If you were born in this area you won the lottery of life IMO

If you were born in this area you won the lottery of life IMO

>Butifel Alpine climate
>Butifel people with low amount of fatties
>Butifel villages, cities and clean roads
>Nice castle designs
>Great food
>Immaculate foreign opinion/nationality reputation
>Easy Travel to all parts of western civilization from one central point
>All of the non-ANZAC top-10 quality of life cities are located here I think (if I remember correctly)
>Rich parts of Italy, Germany and rich Switzerland

I was born in this area and i don't care for it at all

Not necessary. You say nonsenses. Swiss won the lottery of life though.



>tfw theres 46million in the lottery to win

rather win that than being born here

i second this

I was born in that area and i agree

How come?

Keep it in context, remember how the other 7 or so billion humans on earth live, compare what you have in terms of culture, climate, reputation and wealth to the rest of the world

That's not a lot of people out of the total population of earth, plus a chunk of those are immigrants like Albanian plumbers who won't have it as good as the natives (maybe)

I can confirm as a Canadian-American that the two times I've ventured across the area, it is light-years improved in every way from what I'm used to in North America. I'm not exaggerating when I say it's 5x more often to see an attractive woman under 40 in that area than in the US/Canada, or even the UK from my limited experience

You missed my area desu

dammit Slovenia, just stop it, it's so embarrassing

>implying OP's post doesn't apply
Please do not reply again, Balkanturd.

my God Slovenia, just stop already, have some dignity.

I lived there most of my life and its shit

>third world brownie flaunting wealth through Sup Forums pass
This is sad

why though? I thought you liked social status? shit if for $20 I can get you to dance for me, why not suck my dick like you do with those guys?

>Little sliver of Slovenia inside bounded region
no no no

I'm still depressed

also if you look like pic related Ill throw in something extra.

>blue eyes
>brown hair

I bet that's not something you see everyday in Greece, amirite?

no talking, just sucking, look at my bling bling

>the delusions of an Athens slum dweller

suck my dick , Slovenia, social status remember, suck it dry bitch, remember that while solving that captcha to reply to me

It's you who is deluded for thinking we are on par with austria or switzerland

dont you like women

t. čefur

whats wrong with that

Stop posting.

have you been to space

t. brainwashed moron who actually unironically believes we can compare with austria or switzerland

english, do you speak it

His name is Emir Alahović and the farthest he's been from Bosnia is a construction site in Frankfurt a.M.

Whats your favourite girl group?

How arrogant would slovenians be if their country actually was on par with Western Europe?

I honestly wonder, for the people that unironically does it, what's the point of making other people think your country is a better place. Your quality of life will stay the same.

In the case of Spain we do the opposite due to our culture, there's millions upon millions of spanish people saying we're dirt poor on the internet and wherever they travel, there's also 500 million latinos from shitholes claiming to be spanish wherever they go, and we couldnt give less of a shit about the bad reputation

>hey guys I have no idea what I'm talking about and I'm just gonna list off some stereotypes haha wouldn't it be cool to live there?

arrogance is usually due to being actually inferior. if they were on par they wouldnt really think about it

i once met that kind of guy irl, in a blablacar ride, he argued that china is first world, it was hilarious

Manlet complex and believing media lies how good everything is. Also I'm pretty sure the guy is still in high school.


In your opinion, Slov-kun, what are the most beaitiful places in Slovenia?

These people should remain south of Kolpa.

do all people suck dicks in

Spice Girls. I'm just a part of that generation.

you are a donkey

What if the guy genuinely believes Slovenia is that great? I mean, for him at least. Maybe what others find as faults, he thinks are positives.

Upper Carniola in general

My ass could write a better song than these guys, with one cheek tied behind my balls!

