Janitor since its a slow day will you please let us have a thread to honor the great shit that has happened so far this year in Sup Forums. Thank you m'hotpocket man.
#1 Shitposter (Flag)-Australia (This will be automatically filled, nobody can compete with Kangaroos at shit posting unless Sup Forums thinks otherwise)
#1 Sports moment of 2015-2016 (NBA)- #1 sports moment of 2015-2016 (NFL)- #1 sports moment of 2015-2016 (hoc)- #1 sports moment of 2015-2016 (Soccer)-
Honorable notaries
>Team A beat Team B team C wins..Soccer everyone
>Post players you want to see get a career ending injury
>Is ass a sport?
Pic semi related
Jeremiah Phillips
>forgetting top 3 general /mlb/ ya dun goofed OP
Isaiah Foster
Add in mlb everyone, i forgot it was still a sport.
Jordan Morgan
>celebrating tripcucks
Kill yourself
Brayden Williams
I don't think my countrymen are that bad desu.
Christopher Murphy
Parker Torres
>#1 Shitposter No one deserves this award anymore. Sup Forums shitposting had gone down the drain, all the good Australians moved their shitposting to Sup Forums and no one here can shitpost well anymore.
>#1 Tripfag 7KT Broship. This guy cyber bullied a famous singer and got her to respond to him. Then he made a ton of ridiculously well made OC. Then after a year of giving us dank OC and hilarious memes, he gets doxxed and it turns out that he is literally Sam Hinkie, the former GM of the Philadelphia 76ers. A literal millionaire shitposting with us on a mongolian cavepainting discussion forum under an alternate alias.
>#1 meme tie between "career ending injury" threads and clip art shitposting
>#1 sports moment of 2015-16 easily Leicester winning EPL. there were multiple stages to its dankness. first the excitement of them staying in first place, then the madness of them actually winning it, then the American shitposting that followed it.
Michael Garcia
>implying I'll give tripfaggots attentions
>#1 NBA meme ITT: Players you wish suffered a career ending injury that would also affect them for the rest of their lives
>#1 NFL meme The meme QB Cam Newton and his entire meme team
>1# soccer meme /lifelong/ Leicester fans
>#1 Sports moment of 2015-2016 (NBA)- Warriors breaking the win record/Curry's buzzer beater vs OKC
>#1 sports moment of 2015-2016 (NFL)- Von Miller fucking up Tom Brady and Newton and carrying Broncos to the championship
>#1 sports moment of 2015-2016 (Soccer)- Chelsea 2-2 Tottenham
David Nelson
#1 sports moment for /hoc/ is hawks elimination day
Gavin Adams
>#1 sports moment of 2015-2016 (NFL)-
>Not Cam Newton making Palmer look like a absolute bitch and a half?
Zachary Smith
If shitposting became a sport we'd smash you like an angry coon off newstart cunt
Christian Perez
Screencaps of 7kt? That sounds funny af
Christopher Williams
Nathan Torres
>#1 Sports moment of 2015-2016 (NBA)- Kobe's last game >#1 sports moment of 2015-2016 (NFL)- The Green Bay - Arizona game had all the meme magic: that Hail Mary, IT DIDN'T FLIP, that anticlimatic ending. Great game >#1 sports moment of 2015-2016 (Soccer)- Leicester winning the league, nothing is even close to that