Romania will become a superpower by 2020. Prove me wrong

Romania will become a superpower by 2020. Prove me wrong.

Protip: you can't

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Only it'll be called Pyмыния

>Bucharest becomes fiancial capital of the world
>all the greatest technology is developed along the lower Danube
>the world shipping and aviation industries all communicate with the Romanian language

It's be interesting, to say the least.

Tbph I genuinely believe this could happen if a huge enough thing happens, like aliens decide that some town in Romania is the place where they make contact.

as you said we cant prove you wrong, so yeah thats the deal

Ok, from now on you will be called Pyмыния.

Manele would be rocking the world music charts.

Not gonna happen. Gypsies will be purged and only Aryan-Legionary music will be legal.

This. Plus Budapest needs to be occupied again, only this time permanently annexed.

Based Пopтyгaлия

But they need to drop this romanian language and talk the way they have been talking before the 19th century :^)

this, fuck these mongolian cockgobblers

Portugalia? Why do some people add the 'ia' to our name?

I believe it comes from Greek. We add ia to almost all country names.

Actually Portugalia is a much beautiful anthem

Bravo Romania
What a wonder of a country

It would be a shame if the Austro-Hungarian troops defeated Romania and occupied Bucharest like in 1916 but the Romanians are so rats that they would chage sides which is a national tradition there

Portugalsko in Slovak lul

As soon as they learn to use a toilet and stop eating dogs.

We do have toilets. They're just outside the house in a separate building.

Why would you shit in the place you sleep and eat?

That sounds a bit better, because "Portugal" is a male word in Portuguese, and words ending in -o are usually male.

Romanians (Dracula) have already conquered the world many times

filthy otaku