You're a cunt tree

>you're a cunt tree
>did you go to college/uni?
>was it worth it?


Is that what the place looked like after all the refugees finished their lunch?

going next year

have high hopes

>being so inhumane that you put the refugees in the squalor of a dorm

What are you, a racist?

>it will be in a year but for now it's still shit

Wish I had gone just to enjoy those years of pussy everywhere and free of back breaking work

So far internships have been very easy to get so I think jobs will be no different.

no yet

What did you study?

Uni was the peak of my life

I'm still in it but so far no

Yes still on it, it's fun at times

CS, lad.

Every job I've gotten since has had no degree requirement and relied solely on portfolio submissions. Now, I approve of this, but the fact that I could have done the same thing without a heaping pile of student loan denbts irks me.

>Student loan debts
Holy shit is this a thing in Sweden?
I though you guys were first world

I did a bachelor studies which was easy. So I followed it up with a hard master study which was too hard for me, so I took way too long to finish it. I regret doing my masters.

... yes? Tuition is free, but living expenses and books and shit are not.

State provided student loans. They are very favorable, the interest rate is fixed to the rate of inflation and no more, you also have 25 years to make your installments. You can also put off your installments in case of unemployment and the like. It's not that bad, if after 25 years you have some left to pay they are usually good lads and all like "it's cool, m8, don't worry about it".

The education is free but you still need a place to live and if you're a student you're able to take a interest free loan to get yourself an apartment.

Yes. I used it to evade conscription and those who studied good at school study for free so it's totally worth it. Jealous of you niggas who don't have conscription and can live on neet welfare

I'm old as fuck so I was still conscripted, m8.

With the books and that I get it, specialized books can get kinda pricey but over all seems like a fine deal m8

i also avoided military service with uni, no regrets
You also have that problem of universities being away from everywhere?
Here transportation is the only thing that costs me, and I feel lucky just being an hour and a half away from campus

How long did it take? We have to spend exactly one year

The better ones, yes. Had to move 600km to my uni.

>You also have that problem of universities being away from everywhere?

Depends. Some newer Unis have a concentrated campus a bit outside of town, yes. Older schools, Lund and Uppsala Universities, for example, are all jam packed in the middle of town though (this is because the university is the result of several independent schools being combined at some point, the theological seminar and the law school etc were separate schools entirely a few hundred years ago).

You usually live out in the fucking boonies though, usually in commieblocks. Pic related, the commieblock burb I lived in when I studied in Uppsala. Also, the waiting list for a room here is like 10 years. I literally slept on a moldy couch in one of the kitchens for 6 months (and I was only able to do that because my older sister lived in that dorm that year) before I got my first second hand contract, then started jumping from room to room... I lived in like 13 rooms during my tenure there, never did get my own lease at all.

Well, conscription as part of the total defense principle was only 9 months for "regular grunts". I did 14 months though because I also trained as an MP. I was thinking about maybe being a cop and it seemed like a good idea to try it out in the army first. It was fun, but ultimately not for me.

Seems like a similar situation, here government had the idea to build massive uni complexes for the 2 main ones, they both ended up as far away from the center as possible, many of my friends also have to pay rent, but still cheaper than going private

>>you're a cunt tree

>>did you go to college/uni?

>>was it worth it?
no, I dropped from two major careers and I'm working from something totally unrelated


I don't know about others, but Uni is the same as highschool. You go there, learn and come back home

Haven't made friends or relationships whatsoever


I'm on my final exams on my first year of law school (I should be studying)

I hope so because it's 5 fucking years and I really don't want them to be in vain

>implying there would be any copper left in the walls after they finished lunch

yes currently in med school
its fun,im autistic in social relations, but when im with patients i turn into alpha mode and i get a confidence boost in my white coat
wish i could do this without it with women tbqh

>engineering degree
>any job I want
>1850 PLN (actually 1355 PLN, $325) monthly starting

Just wear your white coat all the time and treat everyone as a patient.

That's less than our minimum wage

I'm studying engineering right now and I make almost as much on my internship. Will I be able to live like a king if I move to Poland?

