What does Sup Forums think of Steve Albini?


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he hasn't been relevant for at least 15 years

he's the man i hate to love

so do you love him?

i love almost everything he's ever done. two nuns and a pack mule is GOAT

and even when he's being a grumpy asshole it's endearing to me.

met him irl, he's a sweetie

>q and a during string change
>refuses to answer first question

His best work
>pic related

>Ramones fan
>Naked Raygun fan
>created two GOAT bands
>produced the best Pixies album
>produced the best Jesus Lizard albums

He's da man

>can't into jazz
>will never be Kevin Shields


>Not 1k Hz

G'on, git!

fuck all wrong with any of those though

-an edgy asshole
-a twofaced asshole
-a gambling addict
-a bankrupt gambling addict
-a bankrupt gambling addict who can't support his family / refuses to have welfare because of his own shitty lifestyle choices
-an asshole
His music is good. He's also a good producer. But I don't respect him as a person.


Released September 16, 2014
Released August 31, 2014
Producer Steve Albini


haven't read or watched any interviews
why is he an edgelord?

Apparently if he doesn't think you're cool enough but he recorded you anyway then he'll just belittle you to try and save face.

in addition to naming his band Rapeman etc.

>-a bankrupt gambling addict
on what, the ponies?

every thread dude fuck off

and they're from england and the song begins with "fuck the king" etc.

its a good find admit it

atomizer blew my mind when i was younger and is kind of responsible for me getting into music

young albini seems like he's be pretty insufferable but present-day albini seems like he'd be cool to hang out with

Big fucking deal he isn't into jazz
He was raising hell way back in the 80s
Kevin Shields? GTFO

Deadmau5 of grunge

anyone ever consider booking his studio? I mean i don't even really appreciate his work but i imagine it would be fantastic to work with someone as knowledgeable as he. And their rates are pretty much as the overpriced studio in my city

if you hire him personally it's quite expensive

Also produced the best GY!BE album

I prefer his interviews, even if I don't share with most of his opinions.

Big Black is cool, I guess.

apparently it doesn't even matter if he's there but judge for yourself


Produced by the band's own Tony Lazzara and Sanford Parker (YOB, Minsk) at Electrical Audio

Fucking hypocrite! He produces Nirvana while cutting down rock stars. He's just jealous because Liz Faire wouldn't fuck him. Nobody in Chicago likes him!

I don't like the way he looks.

who said that

>Nobody in Chicago likes him

He's also associated with Nirvana. Not looking too good there, buddy.

I played poker with him once. It cost me 300 dollars because I suck but it was worth it to meet him. Alright guy I suppose but he gets super serious when the cards come out

ah thanks for answering

I generally love what he touches, but he absolutely destroyed an album which i really liked live. Forgot the band's name, though.

What the fuck is up with all these threads asking what Sup Forums thinks about artists that are established Sup Forums favorites.
Like the OP isn't aware of it.

he did pretty well on WSOP a few years ago, he's pretty good

can you name 10 in the last 10 years?


Atomizer is better.


Hey, at least he admits he just doesn't like it.
Better than all the people who say they like jazz even though they barely listen to it.

honestly, fuck Nirvana

hate that band

now I remember, it was esben and the witch.

compare this crap

to this

I like him because he stopped giving a fuck about 30 years ago.

He hates digital but faps to tape.

Albini's email to Powell when Powell asked to sample his vocals was pretty funny

nah, not really

what's the difference?

tin ear detected

as much as I love atomzier, I agree


He has that edgy factor similar to Trent Reznor but he manages to still be likable.

Rapeman is his best band in terms of arrangement and unique structure, but I really enjoy Big Black's pop sensibility. It is a shame that the best Big Black's Songs About Fucking often times just gets mentioned due to its artwork. I think it is better than Atomizer.
Best Big Black song IMO: youtube.com/watch?v=qERJfwpXt7U

I really liked this talk he gave: