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>no edition
>no old thread
You fucking goof

>symphonic anything

I like this album (the compilation, not the EP) better desu. Might actually be my favorite sludge album. But their first album is great as well.

Whas metals opinion on Drudkh?

their debut has some pacing issues they would later resolve youtube.com/watch?v=eiQlz2XFglY , but the intro riff to Stricken is one of the sickest sludge riffs ever imo.

Does anybody have a Sludge chart?


I din't even think I liked sludge but this s hit is awesome. It reminds me of hardcore punk honestly.

Sludge is essentially the metalcore of doom


Well thats great cause I love early metalcore. Even if Sup Forums shits on it constantly

Sludge is literally doom metal + harcore punk

Boring. Too repetitive. Too derivative. Shit.

Any other good recs? I like progressive and post shit too so I'm pretty open minded.

Boris, if you like noise and drone



God tier. Their last 4 full lengths are all masterpieces.


le epic feels

What about them?

This, Folk Black metal is all about the feels.

I've always had a major soft spot for this song and video


What does metal think of Faith No More?

Sonically amazing (use a proper a/v system you dumb shits, headphones don't compare for metal). Most of them combine the emotional intensity of their Slavic Nationalism years with the droning atmospheric goodness of their first 2 albums but the big difference is in the amazing production.

Having good production makes them masterpieces?

No the amazing songwriting helps as well.

Actually pretty good. Suffers from cheesiness but musically a very cohesive and interesting melding of genres.

What's amazing about it?

formerly legendary but they fell off hard. Forgotten Legends, Autumn Aurora and Blood in Our Wells are all incredible. Others are mostly boring with the possible exception of The Swan Road

Pretty good.
Mr. Bungle is much better tho.

real sludge hours

Why do have that opinion?

post an artists best release

I listened to mr.bungle first so I was slightly disappointed when I listened to Faith No More. A bit less interesting but more cohesive at some points and a lot more catchy.

What does metal think of Portal?

And why is that bad?

They just combined atmosphere and emotion really really well. Purity is another excellent example, one of the best albums of all time if not the best.

Their newest shit's actually pretty good.

>le clockhead meme
fuckin atmoshit



Portal is atmoshit, and for awhile their vocalist wore a clock on his head, because they're a stupid band who invented the caverncore meme because they can't write songs

he said

>le clockhead meme
fuckin atmoshit

is it a coincidence that all the best OSDM albums weren't produced by Scott Burns?




you have shit taste

>portal is atmoshit
Thats not a bad thing

i want this too

No, you misunderstand

I'm saying OSDM is NOT good.

it literally has shit in its name

This is what Power Metal should have been

Which album do you like more and why?

The shit songwriting is.

I prefer Panopticon,
why? Because its better

i dont like isis

Why is it better? What attributes make it better?

I prefer Celestial, because it's not just heavier post-rock.

here's a personal one I made a while ago

>sea of deprivation
nice, they're basically a heavier Dystopia

>meth drinker
>iron monkey
>sea of deprivation
good taste user


Is this a criticism?

it is on this general

I like some Scott Burns albums

some gud shiet in there

>the body
Never got why this general hates this band so much

meme reasons

the body is great

Yes. Atmosludge is all basically just as said, heavier post-rock. Like a metal version of Mogwai, who are trash.

Mostly because they're not very good. They make poppy doom and are hipsters.


What album will make me feel like I'm summoning a demon just by listening to it?

>Mostly because they're not very good.
this is incorrect

>Caverncore a meme
>Not a logical progression from death doom and funeral doom
That's cool brah

Just fucking do drugs already.

No it's not a logical progression from death doom and funeral doom. Progression means going forward. Caverncore is an intentional stylistic throwback.

Unless you think you can explain why it's a logical progression?

why though?
What's wrong with Mogwai? You don't like post-rock?

Mogwai are poor songwriters. I just told you why atmosludge is a bad thing on this general.

>Mogwai are poor songwriters

They rely too much on the stereotypes of their genre, such as sudden and drastic shifts in mood, and it makes them sound unimaginative.

Thoughts on Virus (Norway)?

>I just told you why atmosludge is a bad thing on this general.
All you said atmosludge is bad because its a heavier post-rock like a metal Mogwai
I still don't see how that is a valid criticism

It isn't criticism. It's the reason.

Is there any Atmospheric Black Metal that isn't shit?

Not that I've heard.

Alcest, Lantos, Wolves in the Throne Room, Woods of Desolation, Clouds Collide


ha ha very funny

you got any real answers?

Only Alcest, Lantos and WOD is good

What a fuckin pleb


paysage d'hiver
midnight odyssey

more like this?

My companion of african descent

it's on realmofmetal you officially have no excuse for not partaking in the meme of the month.

Meh. Chthe'ilist was a better meme. Their name was dumb and easy to make fun of, they wrote songs about video games and were already known as Demilich 2.0. The superior meme, clearly.

Also their music was better.

>they wrote songs about video games

the difference here is that is actually an incredible record.