Map of how well known the names of the countries are

How irrelevant is your cunt?

All I can say is the nukes will be far away from me when the world goes to shit. Comfy desu.

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feels good to be an irrelevant shithole

Feels badman

>Map of how well known the names of the countries are
>important knowledge

Don't be lazy and actually fill in the islands. I know you based this off the sporcle quiz.

I need map of blowjobs.

Nah I did't do it. I got this from Le reddit.

I need a map of potential gfs, tbqh

I'm surprised.

Neck yourself

>world goes to shit.


Respóndeme o me tiro del puente Villalobos aj aj aj aj

> can'tspotugal

Don't worry mano, our country is shit already :^)
It's comfy tho

El incienso mejor. Tiene bonita vista.
Cabal vos, minimo no nos chingan tanto solo CICIG.

Lol sudacas


In all fairness people knowing what you country is called is the ultimate measure of relevance

Irradiated shit


Yo solo espero que saquen a Yimi fíjese mano. La verdad es que, para mí vivir aquí está bueno, pero he vivido la vida de la clase mas baja y es una mierda :^(
Realmente me siento mal por ellos.

Ese jimmy no sabe que hacer jajaja. Es la mascota de sus asesores deplano. Minimo no quedo baldizon que era otro payazo.

>still no nukes or nobody pulling us into useless wars

Feels gud.

>what is WW2

Germans sinked our ships. Also shit happened 70 years ago, as far as i remember we don't have soldier in Middle East or anything.

No va a durar los 4 años, eso te lo aseguro. Creo que mejor me voy a vivír a otro lado aj aj. Estaba pensando en México o Panamá

Si va a durar como cualquier otro presidente. A Otto no lo sacaron por protesta. La CICIG, U.S.A. y la presion politica lo hicieron.
Panama y Mexico suenan bien. Te diria que en los estados tambien pero Trump es bien weco y no nos quiere.

What is the cunt above nigeria and why is it famous?


Did they ask a bunch of americans?


Do you really think Americans could properly name Balkan countries with 60-70% accuracy?

Maybe they study it in some kind of program about where to bomb, hence why they know where pakistan, iran or afghanistan are but they don't know the netherlands or belgium

>they know where pakistan, iran or afghanistan are


there is a difference between being famous and being infamous

land of the 4/10 believing they are 8/10

>Canada,Mexico and Brazil

it is because their land are easy to find in map(big).
They had less 90 if they has small land like us.

>he thinks Spanish women are hard to bang

Ayy dios mio, mijo.

I'll take the opinion of a Spanish man, thanks

Eritrea should not be bright red.
Speaking from personal experience, a country with such an imposing diaspora network demands a somewhat decent awareness of the globe. This is especially so for the thousands of young immigrants fleeing to Europe, the Americas, and other African countries.

Argentina, Kazakhstan, Algeria, DR. Congo and Saudi Arabia are bigger than Mexico, though.

And Indonesia, Sudan, Lybia and Irian are roughly the same size as us.

A better argument for Mexico and Canada would be: they are right next to USA, not size.

All 3 of thise countries are relevant. Mexican and Brazilian culture is well known around the world, and Canada is next to the US, so its hard to miss.

Japan is well known because they're the only cunts to get BTFO by nukes in war. Most people still cant tell the difference between a Japanese and a Chinese. Had it not been for WWII, Japan would be a literal who.

>not relevant enough
Feels good

Que onda bicho :^)
¿cómo va la vida en ES?
Quiero ir a El Tunco tbqh

mfw i banged a chick from Argentina the first day i met her.

because it's called niger and has the shape of a chicken leg

pussy slayer 420


And they would say Czechoslovakia

Eritrea's population is pretty small though.

"Una cosa es ser célebre, Mendieta. Y otra es ser trístemente célebre." -Roberto Fontanarrosa

Always thought we should've kept Ceylon


we surpassed malaysia

Don't be sad, Theckoslovoskaia.

Neither can I though.

how was this taken, how many people and were all regions of all countries covered? Were people shown a map or told to list all the world's nations? Because knowing the name doesn't mean shit. This was likely surveyed from a certain economic-class of Americans too. Not different Americans and not the world.