. Vedder's voice is fuckin garbage
Julian Reed
>Alison Chains
Dominic Russell
I can never decide if Vedder or Cobain was more cancerous to mainstream rock music
Cobain made it acceptable to literally just play 4 power chords, but Vedder had THAT voice, and since it was impossible to imitate Cobain's vocals with even the tiny amount of sincerity required for radio rock, most bands used the Vedder vox
Evan Nguyen
Vedder was a million times worse.
At least Cobain was a respectable underground musician.
Ethan Lee
>Cobain made it acceptable to literally just play 4 power chords The horror, it's not like rock music is a genre based on simplistic 4 chord structures
Get out prog babby
Jose Stewart
Oh please, there are plenty of things you can do in a pop song structure that are more creative and interesting than bands like Nickelback, Foo Fighters, Bush, Three Days Grace etc could ever offer. You don't have to want a 10 minute prog wankfest to acknowledge that post-grunge is lifeless hack garbage
Lincoln Gray
More refined taste op you are delusional
Cooper Diaz
Yeah dude Kurt Cobain invented the simplistic pop song, he is the reason shitty mainstream rock exists.
Would you rather have Nickelback or Nickelback with bloated overlong guitar solos?
Ryder Clark
Are you bashing Seinfeld?
Eli Lopez
Learn some fucking history son, of course Cobain didn't "invent" simplistic pop songs but Nirvana certainly popularised a lot of tropes in rock music that were not prevelant beforehand, and one of these was not really being able to play your instrument. This is fine if done in the hands of a talented songwriter such as Cobain, but it wears thin after you've heard the 100th no-mark dropouts who can't write a decent hook for shit trying to play copycat
Kayden Perry
It's really not that good
Jonathan Turner
Vedder has a great voice but it stops there. Even Flow is a great song but it's the only good thing they ever did.
Robert Watson
>Even Flow is a great song but it's the only good thing they ever did
I almost agree, but I kinda like Alive too. Or maybe it's just that alive is after even flow on the album and I forgot to skip it too many times..
Owen Gomez
itt: people who only listened to Ten and act like experts on pearl jam
Nathan Brown
I've listened to their first 3 albums, decided they weren't for me. Dull same music with laughable vocals. How many albums are you supposed to listen to before writing an artist off anyway? Are you telling me they changed their sound significantly since then? I mean, it's a grunge band so I can write off their entire post-1999 discography by default
Christian Bennett
What dont you like about it....
Julian Fisher
better than nirvana according to scaruffi
John Moore
hot opinion coming through
Vs. > Binaural = Riot Act > Pearl Jam > Ten > No Code > Vitalogy >> Yield >> Backspacer >> Lightning Bolt
I never liked Ten the most...
Jacob Sanders
Black is the best "grunge song" maybe
Elijah Peterson
I always liked Vs. the most myself.
Crazy Mary tho
Evan Thomas
3rd best grunge band besides alice in chains and soundgarden get some taste fuckboy
Landon Wright
this is b8 right? i mean pearl jam wore off on me after a little while, but the rest of this post is just meant to trigger.
Luis Richardson
>3rd best grunge band besides alice in chains and soundgarden
1/2 is true
>get some taste fuckboy
it's fuccboi you pederast
Ayden Murphy
Right. It's no different than the horrible 80s hairspray bands who made the same generic garbage power ballads and squeal guitar rocker. All just a carefully synthesized concoction of AC/DC, Kiss, and Aerosmith. Or trying to play guitar like Eddie Van Halen while only understanding a few of his most obvious tricks.
Juan Richardson
this isn't /fa/ fuckboy
Robert Lopez
they have online multiplayer support, unlike most bands of their time
Daniel White
they have another song like black?
Xavier Adams
The way you can tell a good grunge band is if they're not really grunge at all. Nirvana was a punk band. AIC was a metal band.
PJ is nothing without the grunge tag. Some of the most boring rock music ever committed to tape.
Pearl Jam is hated by people because of Eddie's voice, but if you don't realize that they're stellar performers and great musicians, you have no place talking about music.
This is a great live performance that overshadows most shit posted on this board in skill and musical prowess.
Nirvana were easily the least commercial of the major grunge acts and the most purely punk. Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, AIC, and Smashing Pumpkins all had a big stadium metal sound with heavy riffs and lots of solos. Cobain didn't do that. He didn't do big guitars and didn't play stadiums.
Jacob Anderson
Alt rock
Charles Allen
Because was a shitty guitarist...
Andrew Morgan
>Pearl Jam is boring
You know how I know you're not an experienced musician?
Lucas Mitchell
It's embarrassing how bad at guitar Kurt was. A big reason why I grew out of them.
Jonathan Ward
I note also Christgau only really liked Nirvana out of the major grunge acts precisely because they didn't have that stadium metal sound.
Leo Hughes
The remastered version of Ten sounds different from the original mix and they're easy to tell apart. One thing I notice is that the pitch of Eddie's vocals seems higher in the original.
Colton Johnson
I mean yeah, the guitars on Ten...goddamn, those are so perfect.
