im tired of being a poser
anyone got some good black metal bands?
Im tired of being a poser
Other urls found in this thread:
Paysage d'Hiver
Lunar Aurora
Deathspell Omega
and the best of them all: Nagelfar
nargaroth - black metal ist krieg
Start with these 10 releases and you can expand your taste from there.
Taake: Hordalands Doedskvad
Nargaroth: Herbstleyd
Drautran: Throne of the Depths
Armagedda: Only True Believers
Inquisition: Invoking the Majestic Throne of Satan
Nagelfar: Virus West
Immortal: At the Heart of Winter
Gorgoroth: Under the Sign of Hell
Satyricon: Nemesis Divina
Blut Aus Nord: Memoria Vetusta II
>75% generic scandinavian black metal
why would you recommend this as a way to expand someone's taste
Objectively the best 10 albums black metal has to offer. I doubt you have listened to any. Fuck off.
fuck off peasant i own dimmu borgir - stormblÄst on cd so think again before you try to question my black metal cred