Italy appreciation thread

Italy appreciation thread

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i like italian food and culture and people
r*manians can fuck off though

Fuck off

fuck italy

rude tbqh


Only one country can claim to have the oldest manufacturing company in the world.

World cups:
Mexico 1970 - Italy 4 - 3 Germany
Spain 1982 - Italy 3 - 1 Germany
Germany 2006 - Italy 2 - 0 Germany

Germany sucks....


Speaking of Italy...

"Police force elderly Hotel Owner to house African Illegal Immigrants on his Property"

wtf i don't like italy anymore

I am a Greek but indeed fuck germany.

slav subhuman

their north is full of them

Post quality Italian musica

Bella Italia I will always love you

Maybe I will go one day if Im lucky

Italy is beautiful, but Florence is more than beautiful.

in der Nähe von Südtirol?

>The successor Rome
>Prince of mediterranean
>Homeland of renaissance
>cool city states
>God tier food

Meanwhile in South Italy

shitaly is a joke

Shit country, shit people, good food.


they gave us italian words in our dialects and didn't teach us the grammar

I do fucking love me some Tiramisu, mate.

you corporate dystopia is a joke m8
devi tornare indietro

Devo bestemmiare o ci credi che sono Italiano?


Food is only thing I can appreciate.

If Italy is a joke then what is the country named after an Italian with a people worth a third of what Italians are worth.

Perché dobbiamo sempre farci riconoscere?

Dio benedica la Chiesa Cattolica

Dici che devo abbassare i livelli di merdapostaggio ironico?

Dico che gli italiani che postano su Sup Forums spesso sanno solo offendere e offendere e offendere.

Cazzo ma siamo su Sup Forums...

>no malta appreciation thread
you have our flag the wrong way.


I'll try.

shitalians will give their left testicle for a green card

I gave the right one

>median wealth

Fucking useless you dumb monkey. Spaniards and shitalians are not richer than Germans.

>Wealth isn't defined by wealth but by income
Butthurt that the average Italian could buy all your possessions plus those of 2 other amerilards? Could probably fuck your GF as well if you have one and she isn't too fat.

>tfw we rekt both the italians and the chinese
feels really good my man

Fucking kek. With that unemployment rate of 13%? Or big poverty rate?

Shitalians are not richer than Germans or Americans.

>tfw no Italian maid to please your benis

one shot per month

thanks greatest ally

> MI

honorary Knight of Malta reporting in

>tfw no intelligent Italian gf who will make fun of me for being a dumb snownigger from a 100 iq country compared to the 102 Italian master race

This pleasant sound can be heard everytime everywhere in Itaky

I like pizza.

too true my friend




Italy is shit