>$325 monthly

You would be on welfare here.

>1850 PLN (actually 1355 PLN, $325) monthly starting

... and suddenly I understand why you all go to clean toilets in Britain.

I got paid more by EU (1000PLN) and government (500PLN) for studying

>tfw I'm only attending university to get away from my parents who I can't stand
>tfw I get affordable housing because I'm attending university
>tfw I won't be able to graduate because no motivation (struggling with depression 2bh)

What's the deal though? That's some fucking Africa/Moldova/Bulgaria-tier wages, surely you have started to become more 1st world by now?

The cool thing about studying Law is that you're guaranteed an excellent job no matter what. And nobody can ever take that away from you since it's pointless to import Lawyers from some other country.

It's a waste of time studying engineering in India.
All you do is mug up useless theory about meme technologies.
Good thing is, you can pretty much ignore the university syllabus for most of the semester and work on good projects instead. Just study a few days before the exam and write long answers - you'll get decent grades.
Of course, most Pajeets are too dumb to understand that, and hence they end up working in shitty offshoring companies.

Same here, I usually start studying during the exam while everyone else has spent like four months reading every book five times.

Sort of. It has got me a really cool job, but I could have a higher paying job by getting a trade.
I fell for the "university = high salary" meme.

Thing is, a European degree has a lot of value internationally. You can really enjoy your college years.
Indian degrees are only useful for filling a checkbox in the HR's list. You have to work a lot for certifications and projects here to build a good resume or else you will end up in a shitty services company.

That was my problem with engineering. Too much theory, and when you finally go out into the field you don't know how to do any practical shit.

That's true, and unless you are a complete fuck up it's hard to not land on a job even if the market is saturated

Nah, a lot of our degrees are useless internationally. A Swedish law degree might after a lot of red tape get you a minor post in Norway. Not Denmark, their laws are too different.

Yes but I have been unable to finish it because of economical reasons, my father decided to say fuck it and stopped paying everything and I had to pay everything my family owed, I'm 30 years old.

I don't know if I should finish it at this point.

Well, law is kind of different, since your studies will be good only for a particular country.
But you have access to the whole EU job market if you get a STEM or economics degree in Sweden.

Not even you students have it nowadays.

Please world, show me something positive.

But then you're also facing a lot more competition. It's a double-edged talwaar.

What fuck-up happened in in your life that has resulted with you being in New Guinea?

>>was it worth it?
yes it was, even if I was alone most of the time. I went to the best university of the country with the biggest, coziest campus, and, being a public university, I didn't pay shit. Much better than being unemployed and being all day at home as of now.

It's the opposite here. Shit's over saturated. Every English / History / Philosophy major applies to Law School after graduating because they can't find a related job and don't want to work.

Go for it man

I am a preofessional in taking care of Industrial mashines.

I also have a Colombian wife.

How well would I live in your country? I have a right on your Citizenship.

The company I work for won a bid for a project here. Then my company sent me as the installation engineer.

When everyone outside of the US starts talking about their positions/experience and their salaries, it gives me big confidence boost.

You guys are getting shafted by the American benis.

the thing that most foreigners like about the country is the people, friendliness, strong familiar bonds etc. also, the geographical diversity of the country.

quality of life is not good nor bad, just mediocre. but you can get excellent private medical services at a reasonable price, for example.

not yet, still there (graduate student)

Shockingly it's not an issue here. Law of Jante + Fantastic quality of life means money is more of an afterthought.

Ebin kiljupöntöt pörisemässä :DDD

This tbqhwy. In America it's "get rich or die trying", here it's "live comfortably and then die of old age in a state run hospital". You won't get a Ferrari, but you'll get a nice volvo with the deluxe interior package, etc.

Except that the Swedish welfare state isn't sustainable and will collapse in the next 30 years.

They're refugees not gypsies you dumbo

It's the lack of unity, americans would slit their neighbor's throat for a nickle. It's only victory if everyone else loses.

