When will the West realize Sunni muslims are the cancer of the world and Shias need to be empowered and supported?

When will the West realize Sunni muslims are the cancer of the world and Shias need to be empowered and supported?

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When will you stop bowing to the West like a slave and furthrering the division of Muslims?

>tfw Trump tears up the Iran deal, and as a result Iran says fuck it, builds nukes, and takes over the middle east

Explain to me why there are no equivalents of ISIS and Al-Qaeda in Shia muslims?

>inb4 Hezbollah or Houthis

Shias have literally done nothing wrong in the entire history of the world.


both groups belong into the "shower"

I'm just a normal non muslim Belgian.

t. ayatollah khomeini

Assad is basically ISIS-lite, with a secular coat of paint

t.butthurt sunni Ahmet

inb4 Emirati wahabi cuck enters the thread

>It's another Iranian diaspora tries to make a thread actual westerners don't care about episode

OMG hej Achmed!!

Käft fitta, ingen bryr sig om era sektkrig i er skitreligion

mm haha aa

>implying Ibadi isn't the superior sect

Vadå det är sant, det här är inte Sup Forums oavsett hur mycket folket här tror det.

Och? Vem antydde att det här är Sup Forums?

Jag bara bajsbrevar

nope just
t.butthurt white guy that his country is literally drowning in human trash from all over eastern Europe and middle east

هو بعثي 2bh

oy vey, that's hatespeech m8
see you in the "shower" of jail

Bara polbögar kan/är intresserad av de diverse sekt- och etniska krigen i mellanöstern.

Ingen bryr sig om du eller andra är inte intresserad.

I still remember the time I looked up what the difference between the two sects was and where it came from and I still can't believe how fucking stupid muslims are, like how do you kill over this shit

Ingen bryr sig om att ingen bryr sig om jag eller andra är intresserad.

But Juan, christians killed eachother over petty shit as well, first orthodox against catholics, then catholics against protestants.

Not really mate, it's all politics and not religion

Och ingen bryr sig om att du tycker att ingen bryr sig att ingen bryr sig om du eller andra är intresserad.

Srebrenica was just politics
Hindukush was just politics
Speicher was just politics also

Hindu Kush is the name of an Afghan mountain range, you retarded Ustaše piece of shit.

All religions are cancer and need to die out.



but mehment, christians killed each other over actual theological differences, like iconoclasm with the orthodox church or indulgences with the protestants, etc. then they eventually moved on. muslims are killing each other to this day over a succession that happened over a thousand years ago

State building and ethnic cleansing will always be defined as politics

>untold story

End yourself, gypsy.
The Thirty Years' War happened in the 17th century, Islam is not even 16 centuries old.





But Abdullah, the Thirty Years' War was fought for reasons more important than "My companion of the Prophet could beat up your companion of the Prophet."

the thirty years war is a great example actually, imagine some retard blows himself up in a protestant church screaming "catholicism is the rightful faith of the holy roman empire! glory to the habsburgs!"

All Islam are bad.

If you think succession is the only difference, you didn't read enough

Shias reject many hadiths that Sunnis claim are real
Shias have 12 Imams (kind of like Catholic Saints) while Sunnis dont
Shias have different religious verdicts compared to Sunnis
Shias have different rules and adhere to different schools of Islam

There's much more than just succession

Hindu Kush is the name of a mountain range in Afghanistan, gypsy Ustaše. This is factual, no matter what sketchy sources you post. It has nothing to do with a genocide.
But dumb leaf piece of shit, the rivalry between Sunnis and Shias is also for more important reasons than pure religion, it's a geopolitical game between Arabs or Turks on one side and Iranians on the other side, it has always existed and you could argue it even predates Islam.
More than 25% of the German population died in the Thirty Years' War, what the fuck is your point you mongrel manlet?

Was the HRE a mistake?


>it's a geopolitical game between Arabs or Turks on one side and Iranians on the other side, it has always existed and you could argue it even predates Islam.
Tell me more about how the Fatimids were Iranian. While you're at it, clue me in on how it is that the game between Turkosemetics and Iranians could have always existed when Turkosemites and Iranians have been distinct polities for only a handful of centuries.

>sketchy cause he doesn't like it

>believing in Islam when it's clearly not true
lmao why?

nah, fuck sunnis and shias

Ahmadiyyas are alright


>it is another "this group is better than the other even though there is zero difference between them and the only reason one is harmless is they are not numerous enough or coincidences haven't allowed them to act yet" episode

all, ALL muslims are equally terrible. all theists have an equal potential to be terrible and their beliefs are equally ridicilious, the only thing that sets them apart is their god's rules.

When they start celebrating Easter

Shias haven't. But Khomeneists have. By forcing an Islamic theocracy they've essentially alienated an entire generation of Iranians from Islam. Ironically Khomenei damaged Islam a lot more than to help it by not keeping his promise to the people of a secular government.
I don't consider Khomeneists Shia though. They're essentially the wahhabists of Shia Islam, and I don't consider wahhabists sunni's
Assad is a necessary force to keep the Saudi's from strengthening their power in the Middle East.
Greetings m'lady

t. Hussein

OMG hej Emirati!

Nah senpai, I'm a pan-Islamist Iranian.
My families Shia, but I only consider myself Muslim, neither Sunni nor Shia. A lot of non gulfie muslims in the US are like me. And while politically I do side with Iran over Saudi Arabia, ideally I'd want both governments destroyed so muslims can live in peace.
I'm only forced to support the Iranian government because they're a necessary evil to keep the Saudi's from having more power who imo are much worse.
I think Egypt is the best Muslim country and other Muslim countries should copy their style of government

So you Quranist?

Fuck off Assman, you've probably never met a non-salafist Sunni in your life, or you're memeing

Kind of. I still respect the Hadiths and Sunnah, but since they're secondary sources I take them with a grain of salt.
The Qur'an though I follow without issue.

I think that both sects have good and bad things to them, and that true Islam only existed in the time of the prophet.
And to find true Islam you have to look at both sects together and take the good and discard the bad from both.

If Shia are so great then why were all great islamic empires Sunni? Checkmate shiafags

you have to go back


Hey muslim, stop being Christian.


So you become a sikh then?

I don't understand what you're trying to say.
What I meant is that a lot of stuff was added after the prophet, and I don't think anything after the prophet is really relevant. You have to look at Islam without really thinking about sects if you want to try to find something as close to how it was during the prophets time as possible.

What are the Abasids?

>Nah senpai, I'm a pan-Islamist
That's actually pretty common here.