
What's Sup Forums's opinion about new Wilco album?

best album cover of 2016

it's nice



Did they really use a meme artist for their cover?


>see OP's image
>think "that can't be the fucking cover"
>look it up
>it's fucking real
>wilco hired a meme artist for their album cover

I can already tell the album cover is waaaay better than the music itself.

I wonder if we will see Arcade Fire or The National using a cover with Oatmeal or Cyanide & Happiness

Hopefully more bands will start using Cornella's artwork

Good album (((cover)))

holy shit did they actually get Joan Cornella to draw their album cover

Oh, memeboy.

wish they didn't use that artist. I like his art and all but its a bit gimmicky for an album

they used him for a Don Quixote cover too

Kek i like how everyone is more interested in the cover than the music

Serves them right honestly, they got terribly dull since the YHF days

solid 8/10

Common sense sucks

Wilco were never not dull

That's actually the best song and the only interesting one

Would have been better if it was an original strip

>implying sky blue sky and a ghost is born aren't the finest wilco records

give me a p (p!)
give me an l (l!)
give me an e (e!)
give me a b (b!)

what did i just spell?


>mfw wilco called the album schmilco
>mfw joan cornella did the album cover
>mfw the album is ok but it is still called schmilco and joan cornella did the album cover
when edgelord/dadrock collide