Fidel Castro was a larger than life leader who served his people for almost half a century...

>Fidel Castro was a larger than life leader who served his people for almost half a century. A legendary revolutionary and orator, Mr. Castro made significant improvements to the education and healthcare of his island nation

I just cant believe how many useful idiot western world have

Other urls found in this thread:


>Mr. Castro made significant improvements to the education and healthcare of his island nation
Except only Castro got to use any of it.

>he actually said this

Just when I think I can't have any more contempt for him he comes out and surprises me.

Canada really should be wordfiltered to Current Year: The Country 2bh

Castro was based.

Canada should be burned and salted


compare and contrast

>The name of this distinguished statesman is rightly considered the symbol of an era in modern world history. Fidel Castro was a sincere and reliable friend of Russia. [Castro has built a] free and independent Cuba [that] became an influential member of the international community and served as an inspiration for many countries and peoples. [He was ] strong and wise person who always looked to the future with confidence. He embodied the high ideals of a politician, a citizen and a patriot sincerely convinced of the rightness of the cause to which he dedicated his whole life. His memory will forever remain in the hearts of the citizens of Russia.

Putin seems to agree with Trudeau.

Maybe OP should settle down before we decide to buddy up with Russia instead of being a bulwark in Eastern Europe.

>larger than life

What an idiotic cliché. Also, it's especially unsuited for someone whose life just ceased.

bravo Trudeau

Castro did nothing wrong ruta puerto.
Captcha: Puerto Habana

>All the people who have never lived under communism are celebrating it
Make no mistake: the Soviet Union won the Cold War.

>Drumpf shills will believe this nonsense

Embarrassed to be honest.

leafs really are the scum of the planet

>inb4 based Bezmenov videos about Soviet subversion in America

Shucks, I'll post it myself:

This is so funny to me.
>college hippies support countries like Venezuela and people like Castro
>Sup Forums uses this against them

>Putin actually does things to help Venezuela and Castro
>Sup Forums still believes he is the Savior of the White Race™

>believing KGB agent

is Sup Forums retarded?

Do you even have to ask?

Who cares? His actual policies are center to center-right, he just uses memes to get himself elected head mod of /r/Canada

I wonder what Obanana's remarks about Castro's passing will be. I can only imagine

And that doesn't even cover all the funding of terrorism around the globe or allowing the USSR to use Cuba as a giant aircraft carrier 90 miles from our shores.

>ex-KGB guy praises Russia's obedient sock puppet for 30 years

Stop the presses.

Viva comandante!

It was already published hours ago, which you'd know if you read anything besides Breitbart

>funding of terrorism around the globe
lmao at this coming from America

wonder who funded the Mujaheddin, dictators and death squads in Afghanistan, Chile, Guatemala, Indonesia, South Vietnam, and loads more

Dindu nuffin

"Against Washington's will, in the middle of the cold war, in 1976, Pierre Elliott Trudeau then the Canadian Prime Minister, became the first leader of a country that is part of the NATO to go in Cuba."

I know my father was very proud to consider him a friend and I had the opportunity to meet Fidel when my father died, "in Montreal at his funeral in 2000, said Justin Trudeau.

>trudeau pissing off the yanks and the aut-right
>trump pissing off the spics and the college leftists

I'm loving this to be desu. Funny thing is neither of them are as extreme as they're made out to be.

Fidel Castro was based and a distant relative.

>stupid fucking leftards are sad because Castro is dead
>yet they are butthurt when people are sad because Hitler/Mussolini/fascists in general are dead

Fucking subhumans

(sorry for my shitty english, I'm french)


Castro and Mussolini were heroes. Hitler was just an autist.

Hola primo

isn't that statement basically factual truth though? why the hate

aut-right spergs and Sup Forumsyps have an instinctive kneejerk reaction to anything that isn't fascist

Justin pls go

>it's either facism or communism, there is no other option

in the long term, that is true. socialism or barbarism. liberal capitalism is crumbling before our eyes.

>liberal capitalism is crumbling before our eyes.
Things commies said since XIX centory for 100$, please.

>He still believes Trump is the hero of the West.
>He still thinks Trump didn't play you like a fiddel

>why the hate
Cuban diaspora unable to cope with the fact that their former country could survive without them.

Don't think anyone cares for Mussolini but Hitler did invade other countries and caused millions of deaths unlike Castro, so it's not comparable. Why are alt-rightists so fucking retarded

Hi, Ahmed.

is he wrong?

No but Castro supported leftist terrorism around the globe and also directly sent troops to support Marxist regimes in Africa.

Capitalism is cyclical and one look at the political and economic situation of Europe, Russia, America and the Middle East is enough to make anyone concerned, aside from arms companies of course. The chaos and exploitation in the world will continue as long as this system exists.

dont talk about supporting opressive regimes. Castro got in power because you supported a military coup in Cuba, and the said military leader (Batista) let Mafia run his country and capital, helped American mafia and overally fucked the poor in his country, which of course led to marxist supporters rising up against him.

Try again, Pablo

>Capitalist USA funds religous extremists in the M.E. and a starts a war in Vietnam
>Somehow the US is more right than Cuba
The doublethink is real.

