ITT: Draw all the European country borders purely from memory. Don't even look at other posts before making one. Current borders and no memes pls.
Use pic rel as a template.
ITT: Draw all the European country borders purely from memory. Don't even look at other posts before making one...
I failed in cunt sizes in balkans and in smaller cunts, because I just drew shape of their borders from memory, rather than cutting the land with those borders.
Sorry Hungary and Austria, but I drew you guys later, and it didn't fit properly.
Also, ex-yu and Russia get to work. There's too many of you.
Portugal on suicide-watch
Why? We just got the whole peninsula for ourselves.
More like Spain on suicide watch.
Makes too much sense
do I win
Just realised I forgot Macedonia.
No, you're draving drawing country borders in paint to compete with lifeless neet weeb virgin autists on an imageboard
There's no winning situation here
Just remembered that Moldova was landlocked.
Holy lel that mirrored croatia
I will be honest
sorry but at some point passing the Balkans and Germany i just can't remember the shapes
l added some countries in the east
nice blunder, post it again plox
>everyone grants us east frisia
thank guys
just like the good old times
spot the difference
hmmmm you cropped off Faroe Islands? why tho
there's plenty more
Ok. It's mine
The more you move inward, the more fucked up the borders get.
you moved Crete to the west
same for Corsica and Sardinia
Faroes east
Something is wrong with Croatia
Yurop is hard
>tfw nobody cares about muh karelia
What even is that, is it recognised by any country?
we have a WinRAR
you autism is admirable, sir
wrong pic, that is the distance from the old border to the winter palace
i just meant that everyone gets the eastern border of finland wrong because it doesn't begin from the bay of viborg, which would look more like a natural border
this was much harder than i thought it would be
best one
second best
Thanks for giving us Viborg and some of Petersburg. Some purging will be done but no matter! we got our rightful clay back :3
the balkans are hard
I just realized, I forgot to draw in liechtenstein