Who Škoda master race here?
Who Škoda master race here?
i like volkswagen more
Got a Octavia, my boss has a Maserati.
Fuck this bullshit.
I like polish death camps more
Skoda is a volkswagen rip off anyway and its not czech anymore
octavia is better than masrati m8
every other pole in warsaw has a szkoda
BMW is better
so Chrysler is italian?
At least he parts don't cost the same as half of a house.
Fiat took it over so yes its italian
>Britain got hundreds of car manufacturers
>Ford is the most bought car there
can't make this shit up.
>people buy some shitty Japanese memecards
>spare parts cost a lot and come here rusted due to being stored in cargo holds
Most searched brands per country
i have a Polonez lad
I don't believe you
ordinary Polonez would've exploded by now
i take care of him
Oiljews refusing to take their own medicine, I see.
>Neigbours look up on Toyotas and BMW:s
>Niger looks up on Bugatti
Goatherding is good business, I see.
Is this the perfect SUV?
Thank you Algeria, Morocco, Moldova and Bulgaria!
if you are a soccer mama
UK is litteraly an American puppet state
Is this most popular car brand by country?
In my cunt its Honda.
Best value here lad
get out of here gypsy
Nice Qashqai
how does Australia and New Zealand get their cars
drive them on the bottom of the ocean from japan
Straya probably has its own factories, anycase, pic related.
Dont' be jelly you don't have a car company of your own.
this lol
I have an Opel Corsa and I'm quite happy about it
>Straya probably has its own factories
Australian car industry is dead as of 2017
does the UK really love Ford? How many Transit vans and Focuses are they buying?
Most bought car here for 30-60 yo rich people.
Rich means they can buy this car. They will still live commie-block but but this car and latest iPhone.
thats kinda gypsy mentality desu
here is the exact opposite
Yeh boy
>Be Volkswagen
>Add Spanish, Slavic, Audi badges to your Volkswagen platform
>Profit because Europeans are retarded and can't see they're all the same Volkswagen
No vans im europes tiny roads
>Be European
>Seat offers a 290 hp MBQ platform wagon styled, 5 seat, big boot car for 30k€
>Competitors offer shit worse than that for a lot more money
>Durrr we're retarded
>apparently Honda race
Idk, I only see BMWs, Audis and Mercs here.
Why do Europeans hate Japanese cars so much?
they are ugly
They think a volkswagen is a symbol, something to be proud of
Literally the same thing.
not made for winter climate.
>why won't they buy our beautiful cars
>not wanting to buy glorious toyota cars
Toyota is the second most sold car brand in Norway, with a market share of around ten percent. VW has 16 percent, but a lot more if you include all the subbrands like Audi and Skoda which both have five percent respectively. Nissan is number five, Mazda is number eight, which is still more popular than any French brand.
But why did you let an autist with down syndrome design it? Electric cars don't have to look like shit.
new civic is nice
transit is very popular for delivery and other professional use
wannabe gangsters lmao
fucking shame tb h
Aggressive domestic producers
I looked up "Skoda" and "Dacia" on google and this is my first time to know that the automobile maker called "Skoda" or "Dacia" exists in this world
Simple, we import them via ship or plane cuz were are massive importfags
Not even once.
we love Toyota 2bh
wtf is the point if they just buy electric cars with money they make selling oil
I work in a Škoda service
(i own 92' Škoda Favorit 135L myself, first car bought from boss, 90.000km almost new)
Shout out to based Czech people for Škoda, Staropramen, VZ 58, Praga M56.
You guys rock.
Keep up.
Robot, door is down the hall and to the left.
Rebadged Yeti
>m-muh Hyundai
I can't understand Europeans seriously. Why the hell would you buy a shit Skoda when even VW is a laughing stock of car brand whose products have broken window motors and a terrible hazy paint job from factory still in 2016 and stop working in the middle of a highway within a year of ownership.
I'd buy a Volvo or BMW if I lived in the EU and needed a car to travel across the continent. Or a Mazda, Subaru or Hyundai if on tight budget. Definitely better than VAG.