We're actually blindly worshipful of westerners, but don't like being lumped in with the Balkans or med countries like Spain and Italy. The arrogance is butthurt is due to our being consigned to the Balkans or at least Eastern Europe by westerners because of 70 years in Yugoslavia, when we were a part of the Holy Roman Empire for 1000 years and thus pretty much culturally and politically Western European. We also feel a significant cultural gap between ourselves and the other Yugoslav nations that are strongly influenced by Byzantium and Turkey. The matter is complicated by the fact that Slovenian and Serbo-Croatian are sister languages like the Scandinavian or Iberian ones, but our cultures are not correspondingly similar like in those two cases.

I bought your Colgate Toothpaste, the one with tartar control. AND IT MADE ME FEEL LIKE A PIECE OF SHIT

What's wrong you dingus? It's beautiful places what you're not satisfied with?

western Europe besides Switzerland and maybe Norway or maybe Denmark. If the median wage statistics on wiki are to be believed the average western European makes the Californian minimum wage.

Have you ever been canoeing/kayaking?

>implying there's ugly places in Slovenia

Except for commieblocks and other modernist architecture, Slovenia is pretty much perfect and ready to take your best shot.

Theres ladies in here, so just keep it down.

>wanting to life in europes penis

no, I'm a fat nerd who only leaves the house to drink and to be reminded that I'm genetic trash

ta fuck is wrong with you?

Interesting tb h

>We're actually blindly worshipful of westerners, but don't like being lumped in with the Balkans or med countries like Spain and Italy

Spain and italy are western though. Why is people worshipful of westerners? I mean is there anything about western europe they actually admire besides just having more money?

I've always thought the same OP

t. guy who lives in Turin with a second house on the french Alps

everything apparently



I wish i were u

r u white?

if it makes you feel better no one here even heard of slovenia until meliana trump

Is this a good travel sequence for the region?
Or do you guys have a better one?


>get taxed
>get raped by fugees

God nuke us.

fuck do i know

let me tell you about my balls

It's nice if you're old and already have everything one needs in life.

but for a young person who wants to learn to stand on his own two feet it's a different story. There are no cheap flats anywhere because you have the competition of rich foreigners who want a holiday residency.

post ballz

The real question is why be worshipful of Eastern Europe? I don't think any of these alt righters here on Sup Forums would actually like to live among a sea of identical working class meatheads in tracksuits with a clannish mentality.


indeed my good friend, truly the best feeling there is and I've known this for a long time

Doesn't really matter because there are like 2 millions of them.
You can basically ignore them.

There's a further half a million of us in Carinthia. They may have temporarily forgotten who they are, but I'm sure many of them will remember as soon as we march into Klagenfurt and remind them that their great-grandpa wasn't in fact a Bachmann but a Potočnik.

why do you want to see my dick

Slovenia was okay, but I greatly prefer Montana desu.

The mountain folks are pretty much rednecks with some creepy traditions.

This region should unite to one nation, with its capital in Munich or Milano

Is this heaven?

>Maybe what others find as faults, he thinks are positives.
Like the low wages?

Unfortunately this region nowadays is filled of north africans, niggers, gypsies and southern italian greasy guidos my anglo friend. We're doomed

There is no such thing as cheap real estate in the developed world. I'm almost sure of it.

The USA is pretty cheap

overrated and boring.

you re such a faggot you disgust me

wouldn't you fuck me as per the greek tradition?

Could you do me a big favor?

for you

fuck in the ass with a shotgun

hit me up when you trade the sandwiches for a shotgun

whats wrong with chicago?

Even this area has poor losers.

t. poor loser.

my dream has always been to become an Austrian woman

>be me
>win lottery
>still ugly autist
So isch's lääbe...

how tough is it to get a job in your cunt?

t. software engineer

that area looks cool on maps like this

No, Milan is a disgusting multiethnic polluted gray shithole that should be nuked to the ground

I'm not really sure, to be quite honest with you.
But we have a lot of Germans and Frogs who come here to work so probably not that hard.

t. Student and future worthless member of society

> no English language

Fuck that place.

Why are people worried about stagnating population in Europe, when central Europe is LITERALLY full?