Why do slavs look like saxons with anaphylactic shock?

Why do slavs look like saxons with anaphylactic shock?

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What a beauty!

No one want slavic beauties thread?

These look more Finnish/Baltic desu

For me there is no difference tbqhwyf. My pictures are both russian, but she could be descendant from baltics or finland idk

Anyway, i'm sorry for your women if that's really a "what a beauty" levels of beauty.

slav bitches have no tits and have round faces

pic related

I just think I like the look to be honest, no one here actually agrees with me. Do you not like the look of the women posted?
But I think the women here in Norway are generally not good at looking good. If they look good they ruin it anyway with how they do make-up and dress.



Not really, no. There was this girl i went to uni with and she had similar face type, she was arguably the ugliest of the girls i'd to see on a regular.
It's actually nice to have some Turkic blood mixed in in that regard to be honest with you.

this is not beautiful anywhere

nigga look like a Prometheus

Invisible platinum eyebrows, sallow instead of pink skin, very light and often nonexistent facial hair, eyes often grey instead of blue

You're welcome

Slavs vary in look a lot, but the ones that have Saxon eye region do have an ancestral connection to Saxons, they're no directly related but their roots come from the same place.

Do you think the 3 in my pic related are better looking?

>slavs are an ethnic group
love this meme

1 is fat

2 looks sad but kinda ok

3 is muslim cant say with fucking hijab but looks average

4 is attractive tho looks extremely snownigger and making dumb face

5 top qt

The right most one is ok. Maybe the second most right also.
Others JUST
>Dmytro light the fire

>4 is attractive tho looks extremely snownigger and making dumb face

We think fairly similar. I just like slav/finn/baltics look better I guess

You think she looks like a man?


I feel for you. Have some qts from a girl i had in friend suggestions

finns and slavs don't look the same.
i can spot a slav from a mile away

Then you just dont see girls often

she has finn eyes :DD

She isn't a man though, she is a woman in a Norwegian tv series.

I like finns too separately, don't be mad at me Jouko, please

Qts indeed, thanks

there is no such thing as "finn eyes"
all nordics have similar eyes. you can find people with smaller eyes in sweden or finland, doesn't matter


what are you trying to imply here?
because Sup Forums has told you that finns are mongols (which we are not and you can't prove me wrong) while the rest of the world thinks otherwise, Sup Forums is obviously right here

>we are not

well go on then and prove me wrong.


>Finnish women

Her sons will be god-tier

>we are not.

she doesn't represent the average finn and even you know it.
here's a random picture from swedes and notice anything?

holy shit it's not a meme, they do look like Mongolians

>notice anything?
Tales about vikings taking the prettiest women were a lie?

>we are not .

are you even trying? they are not even finns or samis.
since you are such a expert in this subject, tell me how can we be mongols, when they never invaded finland and we don't carry any hablogroup which mongols have.
even our siberian n1c1 isn't related mongols

>we are not..

some of them have very small eyes, which by Sup Forums standard makes them mongols automatically

you can keep cherrypicking these images until this thread reaches it's limit and you still wouldn't have proven anything. anyways keep the pictures coming

>of course we are not

You don't have to be mongol to be mongol. Ask Russians.

>totally not


>we are not :DDD:DD

sure, you totally learned an uralic language from europeans


could you give us some group pictures?



do you even realize what happens in this picture?

mongols NEVER carried n1c1 and even if they did, it wouldn't mean anything.

we have only 5% asian admixture these days, which is only 2% more than swedes
but i don't think you even care about facts since you love shitposting


but to be fair, google search results are tailored to the user

We don't think you're literally Mongolians, more like Eskimos

not exactly mongols you retard, just some central asian subhuman scum

Eric Harris and Roger Elliot could've been Chads if it weren't for the ass burgers

I feel like a have to share

do i have an eskimo eye?

why are ukrainians so swarthy? you have people like K Winnick and then like the girl on left

just because

*rips your eye out and puts it in my own head

Then you are not finn but swede rapebaby

so >90% of finns are swedish rapebabbies?

holy shit you are actually stupid. if you think that slanted eyes are something that average finn has, then Sup Forums has truly rotted your brains with their memes

Apparently Cossacks were all about that Turkish puss

90% of finns are raped asians
10% are just asians

100% subhuman

what the fuck are you even on about?
like i already said: finns have ONLY 5% asian admixture and western finns have even less. and not only that, we have more "white" admixture than any of you.

if that is enough to claim finns are asians, then i'm fucking done with you

how did you photoshop the duct tape out?

you are heavily mixed as are Hungarians, but it doesn't change the fact that you speak an Uralic language

original finns

t. ching chong ping pong ugro-finn

>ONLY 5%
one drop rule

>how did you photoshop the duct tape out?
BTFOd back to Gobi desert

They do look very Russian.

>milan kolarovic
the slav is the most powerful race in the world

They don't, saxons are northern Germans, Germanics.

Is this why Poles are so ugly?

then swedes are mongols too with their 3% asian admixture right?

I'd culturally enrich her

it's all bullshit, jees this board and it's pseudo science

not all swedes are white, north is a dirty place

>German flag

but you just said "One drop rule", so then they all are mongols. same goes for norwegians too.

also you russians have even more than 10% asian admixture, so once again "ONE DROP RULE"

start to praise for tengri right now my fellow mongol

all finns are not white
not all swedes are not white


Well Russians are mongoloids no matter how much drops they get

So are Ukies.

In your case, it's more Turkic blood than Mongol.

praise tengri mongoloid

I'll take being Turkic over being mongoloid or Germanic any day of the week desu

it feels good to be part of the non white master race

>master race
>highest achievement is creating molotov


you meant Linux and Nokia?

anyways, do you even realize how shitty your country is compared to finland?
is there anything you slavshits are better than us?

>is there anything you slavshits are better than us?

yeah being actual nation

is your shithole even trying?

>is there anything you slavshits are better than us?

>Slovakia #36

Thats just result of pure luck aka not getting under USSR+being isolated piece of shit vs being in heart of Europe. In century the image may be flipped, but Finns will still be non european niggers without any achievements

>m-m-muh luck
i've heard this before. keep crying slavshit, it won't make you or your shithole any better

Yeah its luck, you think USA would've went to war with Russia because of you frozen shithole? stay delusional Asiatic trash