Eye color

Sup Forums
How common are these eye colors in your country?


>Dark Brown(90%)
>5% hazel
>2.5% green
>2.5% blue

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw your parent have green and grey blue eyes and you ended up with hazel shit

Our eyes are almost black looking

Stick to answering Threads question, don't complain about your shitty family and eye color

I know this feel

Just pulling statistics out of my ass here but...

>El Salvador

We are pretty much the same

>Dark Brown 70%
>Light brown 20%
>5% hazel
>3% green
>2% blue

To be honest I've seen a lot of people with green eyes but that's probably because the are where I live

>20% blue

>30% green

>rest brown

>tfw your mom has green eyes and you got stuck with light brown


probably split evenly between blue and brown with a few greens here and there

There's no light brown eyes in Mexico? What's your source?

Blue eyes are not at all rare in America, atleast among white people

Blue :90%
Green: 3-5%
Brown: 3-5%

Think we have ~50% blue eyes, too low if you ask me. Other eyes colours are subhuman.

20-30 blue or greem

Yeah but the share of total population with blue eyes has dropped dramatically thanks in large part to you people.

I'm not white though, my great-great-great-great-great-great-grandma was half Cherokee.

>tfw paki
>mom has blue eyes and light brown hair
>younger bro has blue eyes and light brown hair
>tfw have paki dark hair and dark brown eyes

Ofcourse you do.

Even tho i think my city has a higher rate of honey eyes

I top it up with my dark brown eyes to a mother with blue eyes and father with green eyes. (I literally look like my father except eyes.)

>dark brown

mom has blue eyes, dad has dark brown eyes

i got light brown eyes. they look cool when the light hits them, almost yellowish.

but I really do and I'm not adopted

50% Blue
20% Green
30% Brown

100% brown

Official eye colour power ranking

This thread again

grey isn't an eye colour, no one has grey eyes

you may be referring to a pale blue, maybe with a little pale green mixed in




try again sweaty x


t. non finn

>tfw i have grey eyes

wtf i'm finnish now

Can you make a psychic link to Temujin's ghost?

Grey is common in Russia, wtf are you talking about leaf

haven't tried


>niggers, mudslims and jews all have dark brown eyes


>literal chinky-eyed nordic subhuman
>having an opinion

Good goy

Daily reminder that light brown/yellow eyes the best eyes

I have gray eyes, I think they are a combination of blue and green

Hazel/Green are probably the most common.

Brown eyes amongst immigrants

Blue eyes are maybe 10% tops.

light brown is usually pretty nice desu

I always thought it was green

i have green eyes but my parents has brown eyes although my mother family side has lots of green/blue eyed relatives
i dont even know my parents real ethnicity but their nationality is syrian


Couldn't find any stats but considering the amount of asians in aus I'd say probably something like:
Blue - 35%
Green - 5%
Brown - 65%
Blue might be a bit higher, where I live there are a lot less asians than main population centres and blue + green combined seems more common than brown. I even know a few abos with blue eyes, some with green too. Well they identify as abo but a solid half barely make the cut visually. It seem like many supposed abos are more or less white.

fuck me in the mouth repeatedly

10% black
35% brown
20% hazel
25% green
10% blue
Something like this

You were bang on

Percentage of the population with blue eyes according to Wikipedia

Finland 89%
Estonia 89%
Ireland 57%
Scotland 50%
England 48%
Wales 45%
Belgium (Adult population) 28.9%
France (Adult pop) 20.2%
United States 16.6%
Spain 16.3%
Algeria (Adult pop) 2.6%
Morocco (Adult pop) 2.1%
Tunisia (Adult pop) 1.2%

>fathers side all tall blonde hair blue eyes
>mothers side all short brown hair brown eyes
guess which side i took after

guess who doesn't know how genes work

About 80% here has blue eyes.
The rest mostly brown.

The catholic south has 65% blue eyes, but they are with fewer than the rest.

Green eyes is super rare here.

>tfw green eyes

I am half black and got brown eyes