Alright lets settle this
Who has the superior discography
The beatles or Beach boys
Alright lets settle this
>what is consistency
Best Beach Boy album > Best Beatles album
Worst Beatles album >>>> Worst Beach Boys album
Overall Beatles > Beach Boys, but I like the beach boys more
I agree with every opinion in this post
This is wrong. absolutely wrong
That is a poor image you have there friend
Pet Sounds is a solid album.
SMiLE is too fragmented and DUDE.
GOAT singles band, though.
Beatles lack some of the emotional sincerity, but put out more solid albums, and there's a certain accessibility there which I think is important when discussing the merits of pop music.
A Hard Day's Night, Rubber Soul, Revolver, Sgt. Pepper & Abbey Road are all at least as consistent as Pet Sounds.
Noooo brian wilson was fuckes over by his band (band of faggots if you ask me) thats why the beatles produced more albums (turds) then the holy beach boys
Alright bye praise allah
Who was better solo, Dennis or George?