What did the French get right that the other Latins couldn't figure out?
What did the French get right that the other Latins couldn't figure out?
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The Spanish language is far more beautiful though.
Spanish is just drunk Italian
Apologise to Italy and Spain NOW
That´s not true.
That true.
That´s not true.
Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, your opinion, man
Spain's problem is in the south.
The north is superior to both France and Italy in General, or at least equal to the best parts of those.
Catalonia, for example, is richer than their border neighbours in southern France.
Spanish is considerably more similar to Latin than Italian. Idk how that came to be, but if anything, Italian is a drunker version of Latin than Spanish.
>American's linguistick knowledge
I like both, but I prefer written French to written Spanish
Shouldn't you be going back to sleep, Juan?
Is the south dragging us down
But this is just false you dip.
France > Northern Italy > Northern Spain >Southern Spain > Southern Italy
[Some] Closed vowels.
But they still feel the need to pronounce every single syllable separately, so into the trash it goes.
Stress-timed master race.
France could also be divided in North/South tbf, although I think our south isn't as "bad" as south Italy or southern Spain (and it has all the best nature)
And by bad I mean economy and shit, otherwise I'd still visit both with pleasure
>tfw France hates you because of your shit tier Southerner immigrants
Portugal immigrants do the difficult jobs, and they integrate. How could we hate you ?
I've seen a lot of people on Sup Forums hating on people of Portuguese or Spanish decent but in real life I have never met bad ones and there are a lot where I live
I mean, some of them were cunts but it wasn't because of their ancestry, they were just cunts like a regular French could be
The only annoying thing with french of spanish italian or portuguese heritage is that they just overdo it, when they say "we" talking about the country of their ancestors, even tho they don't speak the language and went there twice in their lives. Apart from that they're tip top.
Portuguese diaspora in France is the absolute worst. We hate them, so we're okay with you hating them too.
For some reason the other diasporas aren't nearly as bad, though.
And then they come here and pretend to not know Portuguese, like they are meant to be better or something, when in France they are cleaning toilets.
There's nothing more Avec (what we call them), than hearing someone yell a French name on a beach calling their kids with the most forced French accent, followed by "Chega aqui, Caralho!", which is as Portuguese as it gets. Fuck them.
Well they considered shit tier here because people are have the image that they:
>never assimilate always going MUH Portugal, it doen'st matter if they're blonde blue eyed or a moor
>they work work work but never actually spend the money in France, they just bring it here
>they come here speaking a broken French like that makes them more educated
I could go on and on. Honestly they kinda piss me off.
Isn't Spanish influenced by Arabic from the moor conquest in the medieval ages?
The cold winters. We do absolutely nothing in the south
i'll say it once, you're white, so i dont hate you.
Yeah I agree although it's not as bad as people might think it is
Most of the "muh heritage" Iberians I've seen were still in highschool or below and dropped this shit afterwards, it's nowhere near on the level of all the North African spitting on France while pretending their country of origin is better
I mostly know people with Spanish ancestry tho, not much Portuguese ones
If you start saying your country's problems are because of a region or that they're different or not really deserving to be a part of the country then you've declared your country a failed state and have abandoned national pride
Napoleon, Garibaldi and Franco would all be ashamed
meh. More or less.
A little too much memes. For example we have some words from Arabic but we also have a shitload from Germanic, but everyone prefers the Arab memes.
I didn't know they behaved like that. I know they send most of their money to Portugal but I found it admirable actually.
>it's nowhere near on the level of all the North African spitting on France while pretending their country of origin is better
Oh of course this is the worst, if they hate France so much they can leave and enjoy being frenchies in their homeland.
I never said that tho, I'm actually from southern France and like it better than the north
And it's not like the south or the north were unified regions as far as poverty, economy etc goes, they both have their rich and poor parts
How do frenchies manage to work so little and retire so early? Wouldn't it cause a massive crisis when people are getting older and the only young ones are niggers and arabs?
