How can America be so much better than Canada in every single way?
How can America be so much better than Canada in every single way?
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He was pretty remarkable though whether or not you liked him or not.
I know that remarkable doesn't really imply morally good. But the part about him having tremendous love for his people is obviously bullshit.
You win the gold medal in petty sophistry.
The CIA tried to kill him theoughout his life yet he died of old age
Pretty remarkable
Cucknadian genocide when?
canada is kind of like our mainland Cuba, its shit but everyone just keeps going on about MUH HEALTHCARE
Nobody's perfect
The growing divide between the right and the left becomes more evident by the day..
Save me
>Well, sure, he may have been "evil", but you know, if I shift the subject, we won't have to talk about him. So let's talk about you instead.
>getting mounted by a fucking leaf every single day
>Mexico and Canada ready to renegotiate NAFTA
>Duterte ready for friendly relations with the US again
>Putin ready to normalise relations
>EU "emergency meeting" with the aim of worsening relations with the US shot down by the UK and v4 countries
>massive oil discovery in Texas
>Castro dead
>the President-elect of the United States of America is a literal shitposter
There is no doubt that we entered an alternate timeline on November 8th, and it is an amazing one
>How can America be so much better than (insert country name here) in every single way?
>shift the subject
It feels like playing through a videogame with multiple choices and endings and picking all the best ones on your first try
For one Trudeau's rethoric style isn't fucking cringe as Trump's. The American statement will be understood as petty, vindictive, unconducive to the dialogue that's required to change conditions in the island and as fucking pandering to the gusano base in Miami.
I hope it lasts..
Build wall
>pineapple italy
He didn't say he was going to bomb the place retard. He just condemned it like any leader should do.
>Pretending that OP's obvious hyperbole is real critique
>Make serious, yet watery case for geopolitical relativism
In very objective terms it's undiplomatic and not "America first" as the statement does not advance foreign policy in any way but throws an obstacle.
I'm not sure how you read first statement as being vindictive. Petty? Maybe, but as said the president-elect of the United States of America is a literal shitposter. Unconducive to the dialogue that's required to change conditions in the island? I guess so. But regardless, Republicans in general have never been kind towards the Castro regime or Communist Cuba. It would have shocked me if Trump decided to go out on a limb and done something Obama-esque
Why are you guys so mean? It makes you look stupid.
No, this is how a real presidential statement reads, neutral and respectful
American politics may have become something requiring no more manners or prudence than a redneck party in a barn but the world hasn't changed along with you in that respect.
Justin brown-nosing away at a dead butthole.
You really shouldn't expect anything to be this guys work, obvious puppet with a pretty face.
It's always about America,even when it's not the main topic, or it will shift to America.
Haha jokes on you I'm moving to England now rosbif ;)
good, citizens of the commonwealth are always welcome here
>criticizing the nature of American politics from your high horse while your country is literally ran by drug lords who made the age of consent 12
This wall can't be built fast enough. Mexicans are truly the worst people on the planet.
A fundamental refutation of your point is in no way sophistry.
Trudeau used careful words to preserve relations with Cuba, a country the US shuns because of the lobbying of some salty Miami expats.
Even the younger Bush would have kept his mouth shut even if he stopped short of issuing condolences.
whoever this man was an important figure to, and that doesn't just include Cubans but many people in Latin America, will not take kindly to Trump issuing judgement on a recently deceased man. It's a low blow so to spea and Trump does enumerate grievances. That Trump is a dumb fuck is no excuse for his actions and Republicans did in the past find themselves able to conduct public statements with civility and dignity, Soviet Russia is the best example.
Ad hominem, the resort of the uneducated Americans. Even Peña Nieto doesn't say dumb shit like that gringo, so we really are in a place to speak.
If you really want to talk about what they both said, only one talks about cuba's future.
come on, he was pretty damn remarkable, while trump just spouts your decades-old freedums motto that surely belongs at the bottom of the bay of pigs
sure trumps a born and bred capitalist and he's also doing to to look good compared to whatever obama's pathetic statement was, but you gotta know it's still bullshit, while the canadian fag speaks the truth for a change
No one gives a fuck about your third world shithole Paco. As long as you disgusting subhumans are kept out of my country I don't care what disgusting shit you and your taconigger friends get up to. Enjoy the 3 million criminals who are getting sent back as soon as trump takes office.
>being this salty
t. Scooby Doo
I'm not usually one to care about these kinds of things, but this post is pretty fucking embarrassing. You should probably go back to Sup Forums.
So was Hitler.
>apples and oranges-ing this hard
He and all of his top commanders wore Rolex watches while preaching Communism.
That is definitely remarkable.
They actually are good relaible watches if you'll be holing up in the jungle like they did on the sierra maestra, I don't know that Casio solar dust/waterprrof G-shocks were available back in the 60's
When literally life or death depends on you being able to coordinate you don't just get anything cheap, for the time it was a no nonsense choice for guerrilla comaders
Better president
This. Trumptards are beyond logic at this point, no need to argue.