big Irish matchlocks edition
get FUCKED animeposters
5/10 OP
Unsure about this one to be honest
Evenin' user.
do you prefer flints
Now it's your turn trying to speak italian you prick
>some of them jews
why would a jew seig heil haha
>tfw no average irish gf
My darling, my dearest, how are you this evening? :-)
Eyetalians OUT
Mate of mine fingered her outside an underage disco in Carlow once
its a me! A mafiosa! EYY MAMA! BRING-A ME-A DA PASTA
Checkmate, cunt
create a narrative I guess
How are the Taigs on this fine evening, how many Muslims did you house today?
10/10 would crucify
È lui o non è lui lads?
Cerrrrrto che è lui!
how is /Progressive GF 2016/ coming along lads?
none here
>be armenian
>deny armenian genocide
what a cuck lol
2016 nearly over and not even close to getting a gf haha
Can anyone explain me why is a Spanish Arcabuzero on the image? Is he a black irish?
Ireland is Iberian nation
whatever retard made the op is autistic
pay no heed
Welcome back your man. I was afraid you got gunned down by a gang of blacks on one of your city walks.
mercenary during the Anglo-Spanish war, it's in the filename Alberto
ive been back since friday lad
why were you gone? i missed you
Ah ri. Im only back on now myself. What tune was that? Sounds familiar
Leave him alone
phone broke
I printed off that picture the french girl posted yesterday of the anime in the leggings and blew a load onto it (>﹏
George Hook is a bender
Post pics
your role-playing is getting boring
Still a better poster than swissyank.
>Lazy Town
Only if she asks for them :-P
its the freshest new meme lad
That's seriously paedo
what's the point of it all!!!??
god it's all so POINTLESS
we'll all be in the ground in 80 years
SIGHGHHHHHHHHH there's no REASOn to carr yon like this
Drinking a nice warm Harp lads.
Can she pass as a local?
>Anything I don't agree with being posted on /éire/ is paedo
>warm beer
Hello my inferiors
How are you this eve- never mind, I don't care you insignificant, vile worms. If you don't have an IQ of 200 and aren't studying the French renessaince in trinity college I DONT care..
not a fan of the spelling pedo as paedo meme lads, ill be quite honest with you.
We'll get them one by one lad.
Hello unionist poster, if you continue to slander my native village of Dundalk I will inflict a righteous beating upon ye, cowardly orange dog
>he doesn't drink his beer warm
Bet you're hands aren't even calloused lmao poofter.
what is?
im sure lazytown used to be really popular with the nonces on Sup Forums and Sup Forums where the show actually had jailbait on it
how is this new? im sorry i dont keep up to date with the latest memes
It was the Londonderry lad insulting Dundalk, I dindunuffin.
Another taig shithole, why do people there always get so upset when I tell them I'm not Irish?
Member I gave you a cheeky handy after work on the site with weightlifting chalk for extra grip and I ripped up my hands while wanking you off and we had a warm beer after haha remember that haha
Just bought a box of corona
How do you always know what i do?
I am from dundalk and can confirm it is a shithole
Ah yes, Dunalk. A region rife with popery and superstitious bigotry.
No matter... We'll soon extricate all Gaels from the premises and establish a nice, civilised, protestant teutonic colony.
>doesn't have an exponential IQ
>isn't studying the meaning of all existence
Chortling at your mere being as we speak, don't even think about dirtying my presence unless you're looking for an intellectual obliteration.
A polarisation of opinion... Two unionist posters in my dear board? Hmmm, a perplexing issue indeed
If it wasn't on sale it was a waste of money. Corona is filth
>entire identity built around not "surrendering"
>quickly becoming a minority anyway
is unionism a look into the future of all white nationalism will become?
Went to Dundalk IT for a while.
Nice place I must admit.
I think there's three of us.
Ten snoop for 12 botties, steal of a life time cause corona normally costs ye a bollock and a bum cheek
>pure filthy
Bet you're a cider man
ah dundalk, maryland. what a lovely little town
An oaf who can't even spell my native villages true name nor locate it on a map. Typical of the Anglo nobility however, the streets will run rife with your blood come the anniversary of 98', and I shall savour the sweet taste of your precious life juices, the very virility and elixir of life at the heart of the BEADY gentleman, sitting, watching, I wait. For one day I shall strike down upon ye, or perhaps not I but my childer. And they shall inflict righteous pain on your childer.
Be gone from here, inferior
I wish Azerbaijani user would return and unite us all once again.
Gf said she wouldn't take my last name if we go married, should I bin her?
>should I bin her?
Yes, also
>gf posting
>bin her
who cares about her, just make sure the kids have your name
double barreled names are for limp wristed pinkos
You have to go back
I'm from Coxus. I'm one of those rough gentlemen with the unibrows you see drinking at 2 o'clock down by PC world. But beneath it all, I'm a passionate and endearing lad. I've just been born into the socioeconomic underclass that is the travelling community.
are you trying to turn away anyone without autis,
should I bin her?
Without hestitation
Just listened to pic related at full blast on me headphones and wrecked me delicate eardrums.
>Béarla teachtaireacht
No just Brits and anyone else who brings /brit/ gimmicks into MY general
Ah yes an attractive young woman just sent me the ole' friend request on le ole' face'ook
She must want me knackers placed firmly in her mouth, right so?
Do you have thicc thighs? I can imagine them now, wrapped around my waist as I put myself inside of you :3 will you please stop being tsun around me? I think we could have something if you'd only give it a chance...
>being familiar enough with /brit/ to be able to recognise their gimmicks
I wouldn't mind snapping your head off your shoulders with a straight right hook you fucking freak
Listening to Johnny Cash whilst drinking my nice warm Harp lads.
Cool it down a bit. I'm not talking to you.
Honestly mate drinking warm beer isn't working class nor impressive
I'm sure men of all economic classes, races and ages like a cold beer more than a warm one
Send us a bit of Johnny cash tho
message her la
Shut the fuck up you autistic freak and fuck off out of here, you little fucking fool
Come down to coxus in Dundalk til I give ye a fuckin HIDING little anime gimp
yeah I mean what kind of cunt doesn't own a fridge