Is this the single most powerful city in the history of professional sports?

Is this the single most powerful city in the history of professional sports?

Thats not Lester city

not even close, but you got me to reply

What city is that?

I genuinely don't know

Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, friendo.



>baseball team garbage
>hockey choking every year since 09 before today
>dank football team

yeah no

Not sure what city that is but I know it's not any part of SoCal

>baseball team garbage
You don't watch baseball or you're a Dbacks fan.

Either way literally no one gives a shit about you.

no city has as much heart as Boston

Lol what have they won? Cutch is elite and they have a nice stadium but it's not like they're SanFran or Boston

>6 Owls
>5 Eries
>3, soon 4 Lees
>steel curtain
>Roberto Clemente
>Mario Lemieux


Pittsburgh is a surprisingly nice city, but not as nice as people there want you to think it is

Being a cuck is not a sport
Rideing the bull is

>Including Pierce in that

didnt know foxborough was part of boston

>4 Owls
>8 Eries
>6 Lees
>17 Apehoops

What is Boston?

That's not Los Angeles bro

None of those Owls count
All but 4 of those ape hoops don't count

A shithole

The literal fuck are you talking about? They have five Eries, fuckboy. And they're better than both Boston AND San Francisco at a FRACTION of the payroll. If you're not a baseball fan how about you stop pretending you know what you're talking about?



Yeah, hang your hat on that garbage. Bet you weren't even alive to see it fuccboi


Like the last poster said

more like


I think you meant San Francisco pal

Pirates have a worse record than both Boston and SanFran and both of those teams have won more recently moron.

OP says "history" faglord.

Go back to your shit sports and leave baseball to the adults.

>0-4 in owls
>2 eries in 40+ years
>0 O'briens
>0 lees in the "state of hockey"

Minneapolis is almost as bad as cleveland

Whatever you have to tell yourself

5 WSs in more than a century, wow


Record is meaningless this early. The Pirates also play in a ***MUCH*** harder division than either of those two babby teams do. Record means literal shit when comparing teams across two different leagues and three divisions.

So history stopped 30 years ago? They haven't done anything in over 3 decades

Foxborough is closer to Providence than Boston

Considering the Yankees and Cardinals won about 40 of the others combined

Here's your (you)

fucking memespeak

Pittsburgh >>>>> Boston, btw

the Red Memes play in the best division in baseball

so is downtown sanfran like 100% rich white millionaire utopia or what?

So why do the victory parades go through Boston? Stop grasping at straws, **** is more of a valid argument than that lol

We're literally winning the Stanley Cup, World Series, and Super Bowl this year. Hell, give us an NBA team and we'll win that shit too.

The best part is that Pittsburgh is an unhatable city. Sure, it has its rival sports fans who root against us, but the city itself has so much class and does things the right way that it's a blessing for us to set an example for other cities.

Best Sports City reporting in!


certainly its New York?

i hate boston sports but you're just delusional

In sports obviously not. We can talk about the actual cities if you like

What is the Lawrenceville equivalent in Boston?

Point being the Patriots aren't a Boston team. Does Green Bay get to claim the Brewers?

>yfw the Pirates have the longest postseason streak in baseball after this season

>Ottoman empire

what this dude said

yuppies and homeless people with no in between

They are. They used to be the Boston Patriots. They still have their victory parades in Boston. They expanded their name but the major city in their region is Boston. This is a worse argument than **** Owls

Holy delusion batman

>Implying im a cubs fan

So the Giants and Jets aren't New York teams? What a dumb point.


>the major city in their region is Boston
no, it's Providence Rhode Island

Yeah that's exactly what it is. You can avoid all the excessively left wing people very easily too. The other day I was walking near North Beach and I saw a dog salon, and one of those pressed juicery places.

>implying it matters
We're talking cities as a whole. Not individual teams.

Fun fact: Andrew McCutchen is actually the 3rd best outfielder on the Pirates right now.

>counting the meme play in game

spelt Boston wrong, steelnigger

I literally had to reverse image search to figure out what city that is. Fuck you and fuck Seattle, worst goddamn city in the United States

Providence has a tiny population and nothing of value. Try flying into Providence without going through Boston. If you're actually trying to argue that Providence is a more major city than Boston you're beyond fucked lol

>Celtics suck
>Patriots cheat
>Bruins suck
>Red Sox have no pitching, therefore won't win in the playoffs

Boston hillbillies on suicide watch

>Patriots cheat

Implying we care :^)

Even if you want to somehow invalidate the WCG as not being actual playoff baseball, even in years when the Wild Card went straight into the Divisional Series, the Pirates still would have been that team each of the last three years. They undoubtably have a post season string going, regardless of dropping the past two Coin Flip Games (TM)

> implying anyone thinks the Cheats owls ate anything but tainted

To be fair the Giants and Pirates would have had to play a tie-breaker, as they had the same record.

Finishing with 98 wins and having your season ride on one WC game is complete bullshit, though.

Pirates beat the Giants in head to head record

That's a picture of Chicago, retard.

Again, you're implying we care what you think. You can cry asterisk all you want. Also even if you want to gripe about Spygate, you can't honestly believe that Deflategate actually mattered in terms of them winning. Obvi they did it tho

>1 best buy that went out of business
>2 pretty good Mexican restaurants
>1 GOAT historic fort
>1 gas station with great barbecue sold in the back

right around here there's a super comfy tier subway

Most disappointing sports city incoming (suck it Cleveland)

lawreneville is still a shithole if you go more than two blocks in any direction from butler street

We got dem self driving Uber cars coming soon too

Grew up in Pittsburgh but live in LA now. As much as I like it here I'll always miss Pittsburgh.

And Dodger's stadium is LITERAL T R A S H compared to PNC. Like holy shit this park is terrible.

Pittsburgh is an ugly rust belt shithole full of niggers and slavs.

Yeah Dodger Stadium is overrated trash

I once got thrown out of there for throwing a beer bottle at Kosuke Fukudome

that shit is rubbing off across the country I just drove by a fucking grilled cheese restaurant

melt is god tier tho

>tfw you will never be a millionaire living in San Fran drinking pressed juice while your dog gets groomed at the dog salon


The Burgh is getting more rejuvenated by the year. Over the last decade, it's crazy to see how many more music fests and local events put together by the city and NPO's that people are actually attending by the thousands.

Pittsburgh is one of the few cities that I would actually want to live in besides Columbus and MAYBE nyc if I were a richfag.


god wtf

It's bretty good. I've lived briefly in St. Paul (cold and depressing), Charlotte (pretentious), Cleveland (boring), and NYC (great but expensive). Pittsburgh isn't perfect, but it definitely has a feel of its own and you can't beat the cost of living for what you get.

they're both nice cities

columbus is literally the worst city i've ever spent time in

Very nice and cheap to live in.

I'm moving from Columbus to Arizona after two years here, it's a pretty great city.

The whole state is on the up. Or at least Pittsburgh and Philadelphia

cleveland is where I go once a year when I want to see the steelers win but realize it's cheaper to take a bus up, get a hotel room, see the game, and go home. thnks cleveland

the t is sad desu

Pittsburgh is depressing as shit with all the factories and abandoned warehouses around, reminds me too much of Cleveland and Detroit.

I visited the Manayunk district for a weekend last summer and the nightlife was bumping.

in the city limits theres like one old factory and all the warehouses area quickly becoming trendy lofts for all the hipsters who can't afford to live in Brooklyn