Landon Wright
alison chains kek
Matthew Robinson
>How many albums are you supposed to listen to before writing an artist off anyway? That's a fair point, and it depends on the artist, but with Pearl Jam you stopped right before their best album.
Charles Hernandez
>tfw pearl jam fan for years and this trash talk triggers you
Jose Williams
I kinda agree, Yellow Ledbetter is one of my all time favorite songs tho
Mason Perry
If you don't like it, then you don't like it and that's the end of it.
Noah Hughes
Not bad, I would say Yield is pretty underrated tho
Evan Sanchez
Any band who inspires a decade of shitty horrible music deserves their footnote in history. PeeJay practically invtented and perversely normalized yarling, and was also unwittingly the Dr. Frankenstein to the Monster that is Buttrock.
Overall it's quite an achievement.
Lucas Sanders
I take it you're also blaming Led Zeppelin for 80s hairspray rock?
Parker Sanders
not to the same extent but somewhat, yes. black sabbath had a hand in it too, and others.
Andrew Robinson
jar of flies is literally the only good thing to come out of grunge
prove me wrong you can't
Nathaniel Hall
I didn't know 'yarling' was the name for that. Thank you so so much.
Christopher Howard
You forgot Sap, Plush, Superfuzz Bigmuff, Louder Than Love, Dry as a Bone, Frogstomp, and Above.
Samuel Walker
yw user this is why I'm here. also, you may refer to eddie vedder as "the yarlin' darlin"
Jason Howard
Fucking silverchair, really?
They belong in that exact awful copycat tier that was mentioned earlier. Literally a bunch of aussie teen faggots who saw SLTS on MTV and decided to cash in
Wyatt Price
I didn't say they weren't a generally shitty band but Frogstomp is still a good album. I'm not trying to maintain some weird musical/ideological purity. It's a shitty name for a bunch of disparate bands. Nobody who lived through that period (myself included) called it grunge except for old people, newspapers, and record execs.
Blake Jackson
Zachary Ross
Define what you considered old. It was called "grunge" on MTV and every music magazine I read during the period.
Colton Fisher
Soundgarden = Alice in Chains > Stone Temple Pilots > Nirvana >> Pearl Jam
Hudson Murphy
Danish grunge is best grunge
William Campbell
fyi le grunge is not a genre peeps are literally the worst
its fucking obvious what the term refers to, it's a perfectly legitimate genre, kys if you think otherwise
Nathan Davis
'Don't trust anyone over 30' wasn't just the hippies. As soon as it was The Next Big Thing, it got commodified. Folks wore jeans, boots, and flannel because it's cold, blue collar, and poor in the PNW/Rust Belt. It immediately be amended a fashion statement like everything else. There are a lot of interviews from back then with folks saying they hate the term. Sorry for rambling.
Ryan Sanchez
It puts Melvins, Mudhoney, Meat Puppets, and Silverchair under the same umbrella.
Christian Thompson
anyone who does not like Seinfeld is a square
Levi Edwards
Literally no one refers to melvins or meat puppets as grunge
Jaxson Wilson
Those bands were similar in some regards. Grunge did have a pretty distinctive sound whether you choose to believe it or not.
Evan Ross
Objectively correct. People who aren't dumb, at least. Rolling Stones, MTV, etc do. That's true, but like someone else said, the best grunge bands weren't grunge bands at all.
Chase Baker
There are a lot of interviews with just about every artist about how their music isn't the genre that it obviously fucking is. Musicians are prissy little bitches who don't like labels. You get the same with shoegazers, prog rockers, you name it. Most nu metal bands insist they aren't nu metal. It's just a way of distancing themselves from stigma, it doesn't mean anything. You don't get to decide what your music is or means, once you release it that's for everyone else to decide.
Jaxson Gomez
No Code should be higher, but honestly haven't listened to most of their recent stuff. I assume it's pretty bad.
Tyler Reyes
Their ballads are as good as Nirvana's (but not as good Alice N Chains)
Probably the weakest of the Seattle grunge bands, but still had some classic moments.
What about that grunge supergroup tho?
Vocals/Guitar: Chris Cornell Lead Guitar/Backing Vocals: Jerry Cantrell Bass: Jeff Ament Drums: Dave Grohl Backing Vocals: Scott Wieland
Ian Phillips
I still stand by this post. Pearl Jam is toe jam for the ears.
Henry Roberts
all depends on if they'd get in a van together and crash against a truck
Jordan Sanchez
Kurt was not a bad guitarist. He was not a technical guitarist, and one that did not show off and would often play drunk/high, which would make him appear worse.
Angel Wood
Mad Season and Temple of the Dog aside, grunge itself pretty much was a supergroup. Band members broke off and joined/formed new bands on a regular basis.
Zachary Watson
Pretty much this. Soundgarden are an excellent band outside the grunge pigeon-hole.
Jacob Kelly
wow such edge, perhaps you should write a song about it
This is a good thing, surely. Aside from all the heroin and death, it seems like there was more of a genuine sense of community between a lot of those bands. They didn't seem to compete against each other like big names in other genres did/do (hip hop, metal, stadium rock) and they weren't seeking celebrity or to be the biggest fish in the pond (at least initially).