winter edition
been upgraded
>not recognising foreign imageboards
genuine newshitters
she looks comfy
he's not going to be happy
Hope this isn't real 2bh
That looks like it hurts
tfw no cozy anime gf
>when it finally gets cold enough to wear your thick fleece socks around the house
let's plot a course
nah the japanese drink cold tea
literally the most hipster post i've ever seen
i bet you read Nietzsche on tube/train too
you just lost the game
It's true that feminism is common in Iceland, but I have personally never met a die-hard feminist in my life, I have seen quite a lot more women who that realise that gender equality isn't much of an issue here in Iceland
Doing a study in the uni library
He's just describing genres of music you spastic little faggot
finished the entire harry potter series
actually surprisingly decent. gets less childish as you progress into it
the job interview gimmick is very good
best town in the UK
*taps you on the shoulder*
look here mate
It's been a week since International Men's Day 2016
Have you felt more equal and secure in your gender since?
feel sorry for anyone who lives here
why does this even exist. I want to cry
You wake up one day to find out that the UK has been annexed by France. What do?
what a load of rubbish
bet they send this to everyone
What's the longest you've went without sleep? Doing NoSleep and I'm approaching hour 29 soon, my longest is two days and trying to break that.
got so much studying to do lads
reckon I might crack 2bh
Looks like a UFO made some markings and you built roads on em haha
>gets less childish as you progress into it
That's because she wrote the books for the same group of people essentially, who all grew up along with the release of the books.
Why are you doing this? Are you trying get to prove something to yourself?
What do you call the Irish illuminati?
the illuminarti
t. Special snowfllake who reads Love and Peace in Starbucks and has a GREAT taste in music
A couple years ago i had a major depressive episode and did a drawing stream to keep my mind off of shit that lasted for 5 days straight with the only breaks being to go to the bathroom/get more food and water.
its more fun to have an hour or so every day
just bought a new hat and scarf
The din-dins.
Mine is just over 30 hours
I know a guy who supposedly went without sleep for 9 days
bone app the teef
that fish(?) could do with a pumice stone run over it
very likely he just didn't realise he was having naps
boney apple tea
I see the crystal rain drops fall and the beauty of it all when they sun comes shining through...
only time I ever ran was when I ran out reasons to live haha
those veggies look dire
this is not how I imagined my life at 24
>tfw palace fan
when will they learn
imagine being this man
So witty
going to sleep, talk to you cuties tomorrow xx.
That's likely
He was apparently playing counter strike the whole time
having some chinese food for lunch rads
best radiohead song 2bh
>Vietnamese farmers
ar kid could do with his microphone adjusting
sweet dreams xxxxxxxx
Is any cunt here studying at Durham University?
I'm a mature first year and haven't made any friends yet (which is OK by me). Nevertheless, I'm going to have to find somewhere to live next year and I don't want to end up with a bunch of noisy twats. So I figure here is a good a place as any to begin my search for potential housemates.
>Quiet - like always use headphones when listening to music, never have guests over.
>Not completely anti-social - If you start talking to me, I'll respond. If you're in the shit, need to sound off or have a musing, I'll probably be there.
>Poor - First person in family to attend university. Stonkingly working class roots. Had a couple of legit homeless spells. No money to my name other than loan. Still have a bit of a chip on my shoulder about "posh southern twats" but this is steadily dissolving as I meet people who aren't that bad. Also acutely aware of the fact that I'm still much better off than the majority of the world's population.
>ADD - Not diagnosed yet but have read the specs DSM-IV and am in absolutely no doubt it is what I have. Personal space can be quite messy but I'm mindful of leaving communal areas as I find them and will even clean after others if I'm bugged enough.
>Smoker - but on nth attempt to quit and never smoke indoors. May well be non-smoker this time next year.
>Single - for all intents and purposes. Have been in a long term very long distance relationship but not sure where that is headed.
>Around a 1.5 on Kinsey scale - I prefer the vagoo and have never fapped to the cock. I do occasionally have crushes (not man-crushes) on men and have fooled around with guys before. Probably because they're a lot easier to score. I won't rape you though. I have much much higher standards for men than I do women.
>Politically apathetic. If pushed, old school anti-sjw socialist.
>Hobbies - not sure... Watching sports (Horse Racing... power gap... Football/Boxing/Road Cycling... Cricket), playing pool (can beat hopeless players, tend to lose against good players), watching films/tv and stuff but not avidly.
>History and Cuths
>QUIET - can not fucking emphasise this enough. I want to be in bed by 11 and I need as close to perfect silence as possible.
>QUIET - see above.
>Don't use my pots and pans - I'm a veggie but not a preachy one. Eat whatever the fuck you want. Your diet is your business. But don't use my pots and pans.
>That's pretty much it.
So if you're at Durham and looking for a place or know someone suitable who's looking for a place, let's talk why not.
If you're not at Durham, would you live with someone like me?
It's Saturday m8 I don't have time to read this essay.
why do girls get pornstar nails?
The voice of that girl is female runthood personified
thought that fad died a decade ago
never been a fan of the bends tb h
OK Computer is unironically better, anyone who denies it is a contrarian runt
>The lone detective who interviewed me was a female from a last time, it was all a set up, I got done for an impostors post, I tried to explain how Sup Forums works etc but she saw that as a confession somehow. There was some confusion where she said “Police say Monica” and I heard it as “pls say Monica” and I jumped on that as proof of it being fake but she took that as me having fallen into her trap and admitting it was my post.
Requesting some laughing Bradley
ah yes
Business idea: emigrate
Almost close to me, seem like a top lad for the most part but the smoking would put be off desu.
Ended up living with noisy cunts at uni, drove me mental.
Can't deal with people who always have to be making noise
*shouts from the kitchen*
>Not In Rainbows
how, in 2016, does racism exist
>works for the postal service
>writes honestly and compellingly about his degenerate exploits
>substance abuser
>struggles to form healthy relationships with women
>misunderstood by his contemporaries
when did you realise that Poleaboo is the British Bukowski?
>very long distance relationship
Is this a relationship of a semi-autobiographical nature?
>first year with no-one to live with next year
You fucked it m8. The first social test of uni and you fucked it. Might as well drop out now.
>Vietnamese anything
>>works for the postal service
since when?
You sound like an unbearable cunt
Would not live with you if you sucked me off daily
>Is this a relationship of a semi-autobiographical nature?
Eating for the first time since Wednesday
Feels good man
alri amir hows prison
going downstairs
We are memeing MARTIN ROBERTS to victory in I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here..
"Well how can I participate?", you might ask. Here's what you do:
•download the official ITV I'm A Celeb app which is FREE
•tonight when voting opens (around 21:30 GMT) cast 5 votes to save Martin - also FREE
•Feel great about yourself knowing you played a massive part in 2016 being remembered as the year of Brexit, Trump and Martin
isn't he doing a Christmas job for the Royal Mail?
2ch DOT hk/b/src/140921454/14801822249690.webm
he could win the booker prize next year judging by the shit that wins it these days.
What sort of fecced up link is this?
is there a worse human being on earth?
slimy little twat
Sup Forums wont let you post all links
is this that bird getting ran over?
why him?
want the lad off Gavin and Stacey to win desu and I don't even watch it