How did you come up with your artist name?

how did you come up with your artist name?

I found a word to fit the pattern of themes that appear in my music.


Larry Mayberry

I saw it written in a textbook and thought it was funny.

unless you're bowie, your band is going to, at best, put out 4 good albums, and then it should retire, or focus on side projects.

if you're prepared to handle side projects, and put the main course aside for a long, long time (decades), then feel free to give the band a name that fits a certain artistic endeavor.

otherwise, you should name the band something simple, almost generic, so it fits any shape the band may take.

the irony of metallica being called metallica whilst they release approximately alternative albums.

I have a Japanese last name so I used that, replaced an o with a 0, and called it a day.

maika seems cool but her music is kind of on the boring side. it doesn't really sound like she has an exact focus with her music, on one hand she's trying to be kind of cutesy electro hapa girl while on the other she's trying to be intellectual technopop like her predecessors (miharu koshi's work with hosono is probably a good frame of reference for her) but it seems like she can't commit to either.

i was trying to look for porn on google and i mistyped a word and the autocomplete came up with something cool
although i would have come across it in high school science class later anyway


had a good semantic quality and fit the mythopoetic theme of the project

fukn weeb

I found a cool thing and named it after that

i named my band after a talking heads song

it's just my name

my artist name is my real name cause my real name is fucking cool

I was a big fan of the show.


"Hi my name is Doug."

ok thom

It's from a William Blake poem.

Someone insulted me in a bar when I was getting thrown out for fighting and I just used the insult ;)

took acid on with my friends and snuck out onto a golf course