make asean great again
Mahal kita
shit op, make new thread pls
>tfw no cutie indonesian gf to make me nasi goreng
fyuuhhh malaysian girl is the best
Is this cringe thread?
>calling geef mij maar nasi goreng cringe
Fuck off, belanda peranakan.
fuck off cina peranakan
BASED poster
Everytime i want to be cheered up I watch these videos of your countrymen singing it.
I just like your food buddy. especially kip saté
>sila meninggal
>tfw martial law on mindanao soon
>belanda peranakan tells other people to fuck off
Baba nyonya
t. cina peranakan
Should I say hi to her?
I don't think so, user.
akun instagram?
>Palace: Fidel Castro’s feats became models for developing nations
Are we supposed to be pro-castro or not
any tl;dr about fidel castro?
Ik honestly surprised that the front page poll has Ahok leading. I thought kaskus is anti-chink.
yaelah jones aja sok-sokan nilai orang lain
ngaca oyy ngaca
How about this?
Wechat users around me
cakepan yang tadi gan
yang ini idungnya serem
lancip banget kayak pensil baru diserut
bedaknya juga menor
>big colored contact lens
red flag in my book
Ok I'll try. Kalau wecahat ni masalahnya ramai shemale/gay yang nak add aku.
the make up is too bold, be warning son
>Kalau wecahat ni masalahnya ramai shemale/gay yang nak add aku
what's the problem?
>cummies supporting trump
shieet nigga, things has gone too weird.
I don't want to get diarrhea
Weird nose. Before is slightly better.
>ever great
diare sikit takpe lah
>mfw i have no
gungung kinsa sa inyo nagbuhat ani? wa man ko ninyo apila lel.
pero kung reddit mo, ay nalang. bilat ninyo. matay pa lang mo, reddit.
>Lovers lane
>renamed to designated shitting street
Agree, not having a little sister is like not having a purpose of live.
Good thing I have one.
I'll make you have none.
Then you become my oneesan?
What a tricky move you have there, user.
Adek lu jelek njing
Say that to me IRL and see what happens, faggot.
My little sister is the cutest in the world.
pick one only
>all this flipnigger politics shit
fuck off back to r3dd1t you cuckshills from both sides, no one with a brain would give a fuck on your shilling for your beloved political dynasties.
Post her pics then
I bet she doesn't even exist.
pic or fuuuuu
I pick both.
Nice try you have there, NSA.
>the average age of mariage is 30
>no wife in his 20's
what a loser
Kenapa susu?
Castro basically caused the cuban missile crisis and resisted the US for 45 years.
Basically based as fuck if he wasn't a commie.
say hello
kek, i bet you and your family is ugly af
The commies hate everything that threatens Philippines interest and anything that tries to control us . Shit on them but they know that trusting china or russia is going to make us get controlled again.
Say that you want to have some fuck.
dubs decide
take off your hijab
what a lovely evening
pokpok pakantot
>visit Filipin
> no one can pronounce F sounds
why they change their name Pilipin?
for historical reason?
>thing that didn't happen vol.1 (2016 edition)
ffs, shut the fuck up
Because someone flip out when they didn't include it.
lets have coffee?
because the english of the name Felipe is Philip its an american thing
She hasn't replied yet. This is my first time I don't want to come off too strong.
'f'uck off jap
go squint your slit eyes somewhere else yellow monkey
Wouldnt you want that?
Yeah Marcos in power is very dangerous
That suppose to be a freedom board
lol u look to thin and borderline gay, no offense.
>Yeah Marcos in power is very dangerous
Not for long when bonbong wins his election protest when he finds the votes in those unused SD cares.
Soon, the lugaw Queen will be oust and someone competent will replace and hopefully precede over the housing projects in tacloban not so shittily.
Don't know it looks like they are an it trump and murica as usual
Yet they don't say anything against china and russia
That's why I said here I had to block gay/shemale from keep adding me.
Don't worry change is on its way
>creating persona on internet
>stocks falling
>blaming duts
>Not the stock trades
>mfw sometimes I become chink, sometimes blake, sometimes mudslime, sometimes christcuck, sometimes libtard, sometimes leftard, sometimes cuckservative for the sake of fun
hey i can bersih your najib
dont reply, you're just making their shill paychecks bigger by 1peso everytime you gave them the (you)s.
Its the ballot that they will fix to make bobong Marcos win
SD cards are just for quick unofficial counts and the machine lawsuit was already dismissed
Blame the local gov in tacloban the romualdez Marcos cronny they suck
It implies the money just goes to his approved oligarchs and cronnies
Marcos shit style
>i will never be an Alabang boy
;__; why even live lads?
I wish I was cute girl ;_;
t. sandy salihin
Buying trade stocks while their is a good opportunity is nothing new in the stock market .
Its like you didn't know anything about how ferocious the PSEI market is.
You can be a girl like me