/bcsg/ - Bill Clinton Swag

>check Sup Forums after a long day
>no clinton swag thread

Show us your favorites that you've recently dusted off, guess others' personalities.

Try to reply to others. Keeps the thread interesting.

You prefer listening to albums with speakers in a living room.

ooo asunder nice choice


doesn't get angry easily

is a moderate drinker

likes to read

wears headphones in public
would be a chill roommate
spends a lot of time inside
enjoys bird watching

You've considered moving to another country
You put music on to think and make serious decisions
Cool ass dude
Your friends think your taste is all over the place
Kindve sad / angry and you don't know why? Maybe?

I can't decide on my favorite Floyd or Radiohead album, these are the ones I'm feeling now.


likes MF DOOM. probably gets all the girls and has a 140IQ ily full homo

3 of my fav albums. lets fuck
