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south slavs are cucks

thracian master race here

в 2017 нaчнётcя мяco


togava spri da plqmpash na slavqnski

Master race with turkish blood?

inyche ko we palqk

ukrainians have more turkish blood than the turk minority of bulgaria lmfao

Bлaдимиpъ Bлaдимиpoвичъ, ктo oтвeтcтвeнный зa пpoблeмy лютых чypoк в Caдoвoм кoльцe?

>ктo oтвeтcтвeнный зa пpoблeмy лютых чypoк в Caдoвoм кoльцe?

add me on vk

Honestly, Bulgarian and Macedonian are so different, that they should have their own sub-group today.

How is the powermetal scene in your country ?

vid related, Serbia


>Honestly, Bulgarian and Macedonian are so different
they really aren't

Never interested, i prefer punk rock.

I mean that Bulgarian and Macedonian don't fit other South Slavic languages so they should have their own branch

I wasn't really inquiring either, but good choice senpai


Here's some croatian turbo-punk-folk-wellness

i know what you meant, but you're wrong

Looks like you've made a mistake in the picture



>East slavs
>little aggression
I don't understand.

Don't know any power metal bands, but we have Stribog, which is a folk metal band



dzień dobry chciałbym kupić Ukrainkę

Дoбpый вeчep :3

Slovenians are West Slavs who accidentally got lumped in with the Southerners

Thank you, you don't know how good that makes me feel.

rip an hero


They had their own reformer, since when did South slavs ever care about the reformation?

Primož is my niqqa

>slovenoids in my /slav/

venetian slaves not welcome


>not linking zivo blato
>the pinnacle of croat music

Really makes you think.

you actually collect snaps of people saying anything pleasant about sl*venia? what a sad little autist

It's a better hobby than collecting cat pics, sperg.

>pinnacle of croatian music
>not linking Biciklić


2) Блядь, кaкиe жe oмepзитeльныe, нaпыщeнныe, oттaлкивaющиe, caмoдoвoльныe, хaмcкиe, быдлячьи, cкoтcкиe eбaльники y pyccких. Pycню нyжнo выжaть кaк лимoн и выплюнyть, чтoбы пocлe зaceлили этy зeмли пpaвильныe нapoды. Cocитe вeчнo мoй aзepбaйджaнcкий хyй pycaчки.

>Hmm, it seems like it could be a good tra...
>Suddenly, some m*tal shit comes in
Metal parts werent even that bad here, but they still made it worse

I am QUITE drunk right now

They have. East South Slavic. Slovene and Serbocroatian are considered Western South Slavic.

They are not really into wars or battle. They are more into self-annihilation, political famines and purges etc.

Thank you for informing us.

Are you drunk because your daughter is a whore ?

>Are you drunk because your daughter is a whore ?


I wish. We're the most cucked Slavic nation.

Can I have her number please ? :)



Would you actually want to be one of those Eastern Europeans walking around Ljubljana with their legs so far apart that they seem as though there's a pole up their ass? And what's more, due to their shaved heads and tracksuits, they look like prisoners or street sweepers with a pole up their ass.

Seeing western European tourists in Ljubljana and perceiving the men among them as unusually feminine just makes me realise how far we've been corrupted by Balkan macho culture and led astray from our former Western European mores.


we are cuddle

It isn't

>Would you actually want to be one of those Eastern Europeans walking around Ljubljana with their legs so far apart that they seem as though there's a pole up their ass?
i spent 3 hours in ljubljana and know exactly what you are talking about

>Eastern Europeans walking around Ljubljana with their legs so far apart that they seem as though there's a pole up their ass?
e l a b o r a t e

why do they walk like that?

Well, guess what, those people are not ethnic Slovenes. And if they are by any chance, they're ashamed of being pussy, non-masculine Slovenes and not glorious Serbian brothers (Serbs unironically call each other brotha).

t. terrorist pretending to be a pianist

Because they're subhuman scum

Hey czechs

hows the roadsalt in your imported food mates

bujają się pewnie


When did Poland last go to war against a country that wasn't dirty scumbag commies?
I can think of the great northern years war, though technically it wasn't the Poles but their king who started that war.
The king just happened to lose and run away to hide in Poland so the Swedes pursued him there.

This is a really unrepresentative picture, but any portrayal of the Serbian youth culture in Slovenia is strongly discouraged in order to protect this vulnerable minority.

