Is Sweden/are Swedes really THAT bad?

Is Sweden/are Swedes really THAT bad?

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yes, so don't come here


Depends if you're danish or not.

Cross on flag combo

Exaggerated meme made by outcasts of society

In other words, no

that would be me



Yes and no. Sweden is really that bad but it's a vocal minority of marxists in the capital that make it that way.

Of course we're bad

no. its a meme

Sweden is comfy.

The fucked up immigrants will turn Swedes into violent nationalists for a while.

>The fucked up immigrants will turn Swedes into violent nationalists
I'll believe it when I see it

Swedes are cute, CUTE!


swedes are subhumans

t. sven

Sweden, Yes!
We know the best

Yes, they enslaved finns for three thousand years

there's a reason why they're called snowniggers

there's a reason why they're so melancholic and anti-social

hundred* Scandicucks were not even living on our Northern lands 1000 yo ago

No, it's even worse. I'd take the worst african war torn hellhole over this anyday if it weren't for the fact that I was already living in one.

Sweden is ok, but scandinavians will NEVER EVER be as good as my great country

But Norgay is already higher on the list?

Forgot to mention: unless you cheat with oil shekes.

Just like the negerlands you mean?

>t. Royal Dutch Shell


its all really good unless you live in an immigrant area

>unless you live in an immigrant area
so sweden?


>Forgot to mention: unless you cheat with oil shekes.
but norway was rich before they had oil

I guess the forests are ok

How much of sweden is "immigrant areas"? Is there a map?

immegrants wil maik us realy ritsh...

un taped gold main.. he he sstupid oder contries :/

Immigrants aren't the only problem with Sweden, but the Swedes as well

they flock to the ''hood'' areas outside large cities, there are quite a few famous ones like rosengård, vivalla, rinkeby, tensta, vällingby, hässelby

you can take a look at this map of stockholm, the red areas are the poor areas which are most like immigrant areas

Around 96.8% of all habitable areas according to a recent study. Of our population of about 9.6 million people only 4.2 million are native Swedes if that puts things into perspective.

This is show the amount of people not born in Sweden or born in Sweden but whose parents were not, as a percentage of the population of each municipality. Worth noting is that about 500,000 people immigrated to Sweden between 2010 and 2015, not including those who sought asylum.

>4.2 million

you are either so autistic that you believe this shit or you are a proxy

>one in 10 swedes is shitskin

thats moscow levels

Err where do you get your stats Ivan? It's every other "Swede" that's a shitskin.

Han svarade på mig i vart fall det är SCB som är källa.

Håll din jävla käft hanrej! Gå tillbaka till din cuckskjul och stanna där tills din tjur är klar!

antar att du är neger

Ja, jag är neger som kommer att bli din fru och mor tjur i dag, så att du bättre förbereda din cuckskjul Sven.

innerst inne vet du att svenska tjejer inte vill ha negerkuk


HAHAHAHA!!! Är det därför din pappa prepps tjuren på en daglig basis för att ge din mamma vad hon behöver?


käften pekka gå och lägg dig

Nigga vem fan är Pekka? Mitt namn är Tyrone Jamal junior tredje och jag har kommit hit för att mata blondiner med BBC och tugga tuggummi, och jag är alla ut tuggummi.

north is okay

>that shit source

>born in Sweden but whose parents were not

Both? This encompasses an insanely large amount of people. It would probably be like 80% across the board in countries like Britain, France or Germany.

Not even when the sea swallows it completely in 60 years?

Det märks av att du inte kan skriva korrekt.

Yeah but when Swedes go far right it's still pretty much just a joke.

When the sea starts illegally crossing the border then they'll make Holland great again and they'll build the dikes 10 feet higher

Things are bad here.
The number of ghettos are increasing, taxes are getting higher, less houses, apartments and etc for ethnic swedes and more for new swedes and immigrants.
Police and the justice system are incapable of stopping crime and shit so the country is slowly going backwards and losing it's position as nordic.

>new swedes
This is Newspeak.

