What nationality is pic related?
How to tell asians apart??
Other urls found in this thread:
north chink?
She is Chinese.
I bet she's a Chinese
North Chinese
Now let me spice this up
What ethnicity are pic related?
Chinese of course
why mix traditional and simplified characters?
Nope. One is Chinese and the other is Taiwanese.
>inb4 but they literally arr rook the same
It's 2016 user
One is the sister and the other is the brother. They got separated in the 80's IIRC. One is mainland and the other on Taiwan.
But one is Chinese and the other is Taiwanese. Makes you think doesn't it?
Guy looks jap
Girl looks filipina
I thought the same desu.
doesn't explain why she would use both traditional and simplified characters
>Girl looks filipina
not at all
One is Mainlander and the other is "Taiwanese". They are siblings.
Some Taiwan Chinese know simplified. I personally have taught it in Taipei.
Are you this retarded?
Chinese American
hey professor
What type of asian is she
Protip: you can't do it
Filename gives it away. Anyway Eurasian is the fututre.
>Girl looks Filipina
Nah this is how most Filipino girls looks like in my experience
Then what is she (without googling)
an uyghur
well she's clearly some sort of Central Asian. Uzbek?
The Lankan got it right. She's uyghur.
Chinese turkics are way whiter than actual turks.
i actually knew that because you post her a lot :^v
Arr rook same
what part of "same" did you not understand?
how do you tell white people apart? I don't look at someone that say they're half spanish and half english and think "wow they're so exotic looking!"
It's really easy to tell Celtic vs Southern European vs German vs Slav vs Turk
Also, I don't look at asians and say they're "exotic looking" wtf who does that?
You can't. It's possible to tell some regions and sometimes by clothing & makeup style and of course if they speak you'll know easily. But there are no individual Asian nations with specific appearances and gene pools.
chinese turkics are turkic/european/chinese mix
anatolian turkics are anatolian/persian/caucasian/turkic mix
also both groups are different races. uyghurs are karluks and are related to uzbeks. anatolian turks are oghuz turks and are related to turkmens, azeris
what you are doing is like comparing a spaniard to a russian basically, you uncultured swine
I can always tell Chinese from Korean from Japs on my campus
Koreans all dress like a cheap rip off of American ghetto culture and smoke like chimneys
Japs have more slender features and have different eyes sometimes
If none of the above: They're chinese
Works pretty well desu. Most surefire way is to aee what messaging apps they use though
Chinks: Wechat
Japs: Line
Koreans: Kakaotalk or whatever
Refreshing to see a Filipina that isn't a fat slob..
I've noticed that Japanese-Americans are ghetto as fuck too. Just look at Filthy Frank(when he's out of character) or this guy youtu.be
Ah I'm just talking about fobs
Dont have much experience with native-born ones
>Chinese turkics are way whiter than actual turks.
I woulda never guessed you cool ass cuck