Daily reminder just care about your life. Times will not get better, the world is not going to be better

Daily reminder just care about your life. Times will not get better, the world is not going to be better.

Look at this shit, the world is so fucked. I lost all my hope after this video.


What do you mean? Besides a couple of them they legit look and sound like girls.
We'll see how puberty hits them.

You are aware that Generation Z is conservative as fuck, right?


wish i could meet someone who defends shit like this

What exactly is wrong with letting kids be themselves?
Forcing people to repress themselves is pretty unhealthy.

Those children should be sent to Dachau along with their parents

>Transgender camp

Isn't the modern school system enough

Well, why can't parents just allow their sons to have more "feminine" hobbies, while reaffirming that the boy is just as much a man for liking polly pocket as call of duty?

To have a "trans" kid is a failure on behalf of the parents. They tried to force their kids to adopt gender roles too rigidly, which turned the kid away from the gender altogether. But if the concept of what a "man" or "woman" is is more malleable, then I think these kids (and future adults) will see no need to change their gender and mutilate their genitals.

I thought you liked traps


Because that's not how it works.
Trans women have a mental condition, gender dysphoria, that makes them want to be seen as the opposite sex. No therapy or medacation we have can cure it, the only thing that relieves the suffering is for them to obtain feminine charicteristics through hormones and be treated as a woman, and vice versa for trans men. Letting them do that while still affirming their birth sex would only frustrate them more and cause them to switch to other things they percieve as feminine.

Transgenders are useless people, we need fucking war badly, people have gone completely mad

It's a guaranteed way to have messed up children.
They will most likely suicide in their teens if not early adulthood.

Why not just raise kids properly

This. Especially if gender is a social construct like SJWs claim they should have no problem with it.

... you are just making the already difficult period of self discovery even more difficult.

... you are potentially making young individuals take roads they will regret for the rest of their life.

... "repress" them, the vast majority of the time is no more than a "period" or a fad for them, like eating dirt; not a fucking identity issue...

Gender dysphoria is a not a fun condition, this people need help and support. This is not a fucking fad to back up for virtue signaling points.

What a thought compelling, well reasoned argument. Oh wait, it was just edgy emotional drivel. Nice.

Forcing trans kids to repress their feelings and watch as their body is twisted into somthing they hate fucks you up forever. There is no way to raise the transness out of a kid, it's just a condition some people have and it needs the proper treatment: therapy and cross-sex hormones.

And if it passes it passes and they go back to normal. They don't go on hormones under 18 unless the doctors are 100% sure and they've had the desire to transition for well over a year.

>muh repression

I can see this discussion is pointless.

Kids aren't born trans or gay.
they have mental issues, they should be dealt with properly. Not with retarded liberal ideals

>Kids aren't born trans or gay.
Except that all evicence suggests otherwise.
>they have mental issues, they should be dealt with properly. Not with retarded liberal ideals
The only way to deal with it is to accept them, there is no other treatment. I don't think most people realize how complex the brain is and how little we know of it compared to the body. The only treatment we have is transition.

Not in Canada. Its fucked here. School newspapers running articles on the most outalndish progressive garbage.

What exactly is wrong with it? Gender dysphoria is an actual thing, you know. Don't you think it is better to help children who suffer from instead of turning their life into even more hell than it already is?

Kill yourself and never have kids, you're clearly unfit to be a parent (an unfit American, who would've guessed?)


Generations swing.

The SJW bullshit is eating itself at this point. E.g gays being discriminated against by trans, trans and feminists fighting, black lives matter vs LGBT.

It's cannibalizing itself.

Oh look another non argument

I have never seen a sane transgender person. They all seem crazied sjw that call you a nazi if you call them a him/her.

It is said that the real transgeder individuals (with actual gender dysphoria) usually try to keep it to themselves. Their condition is not something to be celebrated.

On the other hand, there are those who got into the trans fad for their twisted sexual orientations or just looking for attention/acceptance. Unsurprisingly, these individuals will look for validation for their own questionable motivations and will act violently against those who question their positions.