Third world

>third world
>not white

Those are just few examples of "insults" towards eastern european countries.

Let's see from who it cames... USA, UK, France, Germany, Scandinavian countries etc. so called "western countries". Let's see what they did:
>invade and plunder foreign countries
>threw atomic bombs on whole cities
>gas chambers
>mass murders
>kidnapped kids in basement

Really made me think this morning... I'm glad that all backfired now and your sisters are dating niggers and suck muslim cocks.

>>invade and plunder foreign countries
>>threw atomic bombs on whole cities
>>gas chambers
>>mass murders
>>kidnapped kids in basement

The weak must fear the strong.

I forgot you civilised fuckers

Literally nothing wrong with this.

You eat meat don't you?

We're keeping the world free, you don't know what seals are really like.

ffs it's not even lunch and slavs already are butthurt about the 1st world.

Shut up you third world barbaric nigger

go rape someone, jamal, don't shitpost on the internet

jokes on you, I just wanted morning (you)'s

lmaoing@you losers hehe

By the way...

We're talking Eastern European countries right?

Let's talk things you guys have done wrong.
>Mass rapes
>Majority of child pornography originates from Eastern Europe
>Beastility porn producers
>High violence and crime rates
>Dysfunctional societies

I guess that's mostly Russia though but still if we're going to generalize so hard

I could tell from your flag bud, your people don't seem that butthurt on Sup Forums.

I always confuse your flag with the Hungarian one. Can't you guys choose more different flags?

OK, ireland

Ireland is totally bro tho. It's a honor to be confused with them.

You forgot that they're filled with muslims and each day are less white

I always confuse France with Ghana, can you choose different skin colors?

Next time say Antarctica, have some decent bantz.

Didn't do any of that dear Slavshit.

I like Hungary, so it's all good.

Go take your anger out on the Serbs, if you're not afraid to be killed.

I keep confusing your flag with Pakistan's

Also, If we go to the subject of what eastern euro countries have done i have bad news for you, Stalin-Impaler proletariat rapists.

Oh and gulags.

Russia isn't Eastern Europe, Russia is Russia

really made me think now... did Finss ever do something bad? cannot tell 2bh famalam

maybe sell nokia?

>US invaded, enslaved, nuked, gassed, cleansed, and kidnapped Eastern Europeans
I must have missed that day in class

your reading comprehension could use some work

It's 3 AM

What the fuck are doing up at 3am?

You should say Algeria's. Pakistan is for UK.

Jerking off to twinks

t. John Pierre Rahmaliputilaan