Would you attend an Sup Forums meetup?

would you attend an Sup Forums meetup?

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no ein never, ever heard the Sup Forums meetup?

where should it take place?

Not no but hell no.


No. I'd probably get beaten to death just for being Russian.

Maybe, if it was near where I live or work



will it be like the Sup Forums meet up?

i can imagine it now

>7 brazilian dudes with buzzcuts, jeans cut off mid-shin, and smelling like A&F cologne
>one fingol who's completely silent the entire time
>two russkies who look like they want to kill everyone
>5 murricans, all non-white except for the one underaged obnoxious Sup Forumstard
>some random canadian who's actually completely normal and ends up being the Chad of the group

seems about right

the falklands

yeah those things never end well

that was a confirmed hoax tho

>/fit/ is a fucking manlet
>Sup Forums is a beta socks and sandals brown male cuck
>/cgl/ is on her period
>/fa/ is a manlet fuckboi poser trying too hard but failing miserably
>/k/ has toy guns. are you fucking kidding me?
>Sup Forums is an edgy fat fuck
>/e/ is a qt 3.141592 trap. pls b in London
>/diy/ toy hammer and everything about her seems off
>/an/ looks and has the mannerisms of the stereotypical sister whose only goal in life is to be impregnated by her brother
I've seen this picture around a lot, but holy fuck, the more I look at it the more I hope it was staged.

And no, of course I wouldn't attend an Sup Forums meetup.

Would totally fuck that redhead up the ass like it was the end of the world

this one was way better. bongs are autistic as fuck. kek

i thought it was real for a minute but then I realized, if that guy showed his face then they all know who he is, and what he did was extremely illegal... so yea i will agree with you and say it's a hoax.

I'd watch it from a distance.


The better ones always are, still makes for a fun read tho

I would never want to be seen anywhere near you fucking faggots

The only boards I'd do a meetup with would be /biz/, because they're actually normal people.


I'd hide in the bushes on the sidelines and drink and commentate on the autism with any other Sup Forumselligensia who had the same idea.

There was an Sup Forums Skype group once, iirc it was just a bunch of silent autists and a few Canadians complaining about nobody talking.

To answer your question though, yeah I think it could be fun. It'd be interesting to see you autists in person.

I wish we had a small avatar of what people look like next to each posted thread.

I'd love to know what the people who keep posting cuck porn on blue boards, retarded spam threads every day and "How do i get a gf"-tier /r9k/ shit look like in real life.

No, to many weebs and anime. My autistic side has more than enough with going to this site.

Hell no, fuck off nerdos.

i want to desu

When you go on a board often enough you can kinda tell who's who by how they post, what images they use, their flag, etc.

Sure, but I'm curious what the people who spam cuck porn on a blue board for example look like in real life.

Like do they look relatively normal or do they just look completely anti-social?

It's just a bunch of lonely old men.

We all look antisocial

>their flag

I don't

>Letting your autism flag fly outside of the internet

I don't

I will probably end up like this

I did, so yes

this cant b e real

well someone showed up if they're taking the picture

I don't


Wouldn't go to an Sup Forums one unless i knew the people long enough.

I've been to Conventions with old Sup Forums friends years ago

Yes but I wouldn't have high hopes for it

this. I'd just make plans somewhere near it in case it was shit. So I didn't waste a drive.

would rather spontaneously combust than be seen with you retards in public



>ywn have a chubby self-sufficent /diy/ gf

What's the point? We are here because we don't need to meet people to talk

considering that I'm too poor to go anywhere too far from here, it'll be essentially a /balk/ meetup, so just different flavours of tracksuit bydlo, fuccbois and the occasional autist spouting memes in real life

Hell no. There was a /deutsch/-meeting recently and one guy doxxed everyone who attended, including himself.

>including himself

This. If anyone genuinely wants a meet-up, go try out /trv/

You missed the autistic Brits, normie Scandi's and Australian "shitposters" who are as socially awkward as the Brits

I really doubt that many women go on Sup Forums.

i want 2 fugg /e/

It's a meme in the fallen section

He became too dank on the meme scale.

fuck that, far too many wrong opinions on the board

plus, I'm a fair bit out of the way

Yours is bigger

That's an edit. It was actually a reddit meetup.

Is that you

no we love you pyc

This, I'll pass

I'd do a this

Already have, three times.

>this is what swedes looks like

More pictures, you say?


Moar /e/?


>meetup with /polska/
I'd rather kill myself desu

If it was really close, or on my route of other things to do, why not.

Probably yeah, sounds fun considering a lot of you aren't total fuck ups

Why are puerto ricans always bitter as fuck? Go listen some daddy yankee and chill out

I'd come if it wasn't too far away.

nah. i dont want to meet up with autistic Sup Forums nerds irl. realistically redditors are 100000 times better than them.

>that /e/
jesus christ

>/soc/ is a fat tumblr whale
not even surprised

Right here lads.

depends where, i'd go if it were a thing with lots of countries. I wouldn't if it were just ausposters. I doubt there would ever be a particular diverse gathering due to the difficulty involved in all coming to one place, so yeah nah.

I'd defend you desu!

I'd come if it would be in Germany im pretty sure

/cgl/ is way hotter

just google search my nigga

Not unless it's in my city. It's pointless to meet some random dudes from shitty parts of internet that would never develop to be a real relationship.

>autist spouting memes in real life
this is the worst

>realistically redditors are 100000 times better than them.
we are bitter losers, redditors are just losers.

I do that

Maybe redditors are more "normal" but that's all you can really say.

pls dont

basically anywhere in Korea is easy enough to travel to.

lets do it


I can imagine a bunch of ex-yu autists in there.

I can imagine how it would end lmao

The guy in the middle has a 'Weekend at Bernie's' thing going on

it can't beat /fr/ really

Come on dude, we'd probably end up shooting at each other.

I want to see this

Plus we have some real mental issues people


this guy and his brother posts on ex-yu

