Hey, proud Eurofags!

Hey, proud Eurofags!

fite me

>it's an "Arabs pretend to be related to historical figures whose monuments and architecture they destroyed because it offended Islam" episode

/Illyrian/ here

Christian Greeks and Romans destroyed pagan Greek and Roman things too you retard.

>it's an "American thinks he's a part of the old world" episode

Weren't the Romans on average shorter than the Celts and Nordics?

Hittites were whiter than that

it's getting real comfy here

t. a fucking tree

>Phoenicians, Akkadians, Hittites

fighting you


Alive and fairly well

Alive and well

almost extinct

Alive and fairly well


t. Albertus barabrusus

>Israelites fighting you

The khazaro-slavo-germanics are not those Israelites joos

t. a fucking period blood stain

just because nobody took Germans seriously when they called themselves Roman, doesn't mean nobody else can be actual Roman.

So they got extinct.

>Alive and fairly well

>Alive and well

The hellenistic greeks went extinct ages ago, the turk-slav rape babies in southern balkans are another race entirely.

Italy is trash tier, they are alive but they aint well.

*punches you*

>instead of thanking op for alphabet

>hellenistic greeks

This pic is retarded, the chainmail is a Gaulish invention and they were excellent smiths.

It's ironic that that chart is almost completely reversed in the modern day.

I have yet to discover in what form have "'''master race"""" ancient nordics contributed to the world

get YES'd

>No alpha Nuragic

akkadians, kittites, phoenician and minnoans = god tier

ott*mans = low tier

>I believe the blond Greek Hitler shit