I-I love you

I-I love you
d-do you love me?

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w-well? do you?

Sorry, you are too rare for me, but I could give you a chance

hate u
every single libyan must go out of tunisia

the part out east where some general rules seems okay

Dr Idris I'm DVX

Why do North Africans put eggs on top of everything?

who would pay your salary then?
we consume your products and tourism :(
b-best ally ok?
its just media memes
the west is much better and safer
wtf no facism
because it tastes good desu

r u really Lybian?
speak Lybish

Youre the closest thing the world still has to Carthaginians.
Of course I like you

i wanna love you in the butthole, so you can keep your virginity

Its Libbyish you illiterate

Libyan is an arabic dialect
طبعا انا ليبي يا حبي
what happened to tunisia tho? carthage is located there
i'm a liberal progressive and am deeply offended by that
i wanna take it in the mouth

Yes.If You love me I love u 2

We are bros flag style, so yes, why not.

albanians here are p based desu
moor pride world wide


oh, Im sorry. I always get you two mixed up.

Well, I guess I dont like you then. UNless you can do soemthing cool.

Can you do anything cool?

Poor poor Libya , the US scapegoat.



Albanians in Libya.That's cool.Where exactly

what do you think about turkey?

wikitravel says we have the best cafes outside of italy

and does this count?


and we have lots of roman greek and phoenician ruins


Actually we built our country on the basis of the struggle against the Moors. But if you're away we can be friends.

mostly tripoli or in the oil fields in the south

I like turkey and think its a great example of a secular muslim country (im not muslim im an atheist) but i can't say the same about erdogan..
turks here are pretty based

Where do you live?

>Greek and phoenician ruins


ok, I love you.

best friends if you give ceuta back to our maghrebi brothers

Tripoli, used to live in benghazi moved here last month


>give ceuta back to our maghrebi brothers

They wanna be part of Spain, even the Muslim citizens. Same with Melilla. So no.

then why do you guys bitch about gibralter?

What do Libyans think of Hillary Clinton?

they don't really care much about her

im atheist too


will the spanish ever recover from this?

Because are totally different issues.

tfw no libyan attaturk

how so exactly?

Answer honestly, are you satisfied with your revolution? Was life under Ghadafi bad enough for a revolution to happen?

stop mixing us with those trash sandnegros

Enjoying that unity government?

yes i'm glad the revolt happened
we are struggling right now but in the end we will pull through
and yes life under gaddafi was so shit
my father who's a skilled accountant used to make only 300 dinars a month cuz of gaddafis "equality"
not to mention in the 80s he went full commie and almost made money disappear with it as he kept giving out rations but no money (if youre wondering why the libyan dinar is strong, this is where you look)
among other shit like destroying our media and making libya a conservative shithole

in the end this mess will clear up
what won't happen again is another dictator

mate you do realize we are the same people with the same dialect too the only difference is we're conservative
yes, they saved our economy

same dialect same people? 15-20% of tunisian dialect in french you dialect is somewhat close to south tunisian same goes with people but that apply only for north west libya

Unless you have french in your dialect then we don't have the same

just cuz you have a few french loan words doesnt make it a different dialect
but whatever i know your type you're not the one who would be convinced

French vocabulary is what makes the tunisian dialect now? you guys are idiots.

>hurdur civil war is better

>yes, they saved our economy



i'm speaking long term
gaddafi was gonna die one day be it old age or civil war
what then? his kids hated each other and they all had their own private armies

besides we had no state institutions which is why we're shit rn cuz he made everything rely on him

>hurdur let me tell you that dictature is better for you while I live in my comfy democracy


Also, strawman.

The majority of your countrymen disagree with you.

They will be destroyed soon

can u understand this 'he isn't even speaking too much french' and with slow rythme

I linked the CBL
if you scrolled down a bit you would've found pic related
note that 2014 is the date the second civil war started in and the UN govt arrived in 2016
you're just here to push some sort of USA political view and probs don't care about the facts

This is why everyone hates us.

what's the point in arguing for that dictature while it is precisely that dictature which led to this current civil war? They're one and the same.

>The majority of your countrymen disagree with you
and you know that how exactly?
all you need to do is go around the streets of tripoli
revolutionary graffiti and flags are everywhere

i can fully
it sounds like the tripoli accent

All outside sources say that Libya is still in recession. And it's economy is about 50% smaller than it was in 2010.

>inb4 he strawmans me and claims I love Gaddafi

How come so many people were on Gaddafis side before he died?


If there are so many "revolutionary" feelings, then why, 5+ years after Gaddafi was ripped to pieces, is your country still in civil war?

and this?

shh why are you going for demcracy, it's not more comfy that a dictature, never mind you can get tortured and disapper just for voicing your opinion


in 2012 the economy became better than 2011 actually if you bother to google "fastest growing economy 2012" you'll see what i mean

we got screwed because we elected a secularist government and islamists went batshit and isis used the power vaccum to get in

but thats all in 2014
isis are almost defeated in sirte and bengahzi
a few districts remain and that's it

as for our economy the only reason it got shit was cuz in 2014 our petroleum guard closed the terminals cuz their leader was a faggot
they've been taken from him and oil production is back and thus our economy grows

unlike egypt and tunisia we didn't take down president
we took down a whole system
we had no constitution or state institutions whatsoever
we're starting over

does that answer you?


Also, Libya today is no more of a democracy than Libya in 2010.