A literally fucking gook talking about cars. Gtfo faggot and take your beta plastic cheapshit cars back. You can just see the autism and sheer cuckery just by looking at a say "daewoo" or "hyundai", what kind of names are that? fucking anime nation
>shit Škoda shit VW
Well, looks like you are a complete retard. VW Golf 2 is the symbol of reliabilty, and known/respected worldwide. A true landmark of a vehicle. I don't remeber any slanty eyed plastic shit to be praised. Ever.
And let's not start talking about chinks who COPY eu cars. That's just hilarious and pityful.
Dacia was just rebadged Renault ever since they were selling Renault 8 under that brand.
But Skoda Auto is not only more than a decade older than Volkswagenwerk, the original Laurin & Klement brand dates back to the end of 19th century, and was making cars since 1905.
What cars were actually build in Japan in 1905?
I'd rather off road desu.
Wow wow wow it seems beautiful Eastern Europe "education" still live in the people
During the golden age of the Japanese car industry you would have a point on the latter part. But since about 2006 and on, the Japanese cars have deteriorated in quality. I remember the based '99 Corolla or Avensis or the excellent '96 - '99 Civic, they were pretty reliable and many are used even today. As a matter of fact, I am a major fan of the Impreza until they changed its design in 2007. It was a major blow but I guess it was needed to make it more of a family car.
The general concept of a VW car is that it is cheap and reliable at the same time. Of course that was a fact back in the 2000s but I am not really sure nowadays. The gap has been narrowed and I'd consider FIAT a fine manufacturer to this day.
As for the first comment, BMW and Volvo costs are higher to Skoda and VW, it would make sense that the majority of people in Europe possess the latter cars than the former.
Hyundai is a laughing stock here. They had to contract designers and engineers from Europe to actually start making decent cars.
Just because they are present on the markets where Skoda is not, doesn't make their cars any better.
>VW Golf 2 is the symbol of reliabilty, and known/respected worldwide
OK my online Russian translator says that's the only car your family could afford to buy second hand and fix with cheap black market parts. Drive it with pride.
>or Hyundai
> or Hyundai
> or Hyundai
pls stop
this is enough you gook
good lads
oh man
>you don't have a car company of your own
You neither. Skoda is german and Dacia is french.
Aside of that, didn't Poland produce some Polish FIATs back in the 70s and 80s?
spieprzaj dziadu
>The general concept of a VW car is that it is cheap and reliable at the same time.
They are clearly not. They are rather expensive and unreliable. But feel solid and well-protected. I thought that was what attracted customers to the brand.
Come one, no one takes the brand seriously here except for attention seeking hipsters and idiots who can't tell if it's broken or fine
volkswagen is the most popular by far in tunisia
Nothing wrong with Eastern Europe. We have real women and don't watch cartoons.
So, according to you VW GOLF 2 is bad because it's cheap? Good job man, you just said all chink cars are shit cause they cost 5 bucks haahahah
My father drove one for 13 years. Reliable, econimical, symbolic. Made from steel. You wouldn't understand anyway. Go eat your plastic rice.
Hyundai-KIA makes cool and well packaged cars these days don't you know that? And they offer a super long warranty like 7 year or so (I forget).
>When the only memorable thing of a car is fucking warranty incase it breaks down
When will you pepiks change that horrible logo?
Ever since I was a little kid I was 100% convinced it's a retarded bird. It took me like 20 years of my life to realize it's supposed to be some kind of an arrow.
Please change it, it looks ridiculous.
Got a Skoda Rapid.Love it so far
Well, it's Czech... :^)
Nissan is more or less french now.
It's an Indian desu
Is that an arrow really? What a retarded arrow.
I know, right?
>It featured an arrow with a wing, symbolizing aspiration for the future and moving forward. Another association was a headdress of an Indian with five feathers.
>a fucking native american as a symbol of a Czechoslovak brand
>literally "Damage" or "Shame"
can't make this up
Nah, it's good
Whatever you say
Seat > Skoda
Correction: Eastern Europe only export cheap whores (which you mistook for real women) to the world but not Skoda cars, since the former is somewhat marketable around the world but the latter is obsolete shit no one would buy outside the ultra protectionist Merkel empire you are brainwashed to enjoy living in.
Also thank God you miraculously avoided being in a German gassing box by being too broke to update the cranky shitbox which is slightly superior to communist autos.
>Brits cucked by the worst American car company
You can't make this shit up