India is black


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About time some non-white country got diversified.


But non white countries are mostly diverse. It's basically just east Asian that isn't.

Funny when people think Europe is diverse. We have more immigrants in the UAE than locals by like 5:1.

Also the U.S is not a white country.

Name one non white country that's diverse. And I mean racially diverse, non of this "Oogaboogastan has 9001 special snowflake ethnic groups" shit.

haha ayo hol up, so lemme get dis straight
we wuz some kinda, finna like hindus n shiet? haha shieeet

You don't have "immigrants". You have migrant workers. None of those people have a hope of ever becoming UAE citizens.


Literally all of Latin America and the Caribbean.

South Africa

Many choose to live and work here permanently.

Yes it is

Barely a country.
>South Africa
only like 5% white
that's one.

A multitude of Caribbean countries, such as Puerto Rico (inb4 "hurr durr not a country") and Cuba, Bolivia, Argentina, etc.
New Zealand, Australia, and the U.S are also quite diverse.


>ever a white country

Got some bad news for you.

New Zealand, Australia, and the U.S WERE white.
A lot of those Hispanic countries only look diverse on paper because some Latinos get counted as white for some reason.

it was 90+% white until the 1980s

All the arabian peninsula is basically 60% immigrants.

>only like 5% white
It's acutally about 9%, and 2% of the population is Asian so that makes it (if you count the "Coloured" people as non-black) 11% non-Black

>New Zealand, Australia, and the U.S WERE white.
They never were. They were always a mix of immigrant whites and natives from all over the world. Not to mention in the case of the U.S, black slaves.
Don't bring up facts that don't align with his narrative, dude.

South Africa is more than 5% white, and they have more than just blacks and whites you know. There's a lot of Indians and mixed race people and immigrants from all over Africa. If South Africa isn't diverse, no country is diverse.

Either immigrants from other Arab countries or migrant labor that isn't granted citizenship from places like India and Nepal.

Then you have Israel and Iraq.

China is also quite diverse. Russia and India too.

China doesn't really count as diverse because it's regions are very homogeneous.

We don't even give out citizenship to other Arab immigrants (unfortunately).

Besides, we're talking about people who live in certain countries are we not?

>China is also quite diverse.
lolwut. it's 91% Han Chinese. literally everyone in every chinese city is han chinese. the ethnic minorities all live in the rural areas and that's not the same type of diversity because they're all east asian chinky chinks who you wouldn't be able to tell apart.

Just look up Kashmiri, Tamils, Andamanese and North East Indians

Last I checked, the 91% figure was self-reported by the commie government.

In any case, the 9% that isn't Han Chinese consists of dozens of ethnic groups. Keep in mind that 9% of 1.3 billion is the same population of Mexico.

I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or just stupid.
Take a look at this chart:
Hopefully you recognize that the majority of European nations lie on the LOWEST tier of the ethnic and cultural diversity indices. Ever head of Turkic Central Asia? Or Gran Colombia? Northeast Africa? You must have heard Indochina?

>Got 1 million of Anglos and Anglo Indians like Ruskin >Bond and Tom Alter
>Caucasian North Indians
>Few hundred thousands of Niggers
>North East Indians who look like Chinese
>Persian minority of Parsis living in India for centuries
We are more diverse than any country in the world.

Dravidians are Caucasoid subhumans too

>1 million of Anglos
All the Anglos left India.

Not all, some left but a majority of them came back when they realized we didn't turn out like Pookistan. Pic related. We also have a lot of expats living in our cities.

Dravidians are not caucasians

Is that guy supposed to be white?

Here you go.

He is, so is he (pic related) Indian of American descent

>but a majority of them came back
No they didn't.
>Pic related
I said anglos.

Well some did and they are still living here. Take your people back ree.

Do you want to become even more poor Raj? Anyway I'll trade you for the Kohinor : ^ )

I just wanted to use the phrase 'Go back to your country' mate, since its usually us on the other side. I have no intentions of immigrating anywhere, but I like to travel so may come as a tourist.

Muslim and Black! They must be masochistic to come here

>They just look scary sometimes,” said
Pradeep Kumar, a pizza delivery man. He
referred to Africans as “habshi,” a
derogatory word used for a community of
African slaves brought in by the British
during the colonial period.
>I heard once that one of them cut up and
ate someone,” Kumar said. He did not know if the story was true and had never faced any trouble with African customers, but said he did not fear white visitors the same way.

Stop regurgitating everything Sup Forums spoonfeeds you, retard.

>We are more diverse than any country in the world
You're pretty diverse, I'll give you that. But do not fool yourself - to proclaim yourself as the "most diverse" country is a bit of a stretch. According to Fearon (2003) and Alesina et al's analysis (2003), India doesn't even break the top 15 countries in their ethnic diversity indices. Linguistically, India boats an assortment of rich languages; still, it does not compare to the degree of fractionalization in Nigeria, Cameroon, Iran or even Bosnia.

I said we are the most diverse country in the world, I didn't said 'ethnically' diverse, I am talking about all types of diversity.

With our 1652 languages, people of every religion, so many ethnicities, different cultures each one being centuries old. No country can beat that mate, all these stuff we have is not from immigrants or refugees. We have these for centuries now.