Is their a bigger hack than Jim Morrison ?

Is their a bigger hack than Jim Morrison ?
>Awful crooning
>Pseudo intellectual lyrics and uninspired """"""poetry""""""
>junkie faggot

If it wasn't for the fact that he died young, nobody would give a shit about him and his shitty dad-rock band, prove me wrong.

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I can't, Jim Morrison was a hack.

The Doors are a joke. "You had to be there man, he was a poet. He said GET HIGH on tv!!!! Can you even imagine??? It was a revolution."

When all the boomers finally die no one but le defeners will ever give a shit about the Doors ever again

Aside from "junkie faggot" I agree.

that is your subjective opinion. I personally enjoy his crooning and don't label his lyrics as pseudo intellectual

>le defeners
Please go back to LWG, no one wants you here

my gf has a major crush on him
asshole is cucking me from the grave bros

The most overrated band ever.
LA Woman is a classic though.

Libertarian Workers Group?

Clearly no oldfags in here, /mu came around hard on The Doors a while ago. His songwriting is fairly inconsistent, but he's a top-tier vocalist.

Large Women Gangbang

>top tier vocalist
He sounds like a drunk hobbo, it's fucking cringey m8.

>he's a top-tier vocalist.

He's really not. His baritone crooning thing was a step up from Elvis' but then Dave Vanian was a step up from him and then Danzig came along and blew everyone out of the water.

is that the guy from the doob

There is literally no difference between Ian Curtis and Jim Morrison.

Lou Reed

Is their a bigger hack than Lou Reed?
>Awful crooning
>Pseudo intellectual lyrics and uninspired """"""poetry""""""
>junkie faggot

If it wasn't for the fact that Velvet Underground lasted only for such a short time, nobody would give a shit about him and his shitty dad-rock band, prove me wrong.

Ian curtis had short hair

Ian Curtis was a goth Kermit The Frog.

>Is their a bigger hack than Jim Morrison ?


hating The Doors is an even more teenage and entry level position than liking The Doors

at some point you see past the cliched "you're supposed to grow out of them" meme and appreciate their own unique thing that they have

They didn't have a bassist, i don't know how anyone back then took them seriously.

The Doors have this eerie uncanny thing to their sound that I really like.

nobody really sounded like them at all. being completely yourself is so rare. it should be admired.

*tips fedora*

>hating The Doors is an even more teenage and entry level position than liking The Doors

This. The Doors are a great band and Morrison was a solid lyricist and vocalist.

>le b urself meme
Your average Doors fan ladies and gents !

But he's cute!

I'm not seeing it. There are cuter artists.

wow this is total shit

he is tho


i like the doors a lot but the mythologization around morrison is annoying as fuck. i read a magazine a while ago and there was a bit where krieger was talking about the lyrics "five to one" and "mr mojo risin." he talked about jim coming up with them like it was some divine knowledge and jim acted like they had some secret meaning that only he knew. it reeked of pretentiousness.

i'd still hang with him though

They knew what they were selling, that's all. Worked great for Bowie and Kanye, but the Doors do it and they're posers?

>dead musicians hate thread

Lou Reed's lyrics were about transexuals being fucked, drugs and his guitars so there has never been anything "poetic" in his lyrics

He looks like a fucking toad

He was a drunk hobbo.

I agree. Krieger wrote the best songs.

quality shitposting: the thread

drunken hobos make for great frontmen

>five to one
>tfw no one realizes that song is about five dudes gangbanging his junkie gf

>his shitty dad-rock band


>hating The Doors is an even more teenage and entry level position that liking The Doors

what the FUCK are you even talking about

the doors are great example of a band who is popular/well-known/famous BECAUSE THERE WAS ONLY ONE OF THEM.

aside from being great musicians, morrison himself had an interesting combo of melodies/spoken word/screams that fit the dark carnival/trip mood perfectly in what was meant to be a live "experience"

some of you may know that one of the most difficult things in music is to be original, talented, accessible, and artistic all in the same project. the doors did it, their sound was unique, they could jam, morrison a shadow who stood out sharply against the throngs of flower children and technicolor psych tapestries of the day