Do children in your country learn how to use a firearm? do you think this is a good idea?
Do children in your country learn how to use a firearm? do you think this is a good idea?
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No you don't learn it in the school, but there are a lot of gun clubs here where kids can shoot with pic related stuff. Real firearms are 18+. Oh Farmers often have a shotgun or small caliber rifles
No. Its better to let them learn it when they'll go to the conscription. Kids with guns is just calling for disasters to happen.
Every kid should be taught basic gun safety even if you don't teach them to be the next Alvin York.
>tfw can't teach gun safety in schools anymore because guns are bad mmm'kay
We no longer have conscription here.
with adult supervision?
>Americans are literally training school shooters in school
Adults have failed parenting if they introduce guns to little kids.
How dangerous is America? I have read multiple times now that there are a lot of druggies and to have a gun is important for your safety
Yes every kid must know how to use firearm
>Amerifats start shooting when they are 3 years old
>End up 6th at shooting
Where did everything go so wrong?
nonsense. I started shooting when I was 9, and I was never in a position to hurt myself
It's a good thing to learn.
>Literally teaching children to kill
It really depends on where you go. There is a strong disparity.
If you go to some impoverished gang-controlled inner-city ghetto then obviously, there is a fair chance that you'll get shot/mugged/etc.. Business districts are less dangerous, but there's still a chance - particularly, or specifically, if there's some sort of event going on that would draw druggies/criminals/etc. and include some sort of ignition for violence, like drugs or alcohol (Denver's 420 festivals, for example, have tended to have shootings). It's not massively common, but there have been cases.
Outside of the inner-city, your chances of getting shot are actually extremely low to non-existent despite the memes.
No, most people here don't know how to use a gun (many people are escaping the conscription and many people don't buy a gun or don't visit the firearms shooting gallery).
But this is a good idea. If we had "the basic rules and culture of using the firearms", school would be a funnier place than it was.
but muh second amendment u frenchies if you had guns could counter the mohomedans u frog shits
Is America trying to up the kill count set by their non professional school shooters?
Parents are also responsible for making sure their children won't cause trouble / hurt others. The only purpose of shooting is to hurt other people. Unless you're a hunter and then you are supposedly only threat to animals.
I'm not sure how dangerous USA is but I'd try to find alternative self-defence methods
>Where did everything go so wrong?
".40-caliber Polymer-framed Handgun" is not a competitive class recognized by the IOC.
Someone post the video of the loli who killed her own gun instructor
We have an annual Kinderfest or children's fair where they compete in different disciplines´. The winner can make the first choice from a large table of presents. For children older than 12 the only competition is shooting. with air rifles. For grownups, we host an additional event for shooting (Schützenfest) and ring jousting.
If you don't like kids with guns, you are basically a commie.
They reserve the right to conscript you, they've just chosen not to do it since Vietnam.
if you can't learn to shoot as a kid, then you're saying you can't learn to hunt either?
If firearms are inherently present in your country to the point where you can go to a walmart to pick up an AR-15, then yes.
Simply because of the omni presence of firearms, the kids are going to have an interest in it, it's better to teach them about safety and dangers rather than having young Billy sneaking up in his dad's room to fuck around with his 1911.
We have the Army, Air and Sea Cadets where you can learn to shoot as well as other military skills, I got my glider licence thanks to the Air cadets.
We touch our children how to kill.
You teach yours how to kill themselves.
>Teaching kids how to kill people is a great ide-
But they can learn to hunt and defend their home if there's an intruder.
nah is very unusual unless you came from the country.
My mother did, so she taught me basic gun safety at 10 and shot for the first time at 13. I leaned towards my mother's side of things when I realized my father was very intelligent but kind of a pus.
we have a local shooting club
nothing mandatory but its fairly active
I remember going there for a few weeks as a kid but it clashed with football and shit so I couldnt bother
No. It's retarded
It's a good thing to learn if your parents aren't retarded.
Unfortunately, most parents are retarded... ergo, bad idea.
Mohomedans is our own selves dumb shit
The only thing those kids are hunting is each other.
Why is that guy spreading that kid's legs?
No, I didn't learn firearms basics until I sought out a class myself. The closet we learned in school was archery.
closest....don't drink and post
Most don't, I did because my dad had this fucked up idea about I should go hunting when I was 8.
I don't think is a good idea, guns are tools, yes but consequenxces of it's use is not something a child can handle. Even under supervision you're just asking for trouble.