is it the manlet meme true?
i mean
can a manlet pick up girls?
do you see manlets with qt girlfriends outside?
is it the manlet meme true?
i mean
can a manlet pick up girls?
do you see manlets with qt girlfriends outside?
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How about you try picking up women, Jorge?
its just a role stupid monkey
What's the point of asking if your mind is made up?
Everytime you ask people say it doesn't matter that much then you say yes it does and make another thread.
>is it the manlet meme true?
Yes, to an extent. It's slightly harder but by no means is it impossible. However, what is impossible is sitting on Sup Forums expecting your future gf to knock on your door. So get out there and stop whining.
Please cease posting this "human"
Yes, it's true. I never managed to date one taller than 1.85m
Go back to jungle
as a 1.65m manlet i will never approach girls
better to stay kissless virgin forever than allowing bitches to make fun of me
There is no jungles here
How manlet is manlet?
A 5'9" guy can still find a gf, although the taller women will be more reluctant to date him.
A 5'6" guy can basically only date really short girls (ex. 5'1" and under).
Once you get to about 5'4", you're probably out of luck
i think it starts to get really noticeable at 5'8 and below
>tfw 5'6" in sweden
Being a manlet is like being an ugly woman. You have to have an exceptional personality and a willingness to settle.
You can always date girls the same size or shorter than you mate
Why do men need to be taller than girls anyways? It's 2016. We don't live in the age where men had to be strong and protect women anymore. Strong womyn need no men to protect them.
I have a friend who is 1.67 and picks up more girls than you, me and everyone in this thread ever will
mm yes I see that mentality is working out great for japan
Isn't 1.67 pretty tall in Colombia?
they always try to start shit with me when im out drinking, i have had probably 10 manlets try to pick a fight with me so far
hss, dont cry Make Chile better than Argentina you are already so damn close
It's within one standard deviation of the average and even if it wasn't one person being successful proves nothing.
Kind of, is that tall in Turkey?
There is a guy where I work that is about 5'5 that has a 8\10 girl. He is a nice dude, don't lose faith unless you are a shitty person.
Acting like a prick will only make their lives even harder. As long as you're within a decent range you just have to be comfortable and own it. Having a decent personality goes a long way.
That's because South Americans are all midgets
Scrappy do syndrome. Many such cases
>Scrappy do syndrome
>this guy that got a 9/10 face and personality got a nice girls so you can too!
Oh boy.
Whatever. I'm 188cm and every girl I talked about this topic told me that they think 188-190cm is the perfect size for a guy.
I even had this girl from my University asking me about my body size when we went to the trainstation together. After I answered her question she told me that she thinks that it's the perfect size for whatever reasons. She was just about 160cm.
It's a lot of being protected and having someone having your back. I tend to agree with
>implying that girls know what they want
That's the one
Ubungo eller Mohammed?
nej, ursvensk barbar
>be me
>good looking
>have korean gf
>fuck korean gf
feels good man
stop worrying about your height and go find a chick
Aja 170 är inte så illa. Min polare är typ en 167cm Iranier och tom han har lyckats skaffa en brud.
He isn't that good looking, kind of redneckish looking and acting. He is pretty quiet too, but when you have to deal with him he is nice and not a lazy ass. Not sure how he got the girl I just know she is pretty damn good looking.
Nej det är väl mer min autism och antisociala beteende som förstör det för mig favä
> do you see manlets with qt girlfriends outside?
not really qt girlfriends, but they can get something I guess. almost always however manlets try to act up, behave like a reddit le MANLY GENTLESIRMAN, and it just looks so cringeworthy and pathetic. like I could literally bump into you with my superior 6'4 body and kill you.