Which you've been saying for 70 years now and we're in an economic boom while every other economy is failing. It's not welfare, it's the free market.

>Americans in the 40s - "the Swedish welfare state isn't sustainable and will collapse in the next 30 years."
>Americans in the 50s - "the Swedish welfare state isn't sustainable and will collapse in the next 30 years."
>Americans in the 60s - "the Swedish welfare state isn't sustainable and will collapse in the next 30 years."
>Americans in the 70s - "the Swedish welfare state isn't sustainable and will collapse in the next 30 years."
>Americans in the 80s - "the Swedish welfare state isn't sustainable and will collapse in the next 30 years."
>Americans in the 90s - "the Swedish welfare state isn't sustainable and will collapse in the next 30 years."
... we're still waiting. Not to be a downer, but divination doesn't seem to be your peoples strong suit.


In an economic boom while being literally overrun by non-contributing fugees as well. If we didn't have to deal with housing Achmed and his 15 kids we'd be Scrooge McDuck all up this bitch.

Luckily even the "open borders lmao" liberals have wizened up now and support closing the borders. Soon it will all be remedied.

Ultimately they only shot themselves in the foot by not acting sooner, now everyone knows that only SD was correct in predicting this outcome and they'll grab a landslide victory even after the need for them has completely evaporated.

My logic is that at the very least SD won't open the borders again in 2020 when they think everything's back to normal.

The immigration will break the welfare state.


See and read

Your stupidity leaks. Get a plug.

Is it too late? This is the question.

Get a grip on reality, man.

Doing a Master's Degree now.
It's killing me.
I hope it will be worth it, I did my research and it should be.
But it's immpacting my health noticeably.

>2 day fluctuations

>Is it too late?

Given that the posts I literally just linked both point out the ECONOMIC BOOM WE ARE IN RIGHT NOW DESPITE THE REFUGEES, no, it's not "too late".


It won't be

What was from the 25th to the 27th?
Did you close the share market?

This is still no data to even argue a trend. Go read a book on economy.

wew it's fucking nothing

I've almost fainted a few times going to class. The universe must repay this

Yeah, unlike gypsies they don't recognize coppers street value so they leave it.



Yes, film studies

Second year, not challenging whatsoever and it's clear from the people still in my classes from last year that they're in it for the money rather than any kind of education. I'm very passionate about my subject (you have to be to take such a soft subject at higher education) but it's a shame that the stigma surrounding film studies is only being reinforced by allowing dumbasses to remain on the course.

If I were to guess I'd say I will regret it in the future but I'm £18000 down on tuition already and I'd be lying if I said I'm not enjoying myself.

>M-Maybe if I keep denying it

Let's see you provide one (1) piece of evidence suggesting our economy isn't god tier

>film studies

still in college doing cs, totally worth it
at least i am not bitching about how america sucks and other stupid shit the neets say. my future looks good regardless of trump or whoever

>americans would slit their neighbor's throat for a nickle.
you sure you went to college? you can't be that dumb for an educated person.

your most famous citizen is well known for pretending to be an arab and fucking africans on camera

pommy faggot BTFO

Swedish students kinda disgust me when it comes to eating and hygiene habits.

>film studies


pommy faggot blown the fuck out AGAIN

The value of money is not an indicator of how well a economy performs.

Look up the Graf of the OMXS30 for the last three month.

There you can see a clear Trend upwards.
It peaked in August by 1441
October 1467
Right now it's peaking at 1491

That's roughly a grouth of 0,9% for the last 3 month what is very good. Not a boom tho.

This does not represent your whole economy but is a good indicator.

You will propably reach 3% growth for this year.

I also alowed to look 3 years back. In this time the Swedish Economy rose by 12% (the German by 15%)

Right now we are stagnating tho.

What does this mean for wages? At least in Germany they decreased by 5% over the growth persiod of 15%+.

Economical paradoxon for Beginners. Your homework: Why?

hmm, all kids are like that. boys will be boys

>film studies
Do you hate your family?

pommy faggot blown the fuck out for a third time