Just watched the one about the rise & fall of the Orlando Magic on Netflix, that's gotta rank among one of the best

Just watched the one about the rise & fall of the Orlando Magic on Netflix, that's gotta rank among one of the best.
What are your favorites?

Other urls found in this thread:


Duke Lacrosse

Once Brothers

Once Brothers was intense

I obviously don't know the whole story but I don't think Divac deserved all that hate, it was clearly a big misunderstanding and what was even sadder was Drazen turning his back on him as well, basically being brainwashed.

Of miracle and men

In no order

>Fantastic Lies
>The '85 Bears
>Bad Boys
>This Magic moment

What does "30 for 30" even mean?

That was lame as fuck and I'm a hockey fag.

30 films by 30 directors

Reggie Miller vs the New York Knicks

>no Miami
>no SMU

Every year they do 30 episodes and they are typically 30 minutes long

Shut up capitalist dog

this one was so good
I didn't even know he had a sibling rivalry, Reggie is the man

that smu one is so intense
>well in texas we execute you
fucking based

>yfw his sister had over 100 points in a game

I love it
You cannot feel more pressure than that, wanting to succeed at basketball, having to best a literal girl, an older sibling rivalry for bragging rights, etc.

Originally it was 30 docs for the 30th anniversary of ESPN.

>us unrepentant cheaters were the real victims
That fucking movie.

>no two escobars

meme thread

I like the Lacrosse one more than I thought I would. But, it should be removed from existence. Women don't need any reminders of how easy it is to permanently fuck up a man's reputation with false accusations.

Hillsborough is pretty rough
June 17th 1994 is the GOAT. Uniquely made. 0 interviews. All news clips.
The U & The U P2 (although not as good) are comfy to watch
Rand University, Brian and the Boz were dissapointing
Four Days in October and Catching Hell were great watches
This online short about how MLB schedule is made (10 minutes) was pretty funny cause it was like 2 pissed off old people.

I'd rather rich ass boosters just gave the fucks money rather than shit like Baylor where even the police covers up niggers raping and beating people

>tfw I discovered that whole thing through the documentary
lol no one takes sports more seriously than Colombians

Four falls of Buffalo

>not only Jim Kelly lost four superbowls, his son dies, and he has some sort of cancer

This and also
The I
The Fab Five
I Hate Chris

Lower tier but still good
Trojan Was
Elway to Marino
The Real Rocky
June 17th, 1994

>June 17th 1994 is the GOAT. Uniquely made. 0 interviews. All news clips.

Having lived through that day and remembering it vividly, that one really hit home for me. 10/10

>Women don't need any reminders of how easy it is to permanently fuck up a man's reputation with false accusations
don't worry, they are constantly reminded of this in all media

>cntrl-f survive and advance
you guys are heartless awful bastards

>those bants with spike
>starks mad as fuck


Watching all his psychological tactics was such a fucking pleasure, reminded me of the Bad Boys

>spike saying
>nah I didnt do that

>they show clips of him saying and doing those things

this is the reason I will always have a soft spot for Buffalo/Buffalo fans
that team was still fucking spectacular.
Kelly/Thomas is GOAT chemistry

Here's some that you should avoid

Straight outta L.A.
>should've been a short
House of Steinbrenner
>all over the place
Gospel According to Mac
Run, Ricky Run

>"Do you miss your family or kids at all, Ricky?"

My sides at that one

I don't think I've ever watched a whole one, just snippets of some that were on t.v. I'm watching "believeland" now because I picked it at random

Also, has there been one about Barry Bonds yet? If not, then why the fuck not?

>Run Ricky Run
that's a fucking classic dude
>his life partner with braces

The one about Ole Miss was fucking kinda shit

>fedora southern talking the entire time about race despite the doc suppose to be about the Ole Miss football

Yeah, it was interesting to see the riots, but what the fuck, the reason why I watched this was because it was suppose to talk about the team, not racial tension in fucking Mississippi

I hate Laettner
Trojan War

were p good from the ones not mentioned yet

the Steinbrenner one was shit, guess they just wanted to pander to jew york fans

It wasn't kinda shit. It was literally shit.

