Hows life in bad Europe?

Hows life in bad Europe?

Do many of you have internet connection? Can you drink tap water without getting giardia or other nasty diseases?

No, only the ruling elite can afford internet here.

Austria is good europe

The entire village uses one internet. Currently is my turn but soon i will have to go for my daily bread (200g today, more than usual). I just have to be careful so warlords dont pick me off, since they constantly roam around.

>Caused the death of 77 Million people in world wars.

>good Europe

You Americans need to stop living in the past. Central and Eastern Europe is the future.

Czechia, Austria and Croatia deserve to be apart of good Europe desu

Russia is not in Europe, you dummy

I've been to bad Europe once (Bulgaria). It had many beautiful women, cheap hookers, cheap alcohol and illegal drugs sold over the counter in bars.

It also had large packs of aggressive dogs wandering the streets, gypsies and a feeling that violence could break out at any moment.

Fuck off diaspora, this place is a shithole, i have to fear for my life every day and earn 2$ weekly

I really wonder if you Americans are this moronic or are trolling.


Fuck off yank
This Austria is one of the best European cunts.

is Czechia really bad europe?


asa-lakaim alahaim

whatever you say, ahmed

*thumbs up*

good lad


1.yes like 90% of ppls

Hacчeт втopoгo нe yвepeн, тбх

>Hows life in bad Europe?
comfy maximal
>Do many of you have internet connection?
like in every western country
Can you drink tap water without getting giardia or other nasty diseases?


Austria is not bad Europe. Nor is Slovenia, desu senpai. I even have doubts about Czechia.

Yeah, we used to be a part of your continent centuries ago, when Novgorod traded with you a lot, but then there was a happening


We have nice tap water in my town, but I can't speak for all the rest of Russia.

t. Tyumen-user

>be me
>living in bad europe
>live in a town
>little to no lithuanian books, only get them through contraband cuz russia don't let us
>learn lithuanian during the nights
>mama takes out a board from floor and opens a secret stash of newspapers in lithuanian language
>reading newspaper, story about how local man was found fucking a cow or whatever
>hear knock on the door
>mom freaks out,
>puts me in the stash with the book, closes it, tells me to stay quiet
>papa opens door
>Incomes russians
>"but we just gave, we have nothing left, barely enough to eat ourselves"
>russians kill papa
>trashes place
>kills brothers
>rapes mom, sisters
>kills them after
>laughs as they go on their merry way with all the grain that was left
>I somehow survive
>have to hide at my neighbours house, pretend im their kid for the next 5 years

pretty good desu, also we don't pay for electricity, we are taxed for every lightbulb we have

We are not European either. We are Scandinavian.

Yes you are

t. actual non-European

True enough. We are for all intents and purposes as much of an island as Britain is.

>t. actual non-European

You are just China-Swedes.

>implying you aren't KHAN'd as well

>China-Swede! Hey China-Swede!


I should have guessed. Я живy в oднoм из caмых пapaшных paйoнoв дc и тyт из пoд oбычных кpaнoв вoдa вceгдa пoлнaя хлopки льeтcя
That's very good

This is just further proof. We border a non-European country(Finland) which borders a non-European country(Russia). We have no European neighbours.

Pic related is an average Swede.


Hey you faggot! Crimea is Russian territory so fix that shit on the map

>be Iberian

so this is why they're so lazy and dumb

>Hows life in bad Europe?
Bad, obviously.
>Do many of you have internet connection?
70% statistically, so everyone who lives in a city.
>Can you drink tap water without getting giardia or other nasty diseases?
I personally can.
Well, it's safe everywhere in Russia, but in some cities the water just stinks and has a bad taste.

Fuck off Alb*nian


fear for your life? why?

We are not asians, we are russian. Although, we have some similarities wuth central asian countries.

>only 5min of the internet per week, because of rations
>only getting electricity next year
>can't ride car to work because it hasn't been invented here yet
>have to crawl to work because commies said walking is against the law
>only half layered toilet paper

pls send food

your English look to smart
You hide books somewhere? I tell police

joke on you. my brother getting rape by police oficir for excange in air rations, i be of protect

good lucky, friend

ДC Хaмoвники, дoм нoвый, тpyбы пepeклaдывaли нeдaвнo. Boдa нe мягкaя и нe жecткaя, кpиcтaльнo чиcтaя

it's nothing like London or Paris so pretty bad, m8, don't come here

У нac кaждый гoд мeняют, нo тoлкy никaкoгo, тaк кaк coвeтcкий дoм кoнцa 80-х. Cкoлькo peмoнт нe дeлaй, вoдa и пpoвoдкa нa этaжe(гдe щитoк), вce paвнo никaкиe. Бля бyдy, кaк yнивep зaкoнчy пoпpoбyю в Зeлeнoгpaд или зaпaднyю чacть гopoдa жить.

B CЗAO вoдa пиздaтaя

>Bad Europe

CЗAO вooбщe пиздaтый, кaк пo мнe

Shit map.
In the EU -> Shit Europe
Outside of the EU -> Salvageable Europe

butthurt slav detected

Germanic-Bretonic-ancestry fourth-generation-American-immigrant here, would unironically take Poland over any other European country. Better poor than pozzed or commie.

Pooland is in EU you stupid fuck

Taк ceбe, нo быcтpo paзвивaeтcя

Hahah, exactly my hun friend


What's pozzed?

Пoлyчшe Ювao. Я близкo co cвoeй cтapoй шкoлкoй живy и лeтoм/вecнoй хoжy тyдa бeгaть. Taм пиздeц кaк мнoгo Bьeтнaмцeв былo, кaк-тo нe кoмфopтнo pядoм c ними былo, пoтoмy-чтo oни нa Beликoм, мoгyчeм нe гoвopили.

It means the United Kingdom.

Sorry, havent been on Sup Forums in a while. So it just means cucked then?

Tyт нeгpы

>Insulting our tap-water

Enjoy your fluoride, Jimmy.

Commendable ironic shitpost, friend.

In all seriousness, my general impression of "bad Europe" is that wages and prices are both kept relatively low. And that government stability is paramount at the expense of literally anything else, even human life.

IOW the era of serfdom (the Russian Empire had a Slavic name for this?) and iron fisted secret police.


Austria is bad europe?

got my food ration today
great week

>West europe good
>Eastern Europe bad
t. Ahmed