How do we save Mexico?

How do we save Mexico?



>living in a land so free that you can go and behead a tmotherfucker and law is still basically eye for an eye

You don't. You let them fight it out until somebody prevails; then you do business with the victor.

Wipe the hard drive

We need a strong leader

Build the wall

Doesn't Mexico have one?

Ah yes, oy vey embrace your peaceful muslim brother

Nah m8

Delet this right now


>singing a song named after and written about yourself


Get rid of all the mexcriment

oh wow they're white. cool

By building a wall and forcing them to deal with their shit instead of running away from it.

Send em back

Those heads are narco scum so doesn't matter.

>he wouldn't fuck the daughters and wife

Son and youngest daughter look like alcohol fetal syndrome babies

Damn, i feel inferior

Our shit?
You mean your deep drug and guns problem?


Your shit. If Mexico was nothing but ocean, there wouldn't be a drugs problem. We don't and have never had a guns problem.

>tfw you could have stopped it

>If Mexico was nothing but ocean
You wouldn´t have half your country and more than half of your economy

Can this guy serve another term? I like the butthurt he causes

They all white and good looking


so then macdonalds is the reason why obesity exists right?
Jesus Christ, you're getting dumber by the day
we don't, we become a lawless state were every one and each of us has to earn their right of space, instead of the burden US's welfare state has become into.
Dude, is like you don't even know what freedom means?

Hell yeah we would, we would make so much money policing the Mexican Ocean and destroying South American pirates
You have no fucking idea how much trade would be influenced by having an ocean in place of the Panama Canal.

1. US stops funding and arming cartels and corrupt Mexican governments.
2. US secures the border.
3. US legalizes drugs like Cannabis.
4. US deploys military bases.
5. Mexico reduces their population.
6. Undocumented Mexicans return and apply through the normal legal process.

I always wonder why is always the males in Hispanic families the ones who seem to get the mestizo genes the most.

>1. Yes
>2. Yes
>3. Please
>4. Never
>5. Not really a problem
>6. We don´t want them back your problem lad

You know, I feel like the same goes for people who are mulatto. The males always seem to be blacker-looking than the females

End the war on drugs and shit will fix itself in a very short time.

That would also solve a lot of social problems in the entire continent too.

Could it be that the women are just wearing makeup all the time so you think that's what they always look like?

but papi US says drugs are bad, we shouldn't argue with papi right?

Okay, fine. But if they ended the war/decriminalised drugs, then they won't be getting as many minor offenders into prisons to use for quasi-slave labour. Jeeze user, show some consideration for the Prison Industrial Complex. Have you no heart?

>Implying its abouth religion.
Drugs aree bad mmmmkay.

>Not really a problem
Your cunt is as sustainable as China. What renewable energy sources have been discussed for the future of Mexico?

You're not white and good looking? You probably make up for it in other ways though.

Here in my country is very common to find women with pale skin, green or grey eyes, and blonde-ish hair, but males with those characteristics are significantly less common. I remember reading a study that said something like women tend to be significantly lighter in appearance than males in the majority of countries in the world or something like that

Solar in every sense, Mexico city and the metro are is the butthole and the mouth of mexico, where most of the shit is produced and consumed. but that's why places like the south exists, miles and miles of uncharted and vibrant nature without any human intervention (not even deforestation) whatsoever. Which is in every sense far better than useless """"qt"""" towns and suburbs taking up nature space.

Their own population is suffering from this nonsensical "war".

Prohibition is and never will be the solution to any problem. It only creates more and bigger problems.

Take for example the drug addiction epidemic; not a problem of availability but the result of social degradation. The fucking war on drugs was like applying a fucking bandaid into an infected wound. The half-assed "solution" only helped to turn the wound into a gangrene.

t. drug addict

That's a fuckload of plastic surgery, both past and badly needed in the future. The tallest one is the only who does actually look pretty.

guess again

No, we absolutely don't, what we need is rule of law and an end to widespread corruption, strongmen have time and again proven they only make things worse.

What if the strongman enforces rule of law and end to corruption?

red dress looks pretty (THICC) to me

I'm all in about drug legalization, tbqh drug abstention levels in US is 100 times better than that of US, and I don't fear of people in here making such a moronic decision like taking up drugs after having seen all the harm that has caused in our society.

that's a fatty you mouth-breather.