I know, i've been to Serbia too. They actually remind me of niggers here w/ the behavior. I would feel bad for the girls cause they're hot but they like that shit


Kaj ste ravnokar izustili, nebodigatreba? Vam v preudarek, šolanje sem zaključil na samem Parnasu najizbornejših tečajev za urjenje mornariških tjulnjev in na plečih nosim tri stotnije pogibeli. Izveden sem v bojevanju na skrivoma in celokupno veljam za najboljšega daljnostrelca slovenskih obrambnih sil. Zame predstavljate nič več in nič manj kot predmet lova na daljavo. Odnarediti vas kanim s predanostjo, kakršne svet ne pomni, temu sem slovesno zaprisežen. Kaj si res iskreno domišljate, da si lahko na moj račun vse dovolite? Račune delate brez krčmarja! Govorivši to občujem s črno roko, razpredeno širom vesoljnega slovenstva in vaše medmrežno mesto se beleži v njihovo podatkovje v taistem hipu, tako da se, uboga para, le pripravite na hudo uro! Na ujmo, koder bodo plat zvona bili, a za vaše žitje zamanj. Urnemu ginevanju ste zapisani. Z vseobčno silo krenem nad vas, desetkrat sedem ducatov razstankov vaši biti stroječ in to zgolj z rokami! Ne samo, da sem tepežkanja vešč, temveč sem tudi z orožarno pobližje seznanjen, da bi jo lahko s toliko večjim pridom lahko koristil vam na neljubost širom sveta, nesrečnik! Ko bi vam bilo vsaj dano predvideti obseg mojega povračila, vašemu "bistroumnega" pridušanju navsled, tedaj bi nemara bili jezik za zobmi obdržali. Vendar vam je bilo kaj takega docela nedomače, zatorej slednjič napoči obračun, capin hlamudravi! Uničevalno ihto nad vas prikličem, da vas z odplako vred proč odnese. Dnevi so vam šteti.

>mfw I'm 1/4 Serbian
>mfw I feel like one of those neo-Nazi Jews when I post stuff like this

Still, my gramps was a race traitor, didn't want anything to do with the brother shit and didn't even bother to pass on the language.

>wearing shitty clothes
>low IQ
>constantly play basketball
>shit in school because of lack of intelligence and discipline
>live in shit parts of cities
>can't speak like human beings
>listen to thug music
>constantly touch dick through pants
Yup, it's a good comparison

sup fags

>can't speak like human beings
>a slovene says that out of all people

I don't speak German, translate please

>tfw i caught on quick
>tfw my major move was saying if you dont stop acting like that im gonna shove this drink down my throat
>mfw she started making out with me on the spot after that

>down my throat
down your throat

>how much alcohol did you drink?
>24 liters
>where are you going now?
>I don't know yet, because I've no idea where I am



>wearing shitty clothes
>low IQ
>constantly play football
>shit in school because of lack of intelligence and discipline
>live in commieblocks
>can't speak like human beings
>listen to thug music
>constantly touch dick through pants
Typical russian bydlo from Siberian shithole. Кaк жe мы c ними пoхoжи.

Two frustrated virgins trying to act all manly.

Awww, it's cute.

The american fancies himself like a nice macho balkan man, who "grabs them by the pussy"

the slovene fancies himself an intellectual, "tips fedora"

Both try so hard, and haven taken such opposite side of the spectrum, yet neither can for the life of them get laid.

Still your pathetic whining is kinda cute.

good lad
I guess you're slavshits after all

>eastern nigmongs
>little aggression

Don't you have some shoes to carry around your house, Goran? :^)

it's okay to kill an innocent child as long as it's muslim

this, what kind of retarded plebbitor made this picture

I dont fancy myself a macho balkan man, i posted that b/c picking up a woman like that here would result in getting slapped and possibly charged with sexual assault

They're called kućne papuče you mongrel.

For you it would always end up like that.

Only reason it doesn't is that you never actually had the courage to talk to a girl even in your country.

You probably haven't ever left your house, let alone your home town.

serbian 'insults'

>telling the truth is insulting

Why ?
Because you don't like it ?

Do you need to go back to your safe space ?

you GETs won't go uncheck'd phamily

I am actually going to go do something tonight while you are sitting here shitposting on the middle of your Saturday night, so i think that says it all

What's your name, guys?



The only thing you're going to do is watch porn.

Please kys.


>Doesn't know about time zones


Why does KGB want this information ?

It's Mladen anyway.



KGB Is about as dead as UDBA.

meaning it's former agents are now ministers and presidents.

>kućne papuče
more like cuckne papuče amirite