>tfw France doesn't hate me
Productivity I think
Lots of works hours means nothing if you achieve little during them
I got a love/hate thing going on with France. Italy is cool. Spain was a nightmare for me and I have a kid there I accidentally made on Holiday like two years ago.
We're not lazy.
Also because we're not meds
The French live next to us and the English and because of that always had a rival who they tried to keep up with. Do you really want to be a shit-hole when living next to the most developed countries on earth that also just so happen to have the highest standard of living(Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands)?
Northern France>Northern Italy>Southern France>Northern Span>Southern Span>Southern Italy
France cucked Lombards in 780 and the pussy Italiens have been cucks ever since.
Shoutout to Basques for whipping France's ass and killing that little bitch Roland
So I guess Spain wins
Is it because of Québec ? I'm triggered everytime Canadian anons think Québec and its people are just like France
i like Québec but that's like thinking the USA and Britain are the same just because they share a language
Lombards sux loooooooool
(okay, actually the worst were the fucking Burgondes)
Not gonna lie, that was the reason. I thought the French were like Quebecois until I met French people IRL and they were nice and didn't have that chip on their shoulder. They still gave me a hard time about not being bilingual because I'm Canadian and shoud speak both languages.
Quebecois are more manly and more rude.
i hereby curse france, britain and the united states for trianon
start expecting it's effects anytime
French > Italian >>>>> Spanish > Portuguese
This going to sound like a gigantic meme but..
France doesn't have a cancerous South.
Their South is pretty based.
Portugal Spain and Italy however..
Hot weather really fucks up those guys down South.
I always lived in a clean small city here in the North and I got disgusted the first time I went to Lisbon. Felt like another country, besides the language (plus I was little different from them looks-wise but that was not an issue).
>France doesn't have a cancerous South.
*cough cough* MARSEILLE *cough cough*
From what I can tell southern France is like northern Italy.
True, but that's one city, even the rest of Provence is alright as long as you leave the coast
South-west is full of leftist cucks, apparently.
And the east is full of africans and mag*rebis
That was fucked up with immigrants.
And it is one city.
Yes more or less. I travelled all over that place. Beautiful as fuck.
>one city
oh boi, if only
Only one city ruined by immigrants...
m8 have you ever been treated like a foreigner in your own capital ?
That happened to me when visiting Lisbon. It's a shitty feeling.
looks more like an irish flag than an italian flag
That's not the impression I got when I visited the south-west tbf, I went to Dordogne and Basque country
Dordogne is very rural so I met more "redneck" people that would vote right and want to keep their countryside white, and Basque country churches were fucking full during sunday.
I Can't say my experience was the standart tho
As for the East I think it's pretty much like everywhere in France, as long as you leave cities the amount of Africans drops radically
I'm not saying there's only one city ruined by immigrants, but in that aspect the South isn't worse than the North
That's your opinion, it's a pretty cool city
Holy fuck, I went there this week for work.
Lisbon needs to be burnt to the ground as soon as possible.
Well, half the people look like they have already been burned, but still.
It's fucking terrible.
Just because I was """"whiter"""". I mean it's not my fault I was born in the mountains away from everbody. I'm still Portuguese.
>Northern France
HOLLY SHEIIT northern France is one of the worst part of the country, it's not even latin and is only inhabited by moors or consanguineous and retarded unemployed white trash.
air france is shit
We're not lazy, we're not latin.
>I felt like a foreigner because everyone had a tan
Want to take a trip to London?
>We're not lazy
>it's not even latin
I guess that's why it's so successful
I've been to London. It's even worse.
Really makes me think
Yes, when I go to northen Italy I really feel home, it's like visiting my cousin.
It's pleasant to see exact landscape and people but with different and still very rich culture.
In 35 hours a week we actually do as much as other people in 40-45. This is why we are one of the top productive workers. And top depressive too.
"French are lazy" is a very stupid and insulting anglo meme.
yeah sure, southerners are pussies who can't fight and work badly, they also can't drink and are by far the most lazy frenchmen around.