>tfw Cuba could have been Las Vegas instead of the shithole it is today

All samefag. All proxy Kremlinbot.

We're actually all remenants left over from CTR

Trump already made liberals butthurt for 19 days straight. I'm okay with that.

>but you're lynching negores...

hello Hillary Clinton

>try to kill castro dozens of times
>try to destroy cuba dozens of times
>impose blockade and threaten to bomb cuba if they don't bend the knee
>hurr why are these guys such fucking terrorists omg


>He admits Americans only know how to vote for memes
Stay cucked. maybe you will soon admit to the greatness of the Northern Trudeau.

>socialists never start wars

Batista dindu nuffin he was a good boy!

you forgot one:
> All truth.

A lot of whataboutism by these commie cunts ITT. You're a piece of shit if you defend Castro.

Funny thing how hillary didn't gave a shit about gays until this campaign.

I didn't say that. There's a difference between a progressive class war than one for profit, like WW1. Wars between workers are bad, but wars directed at the elites are good and should be a brutal war of extermination.

Cry more. Castro is a global icon.

Yesterday died the biggest of all latin-americas, the commander in chief of the Cuban Revolution, my friend and comrade Fidel Castro Ruz.
For the people of our continent and the workers of the poorest countries, specially for the men and women of my generation, Fidel was always a voice of struggle and hope.
Your fighting and solidarity spirit cheered dreams of freedom, sovereignty and equality. At the worst moments, when dictatorships dominated the major nations of our region, the bravery of Fidel and the example of the Cuban Revoluion inspired those that resisted tiranny.
I met him personally in July 1980, in Manágua, during the celebrations of the first anniversary of the Sandinista Revolution. Since then, we've kept an affectionate and intense, based on the search of ways to emancipation of our people.
I feel your death like the loss of an older brother, of an unreplaceable comrade which I will never forget.
Will be eternal, your legacy of dignity and commitment for a fairer world.
Hasta siempre, comandante, amigo e companheiro Fidel Castro.
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
São Paulo, 26 de novembro de 2016

kys, leftist twat

You first

>A class war isn't just a convenient tool for someone to rise to power.

>opposing castro makes me a nazi

So what?

Napoléon is a hero here and he invaded other countries.

He's correct though, the (US supported) military dictatorship of Batista was infinitely worse than the Castro regime.



Class war is constant and permeates every section of society, whether you like it or not. I'd rather have my class in power.

anyone who wants leftists to kill themselves and communists killed probably is a nazi. even if they're not, they're still reactionary scum. Sup Forums is full of Sup Forumsyps

I don't want leftists to kill themselves. Communist, tyrant sympathisers however...


We already know that Juncker is a rabid commie


kys retard

Capitalism did nothing wrong, keep crying on the internet about others having more than you

Yo yo hol up
So u be sayin
Russia be pretending not to be but
It be communist N shit ?

>replace corrupt, fascist regime with authoritarian, communist regime

don't you love idealists?

Fidel was pretty OK guy, he BTFO USA and didn't afraid of anything.

>Capitalism did nothing wrong
Can't wait for your property to be seized senpai

If the United States does it, it is not terrorism.

If the US was truly for democracy and freedom it would've BnTFO out Cuba once the Soviet Union collapsed. Don't be a fool, the globalists allowed Cuba to exist. Communist dictatorships are an experiment, communism is the political system of the New World Order.

Most communists are hypocrites. They tell you fucking poetry about an utopia where everyone shares and tells you the rich are the worst scum on earth. Yet they still have iphones, drink pepsi and watch movies made by the evil american imperialists. They tell you Fidel us a great person, but the guy lived better than the rest of the country, had luxuries and a better life. Oh but he was based he loved his countrymen. Hypocrites.

>Capitalism is the same thing as imperialism
Nice joke.

>property to be seized
If you can not contribute to the betterment of the state, then you have no place owning property.

Who's going to come seize it?

Literally every major country in the world has shifted to capitalism for a long time now.

You're just a loser who can't work hard and wants things to just fall into his lap. There's no need to be butthurt, you can get rich too if you try.


that would be true, if there was such a thing as ethical consumption under capitalism

Why are Poles so nazi

>Yet they still have iphones, drink pepsi and watch movies made by the evil american imperialists

>people living under capitalism partake in activities produced by capitalism

wow, really makes u think

>ethical consumption

What does that even mean

Capitalism only means free market through consumerism of goods and services. Your picture shows what is an imperialist privately army hidden behind the true ideals of freedom.

Pack your shit and go live in Cuba or Venezuela then.

B A S E D weedman

>Capitalism only means free market

pure ideology, mein gott

capitalism is a mode of production

I love you blue Peru.

Nice argument, friendo

>Nice joke.
ah it wasn't true capitalism of course! let's just ignore how capitalism was spread around the world through empires and colonialism

>If you can not contribute to the betterment of the state, then you have no place owning property.
Nobody has any place owning private property. It's an aberration in the grand scheme of human history, only existed for around 350 years, less than that in most countries.

>There's no need to be butthurt, you can get rich too if you try.
Because millionaires who inherit wealth work so hard.