Tourist arrivals in India: 8.03 mil (2015)

Tourist arrivals in India: 8.03 mil (2015)

Tourist arrivals in China: 54.7 mil (2007)

With a country as big and seemingly cultured as India, why do people not visit it as much? I always considered it as that country hippies go to to find peace.

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It's not as industrialized as China. Huge populations and all prevent it.

It's good for me because I've sorta become a low-key Indiaboo (or is it Indiapoo?). I might visit the civilized areas and the millennia old temples one day/

Because peoples read the news and aren't going to change their minds just because of a spoof paid by India showing elephants, the taj mahal at distance, elephants, throwing paint, elephants, elephant riding.

People generally don't like to smell shit, to step on it and to see it. Not sure about the dutch.

I would have thought people visited pooland more because of all the hollywood mysticism and yogaworship brainwashing by western liberals.

Cuz poo in loos(in certain areas) are not human and even though their food taste good it looks like shit

I did say industrialized areas senpai.

India is a great place to visit if

>you're a man
>you can pass as an Indian
>you don't mind poverty

If you're a woman (especially white), hell no. If you don't like an Indian, except to be stared at and bothered by people begging. The last point is self-explanatory.

Because Malaysia is here.

no, you didn't.

Because it's unsafe.

It's hardcore 3rd world. Also the whole Mumbai attacks where nearly 200 people died from 10 muslims certainly soured any notions of safety even at the rich hotels.

Aren't there trace amounts of actual human feces in the food in the major Indian cities?

There's literally mountains of garbage. And it's one of the rape capitals of the world.

Sup Forums always reminds me that the world would be much better off without """"people"""" of European descent. They have no honesty, humility, self-awareness, compassion, etc. - in short, they have no human qualities and therefore can't claim to be human. Anglos, especially, epitomize their lowliness.

India has 1/10th the rape rate of their countries, but they'll continue to peddle lies because it's in their nature.

And that's fine. They were only relevant for 200 years, and that too was built on Indian achievements and wealth. Within the next few decades, they'll slowly have to become aware of how worthless and incompetent they really are.

>yoga and mysticism are popular because of Hollywood
Wow, Peter, you sound like an intelligent guy. Please give us more of your insights.

>lives in a majority white country
REALLY makes you think.

Yeah, no shit. It's easier to become rich when your competition is subhuman.

Besides, we're only retaking what's ours.

The US was never yours dumb cunt.

Just looked it up
>India GDP per capita: 1498
>Australia GDP per capita: 67,458

More than trace amounts