
White cliffs edition

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am virgin

kinda want to join a gym again but too scared



When you're wanking to tranny porn do you imagine being the tranny or the black fella shagging the tranny?

down from being labouring under the weight of my problems to hovering like a feather on the edge of consciousness lads

*walks into /brit/ with a 10 gallon hat, sunglasses, old glory t-shirt, and blue jeans*


who /liv/ here

>"ah i see you browse Sup Forums"
>"we're more of a reddit company here"
>"i dont think you are suitable for this position"

sense of impending doom is back again lads

Shit wrong image

another 2 points dropped it looks like

won't get top 4


Leishitter Shitty


Nah we (sunderland) will fuck it

>In 2010, the inhabitants banded together to purchase a 1.5-ton block of Purbeck Stone to place at the entrance to Shitterton, carved with the hamlet's name. More than half of the 50 households chipped in £20 each and a further £70 was contributed by Purbeck district council.[10] A truck and crane were hired by volunteers to put the stone in place, at a total cost of £680.[11] Ian Ventham explained: "We thought, 'Let's put in a ton and a half of stone and see them try and take that away in the back of a Ford Fiesta'."[10]


4th ahead of spurs and manu imhowyf

god damn it boner

Only god can judge me, lad

Yea that's I'm saying We (sunderland) are dropping points here and won't get top 4.

>a further £70 was contributed by Purbeck district council
how generous

>Walk into interview
>they have a stack of your Sup Forums posts printed off
>reads them out to you
>on june of last year you posted "gas the jews" care to explain what you ment by that?
>im afraid we cant off you a job

Do you think God approves?

That's £70 not being spent on care homes and buses. Who gives a shit about the sign


last night some twat was trying to get on the train before everyone had got off, still raging just thinking about him

what was it

My white cliffs > your white cliffs

>'Can you explain why you post so many pictures of this man?'

at least they aren't fucking retarded pathetic losers hahaha kill yourself

suicide tomorrow morning

ah, yes, another /brit/. another chance to show off my superior bantering skills.


ah yes, yanks

bantering the ol' famalan are ya?

that's what other blokes call my gf haha

How could a cliff be a fucking retarted pathetic loser
It's just rocks user

Headed out tonight lads this is what I'm thinking of wearing, thoughts?



Dunno lad. I hope so. I don't think he's be too upset desu

Check the archive lad, you should know how by now.

>even France's cliffs aren't white

the gf

What is up with those clown shoes?


I have some bad news user

alri krusty?

>British eyesight


>yes, everything seems to be in order...
>Just one thing though, you post a lot of images of this man, who is he and why is he so sweaty?

They were pretty cheap, only £20, and I thought they look quite like converse or something

s󠇦mh t󠇦bh fa󠇦m

the gf

those shoes...

Take them off lad
They look like printed kitchen roll cardboard

it's tim and he's sweaty because vinay is pumping in nitrous to drive him away from the flat spracken house

>just one thing before we continue
>why do you have so many pictures of this blue girl?


>he fell for the rick meme

>hes a mentally challenged man who was at war with the Dynamic Parcel Distribution company as well as the dentist next door
>also thats not sweat its bio oil

*bites knuckle*

literally newer than new

got some terrible news lads ... today will be a day like any other

>Through the Big Brother Act we were able to retrieve some posts you've made on what we understand to be an east-Cantonese potato art enthusiast forum
*straightens out paper*
>"dog started barking when I booted him in the ribs so I knocked the little cunt sparkout. Think my neighbour saw me putting him in the compost bin"
>"bounced the gf's head off the wall again. She knows just how to press my buttons"
>"doing a poo"
>"getting my daily dose"
>Do you recall making these posts, and if so would you care to explain?

They look more like clown shoes desu, You could get some vans for like 45-60 or just some nice Converses for a bit more

why are you scared? I barely even acknowledge other people at the gym

actually cannot imagine a girl ever having a receiprocal feeling of love for towards me lads, let alone one like this

always used to go with someone else and he'd help me with what/how i was meant to be doing

man western animation is dire rn

>There are also strong gender impacts: the lack of safe, private toilets makes women and girls vulnerable to violence and is an impediment to girls' education. Rapes and sexual molestation take place when women search for places for open defecation that are secluded and private, often during hours of darkness.

who the fuck would rape a woman while she's taking a shit?

Yeah its really on a downswing

I saw something like this before as i recognise the wall but i just thought he was wearing something different

hoping for the Samurai Jack reboot to be good desu


are there people who spend years saving for a car?

me too


Post fog pics

Up until around 20 or 21 I used to hug my duvet at night imagining cuddling a qt gf. But for the last few years I just haven't been able to anymore. The idea of it is just too implausible.

although she looks worryingly skinny there

havent had sex in two years so i think i''ll join you lads

>poley's finally fucking off


beter dan nothing

crikey lad

same lad wahay


>you are now aware that dpd is owned by a German company, geopost
>Tim was using code when he said 'put them out of business', he meant the entire EU
>the eu knew this and was keeping tabs on him
This rabbit hole is deep lads

22 and stil do this sometimes ngl

went from a single to queen bed last week and although its a lot more comfortable my loneliness is more noticeable than ever before

since working in London I've seen so many commuters on scooters

not like mopeds, like actual razer scooters but these are """adult""" scooters

what state does your life have to be in to consider one of those

In what episode of The Life and Times of Tim does he say it's bio oil?

i wonder if they can't use bikes because they'd get stolen?

>went from a single to queen bed last week

OOF ya big ninny!

>Up until around 20 or 21 I used to hug my duvet at night imagining cuddling a qt gf. But for the last few years I just haven't been able to anymore. The idea of it is just too implausible.

fast way of getting round
highly mobile
won't get robbed
can go on the pavement

Would be absolutely screeching if I saw an adult on a push scooter

I hope they don't cheap out on animation at least, though a lot of American studios are full of Calarts trash now so idk.

my mums been talking about getting one of those

the absolute state of my so-called "family"

was samurai jack autistic?

I'd fucking dread getting arrested, having my pc confiscated and having to explain the things on my computer

>ah yes this is Tim, he's an internet meme
>no I'm not a neo nazi, they're just meme frogs
>yes I like shemale porn
>Reece Sanders is just a meme