>people on Sup Forums and Sup Forums actually white-knighting a communist butcher who enslaved his own people for over half a century
>most of them conveniently from countries that were never "blessed" by this wonderful system of government
People on Sup Forums and Sup Forums actually white-knighting a communist butcher who enslaved his own people for over...
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Calm down, Poland. Nobody is going to make you be commie again.
>stop liking what I don't
>tfw you treat your people so great they risk their lives to come to America and then become the most reliably right wing minority voting block for multiple generations
>tfw you die and they celebrate in the streets
Not my fault that you are a buffer state between Germany and Russia.
He was better than the US supported dictatorship he overthrew.
Don't worry brother, he is dead now, cannot harm us anymore
>bashes communists
Oh well, gotta live up to the stereotype?
>He was better than the US supported dictatorship he overthrew.
>butthurt former landowners and rich
>treat the average Cuban like dirt and servants
>get revolutionary justice
>muh evil castro
I want to visit Cuba before American imperialism rots their spirit and culture too, which is not far off now
>user, why do you post political threads outside of the political board?
Yeah, anyone who owned a business and gave people jobs...off to the gulag with you.
Neck yourself, commie filth.
Enjoy yourself.
Cuba. The workers paradise. Where women have equality and opportunity...
Everyone owns a shiny late model automobile...
There's plenty of consumer goods for all...
>gave people jobs
nice meme
Poverty has been eradicated...
reminder that we will see McDonalds in La Habana in our lifetime
>It is with deep sorrow that I learned today of the death of Cuba’s longest serving President.
>“Fidel Castro was a larger than life leader who served his people for almost half a century. A legendary revolutionary and orator, Mr. Castro made significant improvements to the education and healthcare of his island nation.
>“While a controversial figure, both Mr. Castro’s supporters and detractors recognized his tremendous dedication and love for the Cuban people who had a deep and lasting affection for “el Comandante”.
>“I know my father was very proud to call him a friend and I had the opportunity to meet Fidel when my father passed away. It was also a real honour to meet his three sons and his brother President Raúl Castro during my recent visit to Cuba.
>“On behalf of all Canadians, Sophie and I offer our deepest condolences to the family, friends and many, many supporters of Mr. Castro. We join the people of Cuba today in mourning the loss of this remarkable leader.”
What did he mean by this?
People are free to speak their minds and express themselves...
And finally, if you do get sick or injured, don't worry. The world's greatest health care system is there for you. Not like that stinky for-profit capitalist pig health care they have in the US.
Him and his shithole were a reliable trading partner for us during gommunism. We sold 'em tobacco and they sold us candies. Even though I was alive for about 5 years of communism, I'm kind of nostlagic for that kind of "personal" trading relationship, a similar one we had with Tito's yugoslavia, but I certainly don't miss everything else.
He's telling burgers to get fucked. Canada has always been close to Cuba.
WTF I love leafs now
Sure sure. Apparently freedom is overrated. I bet all those cubans in miami just got lost and desperatly wanted to get back to their communist paradise as soon as fucking possible.
Pls be bait
Cuban health care is so wonderful that Castro flew in doctors and nurses from Europe to take care of him in his old age, and you never ever ever see Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, or various and sundry Hollywood actors flying down there to use Cuba's medical system despite their effusive praise for it.
He stood against american in a small island a few miles from the us
He was a communist motherfucker, but he had fucking balls
Fuck you american imperialist scum
>westerners are stupidly ignorant
didn't we know that already?
All communists should aspire to be like Fidel Castro.
>Sup Forums Sup Forums
pick one brother (or they changed overnight and i didn't notice).
It's very easy to have balls of steel when you have Soviet nukes protecting you.
>My country is shit and theirs isn't waaah waaah
Fucking retards, this asshole and that dead faggot che guevara ruined the entire fucking continent.
How did alt rightists in Sup Forums would praise one of the most influencial communist leaders?
If that is the case, I shall provide them some cheap helicopter rides to make them meditate about the topic.
>He was a communist motherfucker, but he had fucking balls
He was proud to a fault.
Look at Cuba. Its not a world or regional power, no military. Shit economy.
It would take big balls to take credit for such a failure.
Such is communism though.
I guess they're just doing whatever is considered edgy. Bunch of faggots.
>Look at Cuba. Its not a world or regional power, no military. Shit economy
Even Mao Zedong criticized Cuba's sugar-based economy saying it was a vestige of colonialism and they should become self sufficient in food production instead. Castro naturally ignored this suggestion because he saw no reason to fix whatever wasn't broken.
During the 60s-80s, Cuba sold virtually their entire sugar crop to the Soviet Union. The Soviets were already self-sufficient for their sugar needs, but accepted anyway as a gesture of friendship.
>Castro naturally ignored this suggestion because he saw no reason to fix whatever wasn't broken.
>During the 60s-80s, Cuba sold virtually their entire sugar crop to the Soviet Union. The Soviets were already self-sufficient for their sugar needs, but accepted anyway as a gesture of friendship.
Exactly my point.
Cuba was never anything but a future US territory.
I want capitalist scum to leave
>People like richer country better than poor country.
I hate commies, but you need better arguments.
>The Soviets were already self-sufficient for their sugar needs
Uh...since when can you grow sugarcane in fucking Russia.
they will be alive forever
>American education
It's called a sugar beet. We grow lots of them in Europe. They never got popular in the US because the climate isn't good for them.
But what made that said country so poor and misserable? Communism.
Cuba was not shit before Castro. Now they only have cars from the 50's and dont even have internet.
But muh doctors.
Before Fidel, Cuba was a corrupted shithole with US Mafias ruling the streets.
Contrary to our country it was actually a change from worse to better.
Plus it's just as Chavez once said: I would like to see how Cuba would do if there was no fucking embargo.
Cuba was one huge party place in the 50s. Now it's an oversized prison where old men in undershirts sit around playing dominoes and driving rusted 1955 Buicks. All educated people have long since fled the place, the birthrate is almost nil and abortion and suicide rates are sky-high.
Nice proxy, Kremlinbot.
The embargo is just a political ruse by the Castro brothers. They don't actually want it lifted because the regime would then collapse.
You're right this guy was a huge party animal that the US supported him
Cuba is the best it has been since Spain
>people on Sup Forums and Sup Forums actually white-knighting a capitalist butcher who continues enslave his own people
>most of them conveniently from countries that isn't "blessed" by this wonderful system of government
But bernie told me breadlines are a good thing
He was the better choice between him and Batista, which goes to show how fucking bad Batista was.
It was either get raped in the mouth or get raped in the ass for 1950's Cuba.
Canada has been close with Cuba for years, there's a reason why Canadians were the only tourists there until a year ago.
Besides that, isn't it pretty dumb to admit that the country is shit because it can't trade with its alleged greatest foe? Communism is obviously pretty fucking shitty and worthless if it has to depend on US imperialist/capitalist money to survive.
Not really, Obama has been a big proponent of rapprochement and most Americans besides butthurt exiles don't give a shit about Cuba
>Look at Cuba. Its not a world or regional power, no military. Shit economy.
it it is a regional power to a degree
it practically controls Venezuela as its puppet state and has done so for years, Venezuelan oil and drugs shipped up from there, through Cuba, and into the USA provide most of their income.
Havana actually has very well trained doctors and nurses and a world class hospital. It's just only ever used by tourists and party affiliates.
>Obama has been a big proponent of rapprochement
>far left president loves gargling Castro's nutsack
>Cuba is the best it has been since Spain
What a terrible shithole.
>Far left anything
The first step towards the end of modern capitalism has been made with the Trump election.
>far left
>To avoid being mistaken for a sellout,I chose my friends carefully.The more politically active black students.The foreign students.The Chicanos.The Marxist Professors and the structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets.We smoked cigarettes and wore leather jackets.At night,in the dorms,we discussed neocolonialism,Franz Fanon,Eurocentrism,and patriarchy.When we ground out our cigarettes in the hallway carpet or set our stereos so loud that the walls began to shake,we were resisting bourgeois society's stifling constraints.We weren't indifferent or careless or insecure.We were alienated.
Those were his own words, Michael Moore.