We consider ourselves feminists, we fiercely support homosexuality, transparent world leadership...

>We consider ourselves feminists, we fiercely support homosexuality, transparent world leadership, and the idea of embracing yourself as an individual in any shape or form. Acceleration is a mantra, we're not a political band, we are freaks and outsiders. It was important to project that message and energy through the artwork of this album. This is free thinking and eternally open-ended music… [The cover] is like an ambassador to the sound.

What did he/him mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Artist isn't a white supremicist

nothing says feminism and homosexuality like a small pink dick.

they were being ironically pretentious when they just thought putting a dick on the cover would be funny

>feminism is bad because I saw a teenage girl online claim to want to kill all men

Actually on average homos have bigger dicks

[guaranteed replies]



Well you would know

Feminism is bad because your mother is a whore.

Knowing is half the battle.

>we are freaks and outsiders. It is important to project that message and energy

Yes I would because I read it in an online journal and because I have a big dick and am bisexual


You feminists are really lazy, aren't you. Take your head out the sand and research the real reasons feminism is poison.

Bullshit im bi and i got a little dick

any effort to destroy feminism will only empower it. you have to let it grow, reach a critcal mass, fracture and implode.

It's already fracturing and has been for a long time.

>what did him mean by this?

that's what i'm saying. but engaging in open battle against it, unifies and strengthens it. it feeds on having an enemy

>literally thought this was a meme
i regret entering this thread

>stefan burnett comes out as transgendered and has voice feminization surgery

what does their new album sound like?

>civilization is built
>complacency arises
>feminism ensues
>civilization collapses under weight of feminism
>rinse repeat ad infinitum

reminder real activists make youtube videos and Sup Forums posts virtue signalling feminists

You're retarded

Convincing rebuttal!

Okay so how the fuck is "civilization going to collapse" because of feminism
If anything it'll collapse because of war mongering polictians, global warming, or lack of resources.
You're fucking retarded.

I wonder who is behind this post

Feminism as a whole isn't a bad thing, it's a wonderful thing. It's just the modern concept of feminism that's fucked up and rotten. It became a victimization complex to seek attention and to change the standard of society in regard of women to see them as nothing more than a vagina, since they don't want to take their responsibility as mother and wife.

why are meme grips so full of themselves
ffs lads you make dragonball z music video tier angsty shit fuckin relax

Probably because the exact same thing has happened before in recorded history. Rome became weak and was invaded by barbarians while the lazy ass Romans let it happen until shit hit the fan. Now look what is happening to Europe. Really makes you think. I hope you're trolling when you place global warming meme above the general mental state of Western society at large.

taking responsibility as a mother and wife means being subservient to a man and having him be the leader of the family and thats icky

>Women are forming unstoppable legions of barbarian tribes in the thousands to rip down the walls of society

please step outside of your house more than twice a month.

>Global warming meme
I understand everything now
>Muh Western society
All in all, the west is not homogenous and is right, too

Not necessarily, it means that you both have different role in the family, but one is not more important than the other and the female is not under the man.

I've not met a woman that doesn't run the joint.

What you're describing is late second wave/early third wave feminism. Ideally, modern feminists prescribe to INTERSECTIONAL feminism.

These flyover neets talking about feminism imploding are willfully ignorant. Generation Y as a whole is incredibly progressive and geared towards equality. Baby steps. Virtuous pursuits will prevail.

these kids were /fa/ as hell

Then, what types of equality are they aiming for? Furthermore, what good will that bring?

It depends where the group is active. At a college, they will likely be attempting to build better sexual harassment report protocols with security, sharing accurate positions so as to dilute common misconceptions of modern(tumblr victim) feminists ect.

I could go on, my ex was rather involved with a feminism group. You have google too, dude.

Nice music discussion guys!

I don't really care about feminism in general to be honest, I don't feel like female have it badly at all where I live.
Sexual harassment aren't much of a thing and if ever it happen, it's on the responsibility of the girl to call the guy on it. Situations like these will always happen and they have more than enough resources to protect themselves. If you're really in fear of your life that some guy will harm you if you call out his sexist approach, carry a pepper spray or learn basic auto defense tricks.

