Ill never get a gf

ill never get a gf

Dead kids.

me neither


don't worry my friend you will eventually



Don't worry, it will only get worse after you find one and she leaves you.

>I'll never get her back
>3 years later and I'm still not over her
>I'll never get over her

>tfw destined to continue this family curse


>there are women watching this thread right now

What does your flag mean?


>tfw evolved past primitive desires such as sex and relationships.

>tfw women my age are having a collective PMS because hillary lost and it's not even worth trying for a few months

You again? Fuck off.

Will you just end it already? I'm sick of these shit threads.

> op has access to the Internet
You belong to the top 40% of humanity.
> op lives in the first world
You belong to the top 17% of humanity.

Things are not that bad. Just be yourself op :)

>That international mutual feel
After more than 4 years i started to get over it?

5 years here

Still get the occasional dream that fucks me up for a week

Be gay like me!


Federal EU. Only a few more years until we're all like that.