>levels in US
sorry in Mexico

remove mexicans
import anglos

By building a giant wall and pretending it doesn't exist.

I was about to support you but you fucked up with Anglos, at least we have a decent German population.

Not even close, but I have worked with addicts of all kinds and I know for a fact that you don't solve shit forbidding it.

Take the pathetic regulation days, it only created violent local mobs that for today's drug lord standards it was no more than child's play.

Addiction is no more than a sickness. Sick people look for relief, people will find relief in many different things: work, food, sex, gambling, prescription drugs, alcohol, drugs, etc. All carry the same destructive patterns, the only difference is how long it takes it to destroy the individual physically and emotionally.

Making them illegal only empowered dangerous psychopaths who saw an extremely profitable market.

To finish, I'll just have you consider than countless circumstances create this sick individuals I'm talking about (addicts)... but of all the potential causes for addiction, no one is more efficient and difficult to heal than a sick society.

>tfw Mexico could have been first world

She's literally the only one with noticeable hips.
But go ahead, have fun with malnourished, undersized children born by a genetically inferior (skinny) woman.

>We don't and have never had a guns problem.

Impossible, at least not for now.

All of the Caribbean, Central and South America had to deal with a shit ton of internal and external problems that made impossible to develop the basics of a prosper nation.

At the end of the day we are nations born in misery. We had no culture, no identity, no unity, no economy, nothing. Remember that we had to build EVERYTHING from scratch and in this road we had to deal with devastating external influences... lest we forget the wounds yet to be healed from the cold war in the hearts of some of our brother's countries.


I really hate these kinds of threads. Everyone seems to be a fucking imbecile except for like two or three people.

Only good posts ITT.

Return rightful clay

>Return Clay that Spain gave to us, and we lost after like 20 years.


I see Finn is still triggered by the "convert or you're a heretic" thing.


With nukes and a wall(fence).

Cutting drug use and getting rid of NAFTA. Stop supporting their corrupt PRI party.


Same in my family. My family is Mexican mestizos, me and my sister both have similar facial features to my fathers side but I got my moms darker skin and she ended up pale like my dad. My uncle who's also dark married a German and his daughter ended up pale but with his indian features, while his son ended up dark with Euro facial features. My exes family are White-Mexican mixes and the men all look like Spics while the women could pass as White. I think it might just be that men tend to be darker.

it's actually the opposite in my friend's family. he looks irish af and his brother looks typically white. his sisters look mexican. (his father is irish-american, and his mom is mexican-american)

I wonder how dangerous being any kind of police officer in Mexico is.
>be mexican police officer
>survive all these fucking criminals and bullshit
>finally reach retirement
>get shot by superior because he's corrupt and colluding with the cartel

The fucker has 6 children?

Just Aztecs doing their thing. Just learn to be patient with other cultures instead of imposing your own values.

so? when americans have 10+ kids no one complains.

doesn't trump?

The Eternal Pedro

son mestizos pero si vos sos indio se va ver asi en comparacion

They're not white all you have to to is look at them to tell

>americans have 10+
What? Where?

No? Only 2?

Nuke it.

Dumb heretics always into violence.

What's the safest place for me to vacation in Mexico? The one with the fewest bad hombres.

And which place has the hottest women?

Quitting cocaine would be a good start

tf nigger?
Ivanka, Tiffany, Donald Jr, Eric, Barron

so 5

If you consider Moors white then I guess.

Oh my.

>You mean your deep drug
See the wall will help you too.
>and guns problem?
KEK stop buying them. Your argument for our consumption if drugs being the problem works both ways.

you mean the """(("""fence"""))"""

dumb shit


When is the US going to change their drug culture and promote drugs as something cool and stop giving drug cartels money?


Men are less likely to get plastic surgery and wear makeup. Also, in Asia at least women use skin lightening creams.

American education sometimes scares me

These are the kind of people that rule over your shithole

Those are Mexicans.

gud vey

yeah, I'm pretty sure their fat anime fapping sharted asses are totally controlling my government from their basements