What do alt right tru males listen to?

what do alt right tru males listen to?

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power electronics

not true Im a leftist numale and I love neofolk

dad rock


Classical music

entry level classical because it's "not degenerate"

that's edgy-leftist-core actually

I'm alt right
dean blunt
john maus
ariel pink
sun kil moon
bruce springsteen

Wagner or some shit

NON, Death in June, Nurse With Wound

nah it's for eggheads

ehm, dean blunt is black...

yes and?
hes one of the smart blacks I've seen. he critics blacklivesmatter as a problem

Wait, maybe not everyone in the alt right hates black people.




Streets of sex - Music for alpha males

why would anyone ever admit to being a numale

because I lose nothing from it

Why would anyone admit to being alt right?


anime and videogame OSTs

why would anyone younger than 45 admit to being interested in politics

Does any board obsess about the "alt right" more than Sup Forums?

I'm not alt-right because it's a yank aberration but I'm sympathetic to European nationalists and I listen to plenty of black music including Dean Blunt
I realise he would probably hate me but he's a cool guy

Is "numale" the male equivalent of "basic bitch" or have we still yet to see a female equivalent?

Because it makes liberals so triggered that they almost pass out from sheer anger and scream racist at top of their lungs.

lmao everybody on that list would beat the shit out of you in one big group if u let on u were fash u lil dick fuccboi


They talk about it all the time on the secret Hillary Clinton shill forums.
Source: I'm a shill

In the real world it just makes people roll their eyes.

John Maus literally appeared on MDE: World Peace
stop pretending you're a tough guy on the internet my dude

good job promoting senseless violence

get off tumblr then lmao

Pre-20th century classical obviously. And some non-Marxist modernist music as well i.e. Stravinsky and Ravel.

>alt right



You know a numale when you meet one, trust me.

Hillary Clinton used it as a scapegoat in a speech the other day.

what's some essential alt-right core guys?

if you take to the internet to piss off liberals then you're as pathetic as a youtube comment

people just don't give a shit about you or your dumb opinions irl

trolling isn't funny it never was

who cares that bitch is on the way out

Matching Mole - Matching Mole's Little Red Record

John Maus is a fucking degenerate

dean blunt black metal
