My wife and I are getting into skateboarding soon... anything I should know or expect?

My wife and I are getting into skateboarding soon... anything I should know or expect?

It's a lifestyle. You already failed. Fucking poser.

im gonna focus your board poser

also, stonerplank isnt a sport




>It's a lifestyle. You already failed. Fucking poser.
I just entered what you responded with in the Google search engine and it came up as "fag"

Well fuck all you guys we're gonna do it anyways I guess you can all return to professional growers. That seems much more interesting than skateboarding.


also youll probably fall or hit yourself in the shins within the first hour and never pick it up again.

you'll also realize how fucking hard it is to do anything on a skateboard and get immediately discouraged.

toss up between scalloped and mashed.

I'll go mashed.

What does your wife's son think?

Roasties mate

Do you mean "gratin dauphinois", you filthy fucking pleb shit?

Was gonna say that, beat me to it

Dauphinoise potatoes are fucking goat 2bh

Tony Hawk is the best skateboard player of all times

mashed is consistently the best type of potato.

fries and baked potatoes have a higher ceiling but generally don't hit their potential.

Mashed with gravy are consistently 8/10

Is her son coming too?


this guy knows his food.

/asp/ is where skateboarding is discussed.

I know them as potatoes au gratin
those are the worst form of potatoes btw

pretty much this
but I'd take a good baked potato over anything

>tfw no more comfy snowboarding threads on /asp/ anymore

fuck you mandrama