Never have I said that Gaddafi was a good person or that his rule was great, but only the delusional believe Libya is better off TODAY.

we went into a second civil war cuz we elected a secularist government 5 years and the people don't want gaddafi back

if that's too hard for you to understand then i'm sorry

maybe you should look into why we hate him?



tru...screw my civil rights

Was Gaddafi really that bad? Always though he was like one of the least worse dictators out there.

i don't believe is better off right now
but it's going for the best
the people are still optimistic

to put it simply
hes the longest ruling dictator in the history of africa
the most authoritarian
and under him libya had the highest level of corruption in the world

>Also, Libya today is no more of a democracy than Libya in 2010.

it actually is, now different political actors got elected, are talking, negoriating. That's better than when all of this was repressed.

Now is the time to sort the shit that Qaddafi and once it's sorted Libya will be better tomorrow than either today or during Qaddafi's rule.

Is it safe to travel to Libya? Been thinking of going to the not war-torn parts of MENA.

That's because in 2011 the economy was the fastest falling in the world. Now it's about 50% lower than in 2010.

Numbers for 2016 haven't been released, although I think y'all started exported more oil in September again.

There's no polling evidence of "what the people want" nor have there been any elections "of what the people want".

The 2012 election elected islamists, and the 2014 elections were bullshit and corrupt.

No wonder the civil war continues.

Okay then. Good luck.

Either way, was 6 years of horrible war worth it?

hello newfriend

avoid benghazi and sirte
safety here is pretty normal
don't go to dark alleys alone etc
the usual
have a travel guide 2bh
there are still lots of expats in libya you can look them up
tripoli is the most welcoming to foreigners

>it actually is, now different political actors got elected, are talking, negoriating. That's better than when all of this was repressed.
[Citation needed]

The 2014 elections were immensely corrupt and none of the powerful elites followed the result. The Tobruk government started a civil war over it.

>nor have there been any elections
>The 2012 election elected islamists
>and the 2014 elections were bullshit and corrupt

both elections had secularists win and in the first case the islamists resorted to threats and assassinations and in the second a civil war blew up

>Either way, was 6 years of horrible war worth it?


You got it completely mixed Tobruk gvernment, as elected in fair elections that were recognized on the ground and internationally, it's the islamist government that didn't want to recognize it. It's the islamist governmenet and not Tobruk that started the civil war

All the powerful elites are in discussion in sorting the matter ith negotiotions, this is already more democratic than decades of qaddafi's rule

Typical muriccan doesn't even know his shit and comes telling you what's better for you.

you got...everything

the tobruk govt is the one that was elected in 2014
islamists seized the capital for losing

>>nor have there been any elections

Not what I wrote.

2012 elected islamist majority. This is factual.

2014 elected secularist majority. Tobruk government attacked Tripoli and the islamists because of them not respecting the election.

Well okay then.

i give up

Heard Gaddafi's son once shot with a AK on a crows of football fans in the stands when his team lost against them.

I don't know about that shooting
but I know he killed several football players cuz they beat his favorite team...

I didn't claim that.


Tobruk government responded with these attacks

Point out the post where I claimed otherwise you stupid fuck.

The Islamists seized the capital, but Haftar started the civil war in May 2014. That's what happened.

>Legislative elections were held in Libya on 25 June 2014 for the Council of Deputies.[1] Whilst all candidates ran as independents, the elections saw nationalist and liberal factions win the majority of seats, with Islamist groups being reduced to only around 30 seats.[2] Election turnout was very low at 18%.[3]

>election turnout was 18%

>I didn't bother to register this time around, and that should tell you everything. My friends were killed in the revolution, we paid in blood for this democracy, but what was the result of the [previous] election? Candidates make big promises, but when they get the power, nothing.[12]

—Mohammed Abu Baker, 21-year-old student

youre saying tobruk attacked first
the islamists attacked first by taking the capital from the HOR

and for you saying the islaimists won the 2012 election

national forces alliance is the same party that won in 2014

please it's the islamists who didn't recognize the elections that started going durka and carrying attacks left and right and generally installing a climate of insecurity before the army started to react.

>Hurdur I'm a faggot who will tell a Libyan about their own country so I can keep using Libya for my anti-American bullshit

What did you expect after the overthrow of a dictator who ruled a country that relied on him for stability for decades on end?

for it to be an up and coming regional power the next day? you need to give it time. yeah 5 years is a long time but some take more time to solve their issues than others

yeah election turnout in 2014 was so small (2012 was 70%) because people lost faith in the government

now with the UN govt and the victories against islamists in sirte and benghazi the people are optimistic again

NFA isn't all secularists user.

And I don't consider the islamists takeover of the capitol as the start of the civil war.
It takes two to fight.

>the islamists attacked first
[Citation needed]

>the army


This is not an excuse for the immense failure of Libyans the last 6 years.

>le optimism meme
Good source

>NFA isn't all secularists user.
>And I don't consider the islamists takeover of the capitol as the start of the civil war
yeah the capital should just bend over and tell the islamists fuck me senpai is that right?

>At the beginning of 2014, Libya was governed by the General National Congress (GNC), which won the popular vote in 2012 elections. The GNC had become the subject of considerable discontent for, among other things: allegedly being dominated by Islamists despite that group's holding only a minority of seats; channeling government funds towards some Islamist armed groups and allowing others to conduct assassinations and kidnappings; suppressing inconvenient debates and inquiries by removing them from the congressional agenda;[83] voting to declare sharia law and establishing "a special committee" to "review all existing laws to guarantee they comply with Islamic law";[84] imposing gender segregation and compulsory hijab at Libyan universities; and refusing to hold new elections when its electoral mandate expired in January 2014[85] until General Khalifa Haftar launched a large-scale military offensive against the Islamists in May 2014, code-named Operation Dignity (Arabic: عملية الكرامة; 'Amaliya al-Karamah).[86][87]


hello nasa