We all went to have dinner in a restaurant.
Typical small unassuming entrance with chalkboard with the menu outside, where you enter and there's this huge cool yellow-lit stone room. Called Adega something. Typical Portuguese restaurant/tasca. Sleazy-looking on the outside, but gorgeous on the inside with great food.
>everyone serving this typically Portuguese tasca is now either Brazilian or African
>no rose-cheeked, half-drunk, fat moustached old man telling jokes about his time in the colonial war to greet us and recommend wine.
Fucking close it. 1755 needs a redo. I came back to Coimbra defend the true Portuguese southern border.
It's not just even the tan. The white people are rude as fuck and keep complaining all the time. Like, holy shit, just fucking build a wall around it.
The first dynasty of Portuguese kings were from the house of burgundy. Great men, all of them.
Next step: come to Paris
>Implying there is such a thing as "southerner"
Every region is different than its neighbours and so are their people tbf
I was not talking about the NPDC.
>tfw depressed
south east if you prefer, south west are based
>>no rose-cheeked, half-drunk, fat moustached old man telling jokes about his time in the colonial war to greet us and recommend wine.
Come North Coimbra white man.
I have. I actually got a nice cushy Lisbon-paying job here in Coimbra, yet I only take 10 minutes of comute time from my semi-suburban home in a clean city and a new cozy building.
Ain't nothing gonna pull me down ever, except the occasional trip. My own personal crusade.
k satan
South east is based as fuck
Quebecers actually act like Americans stereotypes of French people. They really do not give Francophones a good image.
To be quite fair.
Uh, all quebecers I met were anglos to me.
I met actual French people and like you guys, hate Quebecers tho
It's funny cause I expected you guys to hate me but you liked that I was American
We love them actually, they are cute, nice and always smiling (so you are dear Americans).
We are just disappointed that they are more anglos than French... which is actually a dumb expectation, of course they are americans.
No offence, but Burgondes and Bourguignons were fucking cunts
Great men, who did great deeds over here.
Kicked every kebab they saw to the curb.
I used to hate you when I was still a pro-communism/anarchism edgy kid
Then I met Americans and...hell, you're good lads
(now I'm a nationalist :^)
I sat next to a qt french girl on my flight back to the US and she couldnt speak English but she kept asking me to teach her english words and played chess with me
I would have married her
your map is absolute bullshit.
I take it you never travelled a lot in France.
well, even the worst cunt can make some good things.
The funny thing is that many of those words are in reality greek or persian. Like the word albondiga (meatball) or alfil (it's what we call the chess piece called bishop in english).
I don't know why Italians struggle so much to cooperate with one another, they are supposedly sociable people, imagine if those companies merged and became strong global companies:
>Design & Accessories
Giorgio Armani, Benetton, Bottega Veneta, Bulgari, Diesel, Dolce & Gabbana, Fendi, Gucci, Kappa, La Perla, Luxottica, Prada, , Gianni Versace, thousands of others...
>Food processing
Algida, Asti Spumante, Barilla, Buitoni, Campari, De Cecco, Ferrero, Galbani, Illy, Lavazza, Martini & Rossi, Parmalat, San Pellegrino, thousands of others...
>Marine Companies
Azimut, Benetti, Costa Crociere, Ferretti Group, Fincantieri, MSC Cruises, etc.
They would become invincible, buy competition in other countries and bring hundreds of billions in profit to Italy.
>talking on the way from France to the US
Dude I went to South Brazil last month and I was sleeping from take-off to landing, how did you not prefer to rest for you arrival rather than talking to a random chick you'll never see again ?
Because they do their own thing and holy shit am I grateful for it. I dont want Prada to join some shitty conglomerate like LVMH, goddamn cancerous bullshit.
>Straight lines
This isn't fucking North American user, our countries are a bit more complicated
How the fuck do you sleep on a plane? Literally impossible for me.
You need to be a manlet and have things in your ears for the noise
Get a window seat so you can rest your head against something solid.