>white guilt the documentary.

The 99er's one counts right?

Bad Boys.

Gave me a new found respect for the Worm.

Of Miracles and Men
June 17, 1994
Catching Hell
The U
Big Shot
Bad Boys
Fantastic Lies
The Two Escobars
Survive and Advance

Without Bias should have been nominated for an award

Women should watch it

Not only was the District attorney crooked and the Police investigating were crooked and the media doing the bullshit they do, they all got BTFO by the truth.

The DA got disbarred, the cop killed himself, the lying hewer stripper is in jail now for killing her boyfriend and the 3 lacrosse players are now helping other men get out of prison for being falsely accused and got a huge payday from the school for being so biased.

I'm surprised Espn would even allow that episode because it shows how fucked up the media is casting judgement and when the story went the other way they didn't even cover it.

The DA should of gotten more jail time than 1 day but at least he was disbarred. The entire case was textbook corruption and the case should be studied by law students. If the students didn't have the money to get good attorneys they would of be railroaded into prison and Fuck the media, especially Espn, I hope they fold under.

The 85 bears and the broke money ones

Too soon senpai.

They should make one about PEDs in baseball starting from amphetamines in the 50's and 60's all the way through today desu.

trips chekd

BROKE was a great episode, how these athletes can waste Millions of dollars is insanity. I guess it's all those 1000 dollar haircuts when you're already bald.

It goes back further than that, there is a great book but I can't remember the name. Guy writes about guys back in the 20's taking all types of snake oil to try and get an edge.

If anyone know the book and remembers the name I would be appreciative.

Couldnt care less about basketball but Survive & Advance is based as fuck. Also, The Price Of Gold

Penn State Pedderass WHEN?

Need to cut through all the bullshit but Joepa aside, whether he knew or not, enough people knew that I think PSU football should get the death penalty.

How do you put money over kids lives like that, it's so fucked up how they covered it up.

Former Penn st fan btw


I enjoyed the Married to the Mob about Henry Hill and Boston College point shaving.

I think there should be one just about the rise of gambling in sports all together. Money has ruined professional sports to the point where it controls everything and isn't even fun anymore.

Didn't Jimmy V do something fucked up or illegal? I might be remembering wrong but I remember some kinda scandal.

It was Playing for the Mob*

Married to the Mob is a movie

>In 1990, accusations of rules violations surfaced in the book Personal Fouls by Peter Golenbock. These accusations centered mostly on high school All-American Chris Washburn, who managed only a 470 out of 1600 on his SAT (with 400 being the starting score).[9] A 1989 NCAA investigation cleared Valvano, but found that players sold shoes and game tickets. As a result, NC State placed its basketball program on probation for two years (the maximum) and was banned from participating in the 1990 NCAA tournament. The state-appointed Poole Commission issued a 32-page report that concluded that there were no major violations of NCAA regulations, and that Valvano and his staff's inadequate oversight of players' academic progress violated "the spirit, not the letter of the law." After this report, Valvano was forced to resign as the school's athletic director in October 1989.
> a school investigation did reveal that Valvano's student athletes did not perform well in the classroom, as only 11 of the players that he coached prior to 1988 had maintained an average of C or better.[10] This was perhaps due to his persistence in recruiting students deemed to be "academic exceptions."


This is a great video about the Penn st scandal and what Joe Paterno knew. Guy is a former FBI agent who did a investigation and calls out all the bullshit.

Not sure but thanks for the info

He did a spot on Colbert Report selling his book like 8 years ago but I have to run so I can't look it up right now. Thanks

Catching hell
The two Escobars
Once brothers
i wanted to see Hillsbrough as well, but i fear it's just >muh 96 the documentary

I feel like they are scraping the bottom of the barrel of basketball topics.

What's next? "30 For 30: That Time Jordan Called Muggsy Bogues a Midget"?

'85 Bears was boring as fuck. You could make the exact same 30 for 30 about almost any suberbowl winning team

Its well made. Show security footage of outside the stadium. Interviews with people describing it. Gameday footage of fans spilling onto the field. Recreations of familys identifying victims.

>it's a Bo Jackson episode

Bad Boys, I've watched it about 4 times

worst 30 for 30 has to be I Hate Christian Laetner, it was so boring

If they had balls, I would love to see a Malice at the palace or Tim Donaghy 30 for 30

I know
literally the entire thing was "People think Christian Laetner is rich and he is not and no one likes Duke"

steinbrenner felt like the weakest one to me

hype for the XFL one

>tfw To The Limit

I loved The Gospel According to Mac, but I'm a CU alum so I am biased.

But I think Sup Forums will like it because cucking is a major theme.

Fellow CU alumnus here.

>da buffs will never be good at football again in your lifetime

4 Days was hard to watch because of the massholes and Joe Buck.


I feel like the Malice at the Palace might not have enough content to fill an entire episode but the Tim Donaghy episode is a GREAT idea.

Tim Donaghy isn't the only crooked ref so Espn doesn't want to give him any airtime because there are alot of crooked zebras in professional sports today.

>Muh daughter was blacked

Gotta agree it was pretty boring

I like the one where they edited out Curt Schilling

Espn is the biggest buncha jews on the planet.

>yfw he now plays for Colorado and is actually pretty good

are they all on Netflix? saw the one on the Knicks and it was some good shit. want to watch more. oh and the Goodfellas one. lol

>Bad Boys
>Reggie Miller vs the new york knicks
>Once brothers ;_;
>The two Escobars
>The Fab Five
>The one with the day of the OJ Simpson car chase
>HILLSBREHHH despite all the inbred people and those accents
>Catching hell
>Without bias
Most of them are pretty good, though the one telling the story about the people that invented fantasy baseball is so fucking shit

also You don't know Bo
Not knowing most of the stories made it more fun for me too, C-Webb choking and calling timeout was hilarious

Everyone talks about them not having balls for Malice but if they had TREMENDOUS balls like Mandingo balls they would do the Michael Vick Scandal

Worst was the one with the jew jewwing Kansas alums into paying for the basketball original rules

Any of the ones about American football. I just love watching old replays of football, especially college football.

Has nobody seen Unguarded? Jesus what's wrong with you people. I also like Fantastic Lies but I'll go Unguarded.

I'd never heard of it. Watching it now on Vimeo. Seems good so far senpai.

The dude is annoying as fuck and he doesn't do jack shit

Watch the Ole Miss episode.

Literally have a white guilt southern with a fedora being melodramatic as a narrator

9.79* was the best

Seriously, how can this place have this thread basically every week?


>tfw born 1998

They probably would have reconciled eventually had Drazen not died in that car wreck. The only thing that sucks about Once Brothers is that we could only get Vlade's side of what went down with Drazen.

It sure seems like they all are, I mean I'm not an encyclopedia but every one I'm aware of is on there, and new ones get added about a month after their premier, go check it out

Wait they edited Curt out of 4 Days in October? When did that happen?

just recently because of his comments about transgender men wanting to be allowed to share bathrooms with 10 year old girls.

Fucking espn shills censored out the "bloody sock" part in which shilling pitched a great game despite having a torn tendon or something in his ankle that caused blood to actually stain his sock.

They literally tried to erase a historic moment in baseball history all because of some sjw bullshit

That is hilarious, and I have no doubt they got roasted for it too.

Cheryl Miller could've probably played in the NBA

Straight Outta LA was just a giant commercial for Ice Cube's new (at the time) album. The entire thing was just old rappers talking about how hard they used to be

It got cut because the game before it went over its time slot

That being said, when they were choosing which part to cut to make it fit, yeah they probably decided to just go with the guy whom they'd just fired

Fab Five is the best

When they started doing these it was ESPNs 30 year anniversary, so they did 30 films with 30 directors.

Also, I cry every time Hank Gathers hits a left handed free throw in the Loyala episode.