This is exactly why people under eighteen shouldn't come to this site, far too impressionable

>noone told him western civilization has already passed the point of no return, and that feminism is a symptom of that death, not a disease to be fought against.

There's no "going back" to the religions and traditions we've already discarded. God is Dead, you know. The Western birthrate is so low that our culture is simply going to be replaced by third-world fundamentalism, cultures that still successfully control sex and marriage, and therefore actually have kids to pass the world onto; it comes down to a simple numbers game.

Feminism, as with all other progressive ideologies, can only flourish because our culture is too far gone to destroy them before they become a substantial threat; fighting these people after the fact is meaningless, because they are symptomatic of the end of the cultural orthodoxy's hegemony, not the cause of it.

>not joining the death grips discord

>Situations like these will always happen
with that attitude they sure will

>at college
Man, I always forget you guys are responsible for the boring as fuck "rape is bad" seminars I sit through at college. We get it, lady. Rape is bad. Now fuck off.

>we fiercely support homosexuality
>we are freaks and outsiders
I have no idea what their politics are, but if you think this statement was sincere you should kill yourself

Not him, but large-scale cultural movements could easily destroy a civilization. Civilization ultimately is the people that make it up, so their values and actions will determine its survival. However, I think the idea that feminism is that destructive or prominent is retarded.

Why are all the best artists utterly retarded liberal pricks?

Death Grips are the worst music group and if you genuinely like their music you should feel bad.

Said the rapist

Oh do you know them personally?

So you're saying feminism will cuck us all to death?

Liberals are more creative, and therefore their music will sound better and their films will look better

This is just a fact.


My mom told me to share my headphones with my sister

How do I uncuck myself?

Because you get all your music from utterly retarded liberal sources, likely written by guy.

because people with their mental capacities understand, that the opposite generates shithole countries like in the middle eastern. It's the only way to a modern society right now.

nah. every single artist before the 70s would be considered far right by todays standard. the right built the planet

>the right built the planet
guess again idiot


>posts a "source" written by the same utterly retarded liberals that say stupid things like

lol thats a bit broad

If you want to name any far right artists who have put out anything that has the same artistic merit as notable left artists I'm willing to wait

Yeah ok.
I'm still going to listen to their music.

the romantic period
the renaissance
even modernism

the only era that leftists even had a hand in was contemporary

those guys had all male orgies and smoked weed

Conservatives? I think not....

Artists, not periods.

right wing art movements

>Renaissance Classicism
>Early Netherlandish painting
>Mannerism and Late Renaissance
>Dutch Golden Age painting
>Flemish Baroque painting
>Nazarene movement
>The Ancients
>Spanish Eclecticism
>American Impressionism
>Russian Symbolism
>Aesthetic movement

left wing art movements

>nu metal
>period blood portraits

Sam the ram Hyde

>art movements appropriated by right-wing populists

>we wuz mozart n shiieeet


Will they ever recover?

You were debunked when you had to resort to revisionism to save face. I'm just having fun.

no u cant be bi when i already am thats against the rules

wow that made me think

>I'm just having fun.
This guy. This fucking guy. "I'm just having fun." Too slick for us. Too cool. Too humble. You sound like a brilliant Jack Kerouac character and I'm over here trying install a liberal hugbox on white civilization like a fluoride addicted white guilt having tumblr using libercuck. I literally cannot compete.

lol no one gives a fuck about your shit oil painting timelines losers

end this meme
noah deserves better

Why don't you want to rock in the free world with us? We have beer.

yeah i agree with this fuck culture n shit like that

put on some thugger


I like beer. Never tried it but I like it.

Those ideals aren't bad when in the mind of someone who isn't a fucking retard. They do nothing to shove these values down anyone's throats, just the way it should be.

u should smoke some dank weed and go to the rijksmuseum m8

You either don't know anything about art history or you don't know anything about politics.

Haha cool anime dude