I feel bad for you, though. You should move to Finland.

It's entirely your country's own fault. You went full autism with political correctness that you literally rolled out the red carpet to third world barbarians.

It's like you guys being fatties who get shot a lot, huh?

Most will.
You shut the fuck up you trash. It's your country's fault for this shit. Media,UN,EU and murikan shitty politicians pushes this shit to the swedish people and our corrupt politicians.

There has never been a swede who moved to finland. It's that bad.

yes its horrible to live in one of world's most developed countries, with healthcare and education second to none
absolute hell

no, they are cute

That's great.

If you survive the terror attack, you can read Voltaire in the original French in the hospital for free.

pls gib citizenship


Our last terrorist attack was in 1924 when someone blew up a car. Thankfully nobody got hurt.

finland has been and still is infinitely better than sweden for the time being

What about those shootings and grenade attacks that seem common in today's sweden? Or no go zones?

Unfortunately, it's not going to be long before that changes.

That's true, nobody got hurt by those either. Not that they're terrorist attacks any more than finns stabbing each other.

No-go zones don't exist and never have, I have no idea where that meme came from.

Is that a threat? Keep those IRA nuts to yourself, ginger.

>Swedish police in a 2014 report mapped 55 particularly dangerous "exclusion areas" (sometimes dubbed "no-go zones")[43] where the police have once or multiple times felt insecure doing their job.[44][45] In an opinion piece in Svenska Dagbladet, Per Gudmundson wrote that "The number of residential areas in Sweden where the police cannot maintain law and order now totals 55."


>felt insecure


You're giving the game away by being so defensive, Ahmed.

>In March 2015, journalist Henrik Höjer discussed the rise of criminality, especially organized crime, in various neighborhoods within Sweden since the mid-1990s, especially in the city of Malmö. He wrote that gangs like to lay claim to an area by throwing stones at police, firefighters and ambulances who enter the area.[47]

Don't listen to him, he is a juggo who lives here. I hate these people, I hate every idiot who got into sweden and trash it, fuck them.

All the people reading this know I'm right because you've failed in producing compelling evidence, resorting to pointless memes.


See? Not one piece of evidence to back up anything.

Have some facts - Sweden is rich. Sweden is safe. Sweden is a great place to live. The numbers support this and might suggest why you're so jealous to begin with.

>Our last terrorist attack was in 1924 when someone blew up a car. Thankfully nobody got hurt.

No it wasn't, there was a red army faction attack there.

Thank you Pekka for defending us against the russkie.


Pic related show the rape in Sweden

Yes, very safe indeed. No go zones, riots, grenade attacks, gang shootings.

I wonder what started happening in 1981.

Sweden's borders look like a dong

>All the people reading this know I'm right because you've failed in producing compelling evidence, resorting to pointless memes.
You're still being incredibly defensive. It's also funny you should mention evidence, seeing as I was just having fun and not trying to offer any, whereas now I realise your lack of evidence is actually evidential.

Sweden has the highest rape rate in Europe. Why do you think that is?

You're either a sandnigger or a sandnigger apologist.

>I live in a rich area in Stockholm - the post


They've gone and shot themselves in the foot and limped into a mind field.

Swedes are retarded faggots and should be purged.
>inb4 m-muh economy and muh money

Well, what is your explanation to it being so much higher? Immigrants? Despite us having pretty much the same number as most western countries?

Or maybe it could be because of law and that its counted differently, maybe. I suggest you do some actual research if the topic interests you so much.


These maps also includes finns and second generation immigrants; including finns. Finns are by far our largest group of immigrants.

Just fucking google it and check the wikipedia article, man. There are a bunch of relevant variables. Safe to say you're a fucking retard if you think our MENA immigrants are somehow diffrent from the ones in France or Germany.


No, alt-rightshits are being dramaqueens as per usual.

Trendy neoliberal economics imported from the US has done many many times more damage than immigration.

Immigration is also a product of said trendy neoliberalism.

Thanks Reinfeldt.