Your cunt

>your cunt
>is facial huge amounts of facial hair seen as attractive in your cunt?


"oh look a finn" would be our reaction, if we actually had met a finn in real life. that dude looks like he walked out of a cave and someone tried to tame him.

>facial hair

t. Bjorn babyface.

t. needs to hide his feminine chin with a beard

>implying based Jimmy is a nu-male

me in pic

hello babyface

hello chinlet

>grow my beard so i look like a wise guy from the mid east
>my beard is actually red
>everyone calls me viking now

who is this guy ?

Can nips grow a beard? Or east asians in general?

I can't even grow a beard yet but I don't try to justify my irrational hatred for men with facial hair by posting retarded memes.

if you dont have facial hair youre not spanish

He's Jimmy Nu-tron

Why do you have so many pictures of this aspergers?

I don't trust men who have beards without moustaches

Why not?


I also don't trust men who have mustaches without beards, they're always up to something

Usually diddling kiddies.

As a man with both I can tell you that moustache is pure joy to have while beards is a pain in the butt to groom but you need to have it because narrow minded fashion of today

>facial tippy-toes

hello chinlets

This, if you have a strong Jaw and chin, you don't need a Beard.

Sure they can, but different.
The ones with Ainu blood can get santaclaus tier fluffdwarfbeards, the Yamato-japs in the middle and south much less so, but still enough for finer kinds of beards.

Ainus with magnificent beards for comparison.

Here in the states, it seems kinda mixed, at least where I live. Some people have bears and others don't, but it seems the beard trend is kinda slowing down compared to like 2 years ago when people were growing their shits and those ironic mustaches.

Clean shaven is the way to go if you have a defined jalwine, cheeckbones, and chin, like myself.

If you're a jawlet and/or a chinlet, yea grow a beard nobody wants to look at your horrid jawline.

>tfw whenever I grow a beard my gf gets very attached to it, so when I inevitably get bored of my moustache getting in the way of everything and decide to shave it, she's fucking inconsolable
I always expected this to go the other way around.

>it's a Swede getting buttmad at the nu-male pic
top jej

No, if you're going to have a beard, you need to have the common decency to maintain it.

He'd be cool if he grew a mustache for it.

or destroying Europe

the one in the left looks like a friend of mine
nice beards

Are you the cunt who keeps posting this faggot on Sup Forums?

>Quadzillians post on Sup Forums
Can you even afford video games?


but my background actually is scandi so w/e

Sweet quads, how much do you squat?

i can only grow this kind of beard ;_;

There are no words to describe how much I hate this specimen.

Yes, i have no problems to attract grills

t. Manolo Piras

LOL i'm drunk and i thought it was an italian flag LOL

Someone needs to screencap this




You will have some facialhairs in few years, kid

Right now, yes. I was having a conversation with some girls at a party who told me that unshaven is not very attractive to them. It seems pretty common at the moment.

Bears without lip hair are horrible

Michael Cera dyed his hair blonde


>be me
>have a beard
>girls often flirt with me
>tfw i'm gay and guys never flirt with me

crossposters OUT

Kind of? Not like OP but maybe like a varg vikernes look would be seen as cool, though they'd probably assume you were an outdoorsman.


It wasn't particularly funny. German humour in action I see.

Do you have a problem fitting in as a local in other cunts though?


Any dank memes about this guy?

you tell me

did he just start forcing himself?

who knows; my wager is that he's doing these un-ironically

That takes dedication.

Yea, it is hit or miss every where man, some people pull of a hot cunt of a beard. Others not so much.

pic for awareness

That guy looks like a more retarded version of Wayne Static.

these are mexicans, dipshit

>only in america do guys grow facial hair to look more manly

really gets them neurons fired up

r8 my beard growth

I'm 21.

>really gets them neurons fired up

numale detected

I have trouble growing a beard because i get a really nasty rash if i don't shave for more than two days and it lasts for more than a month.
It's quite unbearable

Some guys are good with beard, some are good without
Personally I don't like a long beard

jimmi nutron looking nigga

Men usually only have beards to hide ugliness. I may occasionally grow out a mustache or goatee for the novelty, but for the most part I shave regularly and just leave whatever stubble is